IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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Well-Known Member
idk what you are willing to spend but the BonsaiHero (Hans) panels have "mother" panels, and more improtantly- their "main" panel has switches for spectrum/watts

Each covers 2x2', may be something to think about.

Good luck!

EDIT: youre looking at a SolarStorm? (ie. $899?) Well piss, you can get a couple hans panels and dress the rest of your rig with that.


Well-Known Member
hahaha iv waited this long to try LEDs, i want to be impressed/satisfied with their performance
Then you are going to want what is 1.) proven, and 2.) quality

The typical 3, in this order, Apache Tech, Area 51, Hans. but I would look at the hans with your footprint and what you're trying to do.

If you are electronically savvy you can make your own switchable light, seriously, its not as scary as it sounds when you read about it.. connect the dots and simple math any more! lol


New Member
Hi everyone.

I'm about to start my second grow, complete newb.

My first was done with 12 x 36w fluorescents in soil. Went well enough but buds were very thin, though plentiful. More of an experiment than a proper grow.

i decided I was using too much power for yield.

i don't want the hassle of having to remove lots of heat, and so dropped on the idea of leds.

Im an electrician and on a job I was on once I acquired some duris e5 pcb mount leds.

I have 60 x 2700k
60 x 5000k
140 x 3000k

Looking at the data sheet these leds have 120 deg angle, and I can't decide if that's a good thing or bad thing, it means light will be dispersed better but I'm worried about light intensity.

so my question is this, what would be the best way to setup a single light using all the above mentioned leds, ie how far apart should they be, my grow area is 1.5m x 1.5m x 2m (h) and how close should i keep these to the girls.
they are the rectangular shaped type leds, so would a rectangular light work better than square.

i'm ok at soldering and don't see that side of things being a problem. money is tight and I will have to use these leds for my next grow, I may be able to upgrade after this one.

on the leds anode and cathode are easy to connect to, but on the data sheet it says I should connect the +ve to anode and the thermal pad on the back. This can't be right can it?

i have everything to improve on, but a lot of the other things can be done once grow has started whereas I need to get this done ASAP so I can carry on. I also only want to make one light as space is a real issue, and I don't want to have store one light all the time.

thanks for reading, any advice is welcomed


New Member
Forgot to say,

i could use a switch to change lighting colours veg to bloom, would this be beneficial or should I just leave them all on for veg and bloom.


Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Area 51 all of the way.
Advanced isn't bad, but I wouldn't even consider the other two.
BTW, for the price that you were looking to pay for one of the other lights, you can grab two A51 XGS's.


Well-Known Member
Very low tech, but at a high tech price. Don't get me wrong, it will work good enough, but your money can be much better spent. You should be able to get Grow Evolution Bud Boss, or a china made knock off

Can you please help me in choosing lights for tents 4X4. What model Black Dog will be better for 4 plants?

What can you say about this model? http://www.blackdogled.com/BD450-U.html
Will be enough light or not?
p.s. I from russia sorry for English, if that.


New Member
Very low tech, but at a high tech price. Don't get me wrong, it will work good enough, but your money can be much better spent. You should be able to get Grow Evolution Bud Boss, or a china made knock off
What does "Grow Evolution Bud Boss" tell me! I do not consider China, I want to replace HID(HPS). I need a quality LED! What LED will replace VS 1000W HID(HPS)?

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Shurmen, I would stay far away from Hydro Grow LED.
Overpriced, mediocre parts, bad customer service, and a very shady history.
There are much better lights to spend your hard earned money on.


New Member
Shurmen, I would stay far away from Hydro Grow LED.
Overpriced, mediocre parts, bad customer service, and a very shady history.
There are much better lights to spend your hard earned money on.
Please tell me the manufacturer and LED model for 4X4 ft. tent

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
How did this not make that list karma, specially if BD is there.

Cheaper on AT's site with the code.
The only reason I didn't mention Apache is because it's out of the price range he appeared to be looking in.
Otherwise, yes, that is a top choice.
I mentioned the BD because the 750W'er did produce good buds in One Shots grow.
Although I don't particularly like the parts BD uses, never the less, the light was effective.


Well-Known Member
still looking for second opinions on best LEDs to keep mother plants in a 2 x 4 flood tray. was told the hans mother plant panels would be best, anyone disagree? are these truly the best panels for my moms? money is not an issue, i just want the best lights for them
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