Schuylaar's Sesh - Florida's Bellwether..

Never snitched a day in my life.

Paying your taxes is a fact of life and playing the game of not paying your taxes is dangerous. The more you make the more likely you are to be audited-fact.

Karma is something bucky should worry about.

do you claim the weed you buy?

and stop backpedaling their is no reverse racism either

you do what you do

he do what he do

to report a 280E form to the IRS is incrimination/taxation without representation

as well as a bunch of other shit, like ever single gram of pot you ever bought wasnt so you apart of that too
Never snitched a day in my life.

Paying your taxes is a fact of life and playing the game of not paying your taxes is dangerous. The more you make the more likely you are to be audited-fact.

Karma is something bucky should worry about.

precisely, why is it so difficult for the cold, dead crumpled fist of whitey rightie racist to understand?
fucking wall-e is giving us life lessons on how to incriminate ourselves so she can never buy pot from anyone other then a meth dealer ever gain

she lives in fucking Florida

wet s.....
do you claim the weed you buy?

and stop backpedaling their is no reverse racism either

you do what you do

he do what he do

to report a 280E form to the IRS is incrimination/taxation without representation

as well as a bunch of other shit, like ever single gram of pot you ever bought wasnt so you apart of that too
Reverse racism? Are you demented? Racism.

I report every dollar I make.

Every gram that would be everyone here. Nice try. But when someone brags about how much they make they had better pay taxes on it. Otherwise they are denying food stamps and welfare to those that need it.
you the one and a few other tards making others earning your business

trying to make a big deal about it as if , your any different for being apart of the same shit

get of teh horse or get out from under it, cause you gettign dirty now , might need shower

you! infer and suggest negligence by not turning oneself in

dont back peddle is unbecoming

if you have ever gave bud you bought grown or received to another

you have matter the profit or need to show transactions of any type

so get off that horse right quick

Oh, now, you lecture on un-becoming?

Good one.