Breeders Boutique

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Not sure yet.. I have a shit ton of stuff to do this weekend along with the honey-do list. It's probably going to be 2 of each when I decide to do it and they will be going out doors.
Doing the shade house again? I will have one I hope if I get this house I will.

I don't think that I will be setting that up again but rather a few small plants out on the back patio. The carport is going to get a rest this season. I have an opportunistic ripper on the left and an elderly woman who was recently widowed on the right who has a group of volunteers that come by every week to help out in the yard.

Does anybody have an opinion on Cheese Surprise? If so, I'd like to hear it.

I loved Cheese Surprise. It's a smelly fucker though! Really easy to grow and had zero problems along the way. I didn't really pay too much attention to it growing but it ended up being a pleasant surprise when it came to harvest.
opportunistic ripper :( unleash the angry! the hounds and failing that buckshot. it's amazing what you can achieve with a shotgun shell a couple planks and a nail. jus sayin...
I loved Cheese Surprise. It's a smelly fucker though! Really easy to grow and had zero problems along the way. I didn't really pay too much attention to it growing but it ended up being a pleasant surprise when it came to harvest.

Good to hear, thanks. I'm down with low maintenance ladies for sure. :mrgreen:

I'm with Don, no problem involving a thieving asshat that can't be solved with buckshot and a six foot deep hole.:twisted:
I have an opportunistic ripper on the left
opportunistic ripper :( unleash the angry! the hounds and failing that buckshot. it's amazing what you can achieve with a shotgun shell a couple planks and a nail. jus sayin...

no no no i would not have that crap i dont like a thief to start with but steal my weed and i will be feeding the gators:twisted: