Hahahaha, what are they trying to achieve?


Well-Known Member
meanwhile the number of people that have died as a direct result of taking legal pharmaceuticals is X? You never have these figures mediated . Moral panic and propaganda spring to mind. I can't say it doesn't annoy me but at the same time I don't give a shit, I've been smoking the green and will continue to do so ,whatever they try and say about it. It's just pathetic that people are still wallowing in the dark ages in regards to this plant. The fact is it is "cure all" miracle drug which would put pharmaceutical companies out of pocket in a big, big way. So they will resort to this rather than admit the truth.


Active Member
meanwhile the number of people that have died as a direct result of taking legal pharmaceuticals is X? You never have these figures mediated . Moral panic and propaganda spring to mind. I can't say it doesn't annoy me but at the same time I don't give a shit, I've been smoking the green and will continue to do so ,whatever they try and say about it. It's just pathetic that people are still wallowing in the dark ages in regards to this plant. The fact is it is "cure all" miracle drug which would put pharmaceutical companies out of pocket in a big, big way. So they will resort to this rather than admit the truth.
I believe there will always be 2 sides on pot.
Satirically: pot is a forgotten cure of all illness - cannabis may cause instant death (see in this thread)

Ever wondered how thinking is associated with you brain (duh) and cannabis affects the brain (buh). - Could you -after a lot of practice- just skip the drug part and cure yourself with thought?


Well-Known Member
when making synthetic thc its the exact same structurally and we even make it from the same precursors..but yes i do smoke synthetic thc everynow and again..
Three weeks ago there was 40 overdoses in the DFW area from synthetic THC in 24 hours.. no deaths but still WTF and y'all keep smoking that trash.


Well-Known Member
Fucking morons..
Lmao bro, your ignorance is showing

The "synthetic weed" you speak of, isn't even the same class of compound


Well-Known Member
As much as I may disagree on some points/opinions with quizoking, I agree that "synthetic" weed is a night and day difference when compared to "organic" cannabis compounds. Any conversation/conclusions about cannabis in any respect need to clearly differentiate synthetic VS organic when making any judgements/conclusions IMO.



Well-Known Member
Their will always be someone who has a bad/fatal reaction , Rare as it may be Sh*t happens natural or otherwise

To say without a dought it will never / could never kill is pure ignorance (just like quizoking says)

And people do OD on natural MJ every day

o·ver·dose (
An excessive dose, especially of a narcotic.
v. (
To take an overdose.
To administer too large a dose or too many doses to.


Well-Known Member
Just another case of "We don't know why these guys died, but we're going to pretend it proves marijuana is deadly". Quite often, the first sign of arrhythmia is sudden death.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana cannot kill, whatever the circumstance.
There was some researcher mentioned in one of the comments below the article that calculated you might get a fatal dose if you smoked 30,000 joints in a twenty minute period. I think just inhaling and exhaling plain air 30,000 times in 20 minutes would be fatal.