The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I do feel chilled tho so a nice glow but not what I hear from others and this is over a 25 year period of people tellin me how good it is and me trying to find it...this is the real thing cos the glow is lasting a good while but I feel supermellow and sober and need some weed
chilled,mellow,eurphoric coke buzz

not that chew ya jaw off stay up all night craving the next line cut shit.


Well-Known Member
Ive nothing against smokin it just never been in that situation before, no m8s ever done it etc
no mate im not digging at anyone here but i know proper coke addicts ok they work they function etc but they are addicted yet smoke a rock infront of them n they are disgusted, ive known many people like that.


Well-Known Member
i think all drugs are nice but in moderation n you gotta no your limits, fuck today we have enough education on drugs we know what some can do so why????????


Well-Known Member
no mate im not digging at anyone here but i know proper coke addicts ok they work they function etc but they are addicted yet smoke a rock infront of them n they are disgusted, ive known many people like that.
Yeah m8, I know loads like tht too, we chatted bout this before one time lol. I've nothing against it tho, set fuckin anything it front of me after a loada drinks and I'd take it


Well-Known Member
Druggy cunts ya making me jealous while I'm at work waiting for bastard loads to turn up!!! Think I'm deffo getting me a gram 2morra fuck it....coke turns me into a raving confident sex pest lol I do like it occasionally lol have a gooden lads....


Well-Known Member
carnt believe none of u big hard living bad boys wernt interested in my sick bunny.....fed the little fella vegging exo leaves...hes rite as rain this morning


Well-Known Member
All U said was you were taking care of it for a friend is little bunny? The profile pics adorable lol


Well-Known Member
All U said was you were taking care of it for a friend is little bunny? The profile pics adorable lol
he s very well and perky, u feed em leaves then they get really hungry and look very chilled, fed him on fennel shoots that I grow and hes come round, had a reaction to anaesthetic or summin she said and ws falling over like he was pissed up and eyes everywhere....I got a way with the animals and my friends know it, got a dog back walking after the vet said he had arthritis, ditto a cat etc ....fukin hippy