My Flowering Lady is in Trouble


New Member
Hi! My flowering lady is sick and needs your help. The leaves are droopy and light green with spots around the veins. The stems are purple. Many leaves have died already. These synonyms extend pretty uniformly throughout the plant. Before I take any steps I would love to hear your expert opinion. I am including some pictures.

Plant: Autoflowering in week 7 and half from germination, week three from flowering.
Medium: Growing indoor in soil with Miracle Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix.
Nutes: No nutes in the last weeks.

Any feedback is welcomed!





New Member
Thanks to everybody for the prompt responses!

@DroidBoy: I checked the soil pH with Rapitest soil kit and the pH is 7 (with an error of +/- 0.5). Does this help?

@Dr Smith: Thanks for the link to the guide, I checked already that. Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that phosphorus deficiency is not a perfect match. Does this deficiency also explain the spots and the light green color?

@vostok: The plant will be harvested around 3 to 4 weeks from now. I am afraid that if I don’t help her she would die on me!

Thanks again!

Dr Smith

Active Member
Thanks to everybody for the prompt responses!

@DroidBoy: I checked the soil pH with Rapitest soil kit and the pH is 7 (with an error of +/- 0.5). Does this help?

@Dr Smith: Thanks for the link to the guide, I checked already that. Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that phosphorus deficiency is not a perfect match. Does this deficiency also explain the spots and the light green color?

@vostok: The plant will be harvested around 3 to 4 weeks from now. I am afraid that if I don’t help her she would die on me!

Thanks again!
You have multiple deficiencies my friend... I have had red stems due to phosphorus deficiency which is why I mentioned that. If it goes on too long the stems will start to weaken.

I'm not sure I agree with flushing either. I took two plants to the point that you're at recently to see what could be done. One of them I flushed. The other I started feeding my regular nutrients. Although the plant I flushed looked better more quickly the plant I gave nutrients to grew taller and stronger by the time I was ready to flower. Just give them what they want. If things keep getting worse, flush. Consider flushing a last resort..


New Member
@Dr Smith: I have some Dyna Grow Bloom lying around. Do you recommend that I get started with that?

@SnaFuu: I used that potting mix out of complete ignorance. What's your opinion about it?


Well-Known Member
Typically the potting mixes from miricle grow are loaded with fertilizers, but it's unknown exactly how many. Most growers like soils they trust.
However, some good buds have been grown in it. For your next grow, try some FFOF if possible.
If you have trouble figuring out what any of us are talking about, the lower link in my sig will tell you what all of our terms mean. (might be worth looking over)


Well-Known Member
@SnaFuu: I used that potting mix out of complete ignorance. What's your opinion about it?
I did the same thing my first grow. Then I realized I was seeing lockout (what your plants are suffering from) and went to flush it, releasing tons more nutes into the soil (the opposite effect I wanted)

unfortunately it's probably too late to fix this one. I'd just ride it out, and start with better soil next time. It's a learning process!

good luck!


Active Member
When i look at your plants i arrive at the same conclusion as Snafuu. If you are using soil, its best to walk down to your local gardner and say that you want to grow some organic vegetables and need some soil. They will hook you up with some more local and better soil. Keep an eye on whats in the soil before adding nutes. You never know what you get, when ordering soil from some hipster company that want to make money on stoners.