Airplanes don't just fall out of the sky

I like the way a security memo is reduced to a simple letter, shit easy to mix in with all the junk mail I guess.

I don't know where we're getting this idea that Bush ignored the briefing. The briefing contained no actionable intelligence and no evidence of anything. It didn't identify any specific threat and explicitly cast doubt on aviation being the target. What is the president supposed to do with it, seriously?
From your article: "'a group presently in the United States' was planning a terrorist operation"; terrorist attacks "could be 'imminent'"; "a coming attack"; "planned near-term attacks to have 'dramatic consequences'"; "operation...'will occur soon'"; etc.

The sum of the infamous briefing, mostly in my own words: bin Laden wants to conduct an attack in the US; such plots have been uncovered in the past. bin Laden is patient and plodding. al Qaeda members have traveled to the US for years and some are US citizens; Americans may be being recruited for the attack. We cannot corroborate "the more sensational threat reporting," including a threat to hijack a US aircraft.

So tell me, what evidence was Bush ignoring? There was no specific information, with the CIA expressly casting doubt on reports that bin Laden wanted to hijack a plane (nevermind hijacking four and crashing them into buildings). No US citizens were involved in the attack, even though that's an explicit focus of the PDB. As I said, "Terrorists wants to attack you" is not actionable. It's useless and obvious information. That al Qaeda members had traveled here and were active here was not news--it had been true since the 90s. That terrorists were plotting attacks was likewise unsurprising--see the Los Angeles airport plot.

you know, you may be then i guess we'll just apply those same dynamics to benghazi..i mean, how's a president to know?:wink:
you know, you may be then i guess we'll just apply those same dynamics to benghazi..i mean, how's a president to know?:wink:

I've never uttered a word about Benghazi, but I don't think people are suggesting Obama should have known it was going to happen in advance, only complaining about what they perceive as some kind of cover up (I could be wrong about what they're saying, I don't follow it). That's not equivalent.

If Obama got a memo that said "Terrorists want to blow something up in the United States," I certainly wouldn't fault him for failing to act if something later blew up. A threat without specifics is meaningless.
OK, lowpost.

Were they flying by wires? Like, were they near power wires? Or were they flying by, ie, along a wire?

You seem so important around here lowpost. Who are you? beenthere again? Maybe burgertime?

Go on explain to me how they can be by wires, or near any wires over the ocean,

Go on tough guy. Tell us.

Have you flown helicopters by wires? I sure have. I really pedaled hard to get away, I tell you what!

What the hell are you talking about? Tough guy? lol Feeling a bit threatened, are we?

So uh... are you gonna answer any of my questions or just sit behind a computer and continue to act like a total ass? I guess I'm still willing to entertain an explanation of how any of this has any bearing on the fact that you are spouting BS you know nothing about. Lets hear some more about how planes never break up in mid air by themselves except the 3 I rattled off the top of my head. Or more about maintenance issues on fly-by-wire systems. How about control stick feedback? Or how well a jumbo jet glides without power. Tell me again how much strength is required to fly these planes and move the controls because I've heard that using fly-by-wire systems makes it much easier to do so. Or my favorite.. Snap rolls in a multi engine turbine aircraft. Seriously, how full of shit are you?

I am Glaucoma. Is it really that hard to believe? If I seem important to you it's probably because I know what I'm talking about and you haven't the first clue.
I don't know where we're getting this idea that Bush ignored the briefing. The briefing contained no actionable intelligence and no evidence of anything. It didn't identify any specific threat and explicitly cast doubt on aviation being the target. What is the president supposed to do with it, seriously?

That's all the bush admin did was act on questionable intellegence. [Rimshot]

Maybe we "Misunderestimated" him!

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." --Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." --Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002
What the hell are you talking about? Tough guy? lol Feeling a bit threatened, are we?

So uh... are you gonna answer any of my questions or just sit behind a computer and continue to act like a total ass? I guess I'm still willing to entertain an explanation of how any of this has any bearing on the fact that you are spouting BS you know nothing about. Lets hear some more about how planes never break up in mid air by themselves except the 3 I rattled off the top of my head. Or more about maintenance issues on fly-by-wire systems. How about control stick feedback? Or how well a jumbo jet glides without power. Tell me again how much strength is required to fly these planes and move the controls because I've heard that using fly-by-wire systems makes it much easier to do so. Or my favorite.. Snap rolls in a multi engine turbine aircraft. Seriously, how full of shit are you?

I am Glaucoma. Is it really that hard to believe? If I seem important to you it's probably because I know what I'm talking about and you haven't the first clue.

Do you fly your helicopter by wires or not?
What the hell are you talking about? Tough guy? lol Feeling a bit threatened, are we?

So uh... are you gonna answer any of my questions or just sit behind a computer and continue to act like a total ass? I guess I'm still willing to entertain an explanation of how any of this has any bearing on the fact that you are spouting BS you know nothing about. Lets hear some more about how planes never break up in mid air by themselves except the 3 I rattled off the top of my head. Or more about maintenance issues on fly-by-wire systems. How about control stick feedback? Or how well a jumbo jet glides without power. Tell me again how much strength is required to fly these planes and move the controls because I've heard that using fly-by-wire systems makes it much easier to do so. Or my favorite.. Snap rolls in a multi engine turbine aircraft. Seriously, how full of shit are you?

I am Glaucoma. Is it really that hard to believe? If I seem important to you it's probably because I know what I'm talking about and you haven't the first clue.

My experience has been, if a lowpost comes on like a turd, with a twisted combative, dis-ing baby puke style, they have been banned before. They have chip on their shoulder. That is why they are lowposts.

High posts participate in discussion, don't pick fights, call names, don't have apoplectic fits, act like a dick to perfect strangers and generally can hack it. And they don't get tossed off.

Also, I find they pick negative names as they go down in dis-grunt, in a Freudian way. But, they can't change their strips. They wander around to get a tiny post count and then head back,for some right-fight. So,you were banned. Kandahar maybe?

Buck is a highpost, Praises to Him. <secret handshake> (as it certainly should be)

So, Buck. Who is this?
"Anyway." Joanni Stubs, whore, Deadwood Camp. 1876

I knew there was something missing in this story. Now there are reports the pilot is/was a long time follower of a firebrand.......wait for it.....Islamic Cleric.

Said Mullah was sentenced to LIFE in what they call prison. When? Just hours before the the flight.
What, ShikIbrahim only got 5 years? But, the Pilot was there at the trial, of this political Jihad figure, an opposition leader.

Well, stick to British Airways, from now on.
It looks to me like deliberate pilot hijacking, I'd also be inclined to think that the two guys travelling on the fake passports had some bearing on it, too much of a coincidence methinks.

It's the ultimate act of terror, just taking a plane full of people and disappearing!
It looks to me like deliberate pilot hijacking, I'd also be inclined to think that the two guys travelling on the fake passports had some bearing on it, too much of a coincidence methinks.

It's the ultimate act of terror, just taking a plane full of people and disappearing!

That is what they are calling it. I wonder about the co-pilot. Wasn't he the one that let the ladies into the cockpit, to smoke and chat, and enjoy the ride?

Knock knock.
Who's There?
Co-pilot who?
Co-pilot girls. Let us in.

Hey, you aren't, no...get that...crunch..aH..splat..(the other mask..there ok ok)

Passengers. We have a little turbulence. Please put on your oxygen masks, flight crew, also.

(cabin pressure, off) (crew oxygen, bypass) (passenger oxygen,off)

That is all.
My experience has been, if a lowpost comes on like a turd, with a twisted combative, dis-ing baby puke style, they have been banned before. They have chip on their shoulder. That is why they are lowposts.

High posts participate in discussion, don't pick fights, call names, don't have apoplectic fits, act like a dick to perfect strangers and generally can hack it. And they don't get tossed off.

Also, I find they pick negative names as they go down in dis-grunt, in a Freudian way. But, they can't change their strips. They wander around to get a tiny post count and then head back,for some right-fight. So,you were banned. Kandahar maybe?

Buck is a highpost, Praises to Him. <secret handshake> (as it certainly should be)

So, Buck. Who is this?

doer you are being mean to glaucoma.

he took the time to post factual information.

not everyone who has low posts is a banned member.

be nice.
It looks to me like deliberate pilot hijacking, I'd also be inclined to think that the two guys travelling on the fake passports had some bearing on it, too much of a coincidence methinks.

It's the ultimate act of terror, just taking a plane full of people and disappearing!

happy st. patricks if i don't see you<3
That is what they are calling it. I wonder about the co-pilot. Wasn't he the one that let the ladies into the cockpit, to smoke and chat, and enjoy the ride?

Knock knock.
Who's There?
Co-pilot who?
Co-pilot girls. Let us in.

Hey, you aren't, no...get that...crunch..aH..splat..(the other mask..there ok ok)

Passengers. We have a little turbulence. Please put on your oxygen masks, flight crew, also.

(cabin pressure, off) (crew oxygen, bypass) (passenger oxygen,off)

That is all.

Haha anything is possible at this stage.

I read that also.
I find it too incredible to think that a big aeroplane can just disappear like that, I'm starting to wonder if the authorities with the technology know more, is it possible there's stuff going on behind the scenes!
doer you are being mean to glaucoma.

he took the time to post factual information.

not everyone who has low posts is a banned member.

be nice.

Sky??? Did you read his post...those comments....the rude tone, completely riding down the simple explanation I GAVE TO YOU, about f-b-y. Totally uncalled for and not a lot of content. I called him on it. Then he disappears.

If I ran him off, I am glad. the shit mouth. And you have seen members roll back with new names. YOU SAY WHATEVER SHIT YOU WANT

I am nice when you are nice....this isn't nice.....from you. Do keep up with all of it and don't pick and choose my post, please.

I have seen you be a rude bitch on flame wheels. What are ya talkin' about, now?

Look at your .sig, Sky. Don't talk to me about judgements and being nice.

Two faces you have.
not making light of this thing but has anyone considered extraterrestrial involvement?
I mean hell, its a plausible as any of that stuff I've heard thrown out there thus far/// :roll: