Are most MMJ card holders arrogant twats?

Are most MMJ card holders arrogant twats?

  • Yes, bunch of cunts they are

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • No, they seem ok

    Votes: 12 26.1%
  • Some are ok, but yeah most are cunts

    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • What's MMJ?

    Votes: 5 10.9%

  • Total voters
Special no.....lucky yes

Mj has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to reduce your IOP (Inter Optical Pressure), this cannot be disputed

The joke is that MJ is not as effective to control my high IOP (AKA glaucoma) as a single prescription eye drop/day (Lumigan)

So I use prescription drug to control my glaucoma, and MMJ is completely recreational
Pot snobbery is one of my biggest pet peeves.

Being a snob and elitist about the one thing in the world that should unite us, it's just wrong.

Some of the things just makes me cringe and/ or face palm. I'll have to make a meme to show my displeasure, brb
I had to vote ""some" because I do not know them all. It does seem that the ones posting are.

I understand that you may be in pain or have anxiety or what ever. That doesn't make you better or more deserving than me.

This does not include PTSD (Shell Shock, Battle Fatigue, kind of takes the weight out of it when you make it just letters)

I do not smoke for recreation, it is purely for spiritual.... so there!!
It helps push an agenda that I'm in favour of but there's a lot to dislike about the medical scene.

Someone ended a post here by saying "happy medicating" don't know why but it just seemed like a fucking stupid cringy lie. Totally unnecessary.
I will tell you another bunch of twats....reddit/r/trees

calling each other ents or frents and it seems to be a bunch of 12 year olds, it is sickening
You got a card! Oh you're so much more special than me! Your right outweighs my right!!

That's right bitch, now suck my cee u next Tuesday... ok, now that that's out of the way... the matter at hand... I'll let you know when I get my card renewed
y'all are just jealous.

Yeah that is probably true, what's not to be jealous about?

I think the issue is the amount of card holders who have 'won' this political lottery acting like entitled fuckwits about it. Kind of like how money can change people for the worse. It's not a dig at all cardholders. Well done if you managed to get a free pass to do what everyone in the word wants to do, just don't be a dick about like shrx above us, who seems to be a prime example, and the sad thing he even knows it. How sad is that.
Everybody knows atleast 1 person from the block that use to get high as fuck and act a fool and now claims he's medicating for a hockey injury from middle school. Fuck off, you're getting high as fuck and acting a fool still.