USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

a. intolerant of organized religions that attempt to dismiss accepted reality in favor of their bullshit dogma, yes, absolutely
b. wants to bypass natures role in life that fanatics attempt to use to dismiss accepted social sexual orientations like homosexuality, yes, absolutely
c. has rape fantasies, not at all. Has domination fantasies, or sexually submissive fantasies, absolutely!
d. is a bigot - except he supports gay rights and supports the rights of minorities and women. I guess he's only bigoted against white males (even though he's a white male himself...I'm not sure that makes much sense, but still, he's a racist bigot against white privilege!)

Are you done failing at life?

I said we should attempt to make life as fair as possible, and that's what I work for

Cry more, your tears are delicious!

I'm not the Bhikkhu (beggar) like you. You're the one begging, yet making demands, and I'm the failure at life? I have almost all I want and think this life is perfect the way it is. You don't. You work at what you have, not what you can make others do. You're not someone special. I'm actually very humble and glad for all I got, and those who are humble I'll gladly help in any way I can. To people like you, I say go fuck yourself. It's not your right to dictate what others do. It's not your right to say others may take a life which isn't theirs for your selfish self. If you ask me for a job, you can't demand what I pay you. This is all you get, Bhikkhu.

3rd precept of a Bhikkhu said:
Accept just enough of what people offer to you for the avoidance of distress. But do not ask for
much and thereby spoil the goodness of their hearts, just as the wise man, having
estimated the strength of his ox, does not wear out its strength by overloading.
I have almost all I want and think this life is perfect the way it is.

Then you're more selfish than first perceived

Life is not perfect, not for billions of people. For you to accept your life as perfect the way it is diminishes the lives of billions of other free peoples. Your life is perfect because it's built upon the backs of others, not gained through yourself. Some buddhist you make, idiot
Then you're more selfish than first perceived

Life is not perfect, not for billions of people. For you to accept your life as perfect the way it is diminishes the lives of billions of other free peoples. Your life is perfect because it's built upon the backs of others, not gained through yourself. Some buddhist you make, idiot

I actually think it's the other way around. No other time in history has a people like our country existed. Not even the poorest in this nation without a home is truly in poverty like it was only a few hundred years ago for the majority of the world. We have access to free medicine, no matter if you have a job. Access to free food. People are lining up in droves to sneak in here illegally. It's not my place to dictate what others do in their country. Yes, I can feel sorry for them, and wish them luck. But that's about it. Nothing else I do will matter. But what I can do is make sure my life and those around me is the best it can be. Those billions of other free people as you say is way too much for one person to handle, even if I were Bill and Melinda Gates. Sure I have a good life, but not such a good life that I can do even a small dent. I could waste my whole life, as you put it. That's actually mighty funny that I want a world of peace, and no suffering. But you called Buddhist morality bullshit, and say what I have is built on the back of others. We all build our lives and use what others have done. To reinvent the wheel is stupid, but what you do with that wheel isn't taking from others. Your glee you get from killing fetuses and forcing others to give you a pay you think you deserve is what's "not gained through yourself." My well over 10,000 hours writing everyday, for hours each day for years is 100% my hard work and diligence.
I actually think it's the other way around. No other time in history has a people like our country existed. Not even the poorest in this nation without a home is truly in poverty like it was only a few hundred years ago for the majority of the world. We have access to free medicine, no matter if you have a job. Access to free food. People are lining up in droves to sneak in here illegally. It's not my place to dictate what others do in their country. Yes, I can feel sorry for them, and wish them luck. But that's about it. Nothing else I do will matter. But what I can do is make sure my life and those around me is the best it can be. Those billions of other free people as you say is way too much for one person to handle, even if I were Bill and Melinda Gates. Sure I have a good life, but not such a good life that I can do even a small dent. I could waste my whole life, as you put it. That's actually mighty funny that I want a world of peace, and no suffering. But you called Buddhist morality bullshit, and say what I have is built on the back of others. We all build our lives and use what others have done. To reinvent the wheel is stupid, but what you do with that wheel isn't taking from others. Your glee you get from killing fetuses and forcing others to give you a pay you think you deserve is what's "not gained through yourself." My well over 10,000 hours writing everyday, for hours each day for years is 100% my hard work and diligence.


Except you refuse to post anything you've "written"

Keep kidding yourself
Your life is perfect because it's built upon the backs of others, not gained through yourself.

Another case of radical progressive brainwashing/indoctrination you should
try to get deprogrammed. There are some groups that specialize in this
they have been effective at helping victims of cults.
Another case of radical progressive brainwashing/indoctrination you should
try to get deprogrammed. There are some groups that specialize in this
they have been effective at helping victims of cults.

You should try to learn how to format your posts better
Abortion is just another issue for you people to cling to that you can continue to bitch about because the science doesn't agree with your bullshit skewed moral code

Science says your wrong, the science must be wrong!


The fact is, human skin cells are just as alive as any aborted fetus, yet no conservative "stick up their ass" groups are concerned with scratching itches. Conservative "stick up their ass" groups are concerned with punishment. You fucked up, you pay the price, even at the expense of the child and the taxpayer. Fuck you.

I don't subscribe to that mentality, I think if you fucked up, and there's a valid way to fix it while simultaneously relieving the American taxpayers burden to society, fucking do it, DUH! Only retarded conservatives would have you, and everybody else, pay for something not needed, not wanted, and not loved because the most important thing is having people pay for their mistakes regardless of the cost to the rest of society.

Fucking straight genius!

I'm not a conservative, nor a christian. I'm a libertarian (notice small l) atheistic Buddhist. Intelligent life is special from the insects to the human.

Which is why I'm pro-life, vegan and anti-capital punishment. I also believe, unlike Republicans, that a child shouldn't be denied basic needs from the state, be it food, clothing, health or shelter if their dead beat parents can't provide. But once you turn 18, sorry, go fuck yourself, and find your own basic needs.

What mistake did the baby make? It was the parents. The child shouldn't be executed because the parents are selfish.

it surprises me that you're buddhist, rabbit.

i've never know a buddhist to be mean like you

most are heavily into karma, dharma etc.

what type of buddhism do you practice? confuciousism?

execution? dude you have a crazy're so worried? the public a real favor that would work:

1. volunteer to be a big brother to an inner city boy
2. hand out condoms
it surprises me that you're buddhist, rabbit.

i've never know a buddhist to be mean like you

most are heavily into karma, dharma etc.

what type of buddhism do you practice? confuciousism?

I'm not mean. IRL I'm one of the nicest people around, but online I like to let it all hang out and have fun.

Closest to Shingon. Though some parts of Zen are fine.

Meditation is key to Buddhism. In Zen they beat the shit out of you with a stick.

What did the baby do again? You have a choice not to ever have a baby, it's called sterilization. Just like you can sell treadmills without government authorization, if you refuse to sign the employer's mandated tax form. It's the risk you take with life. Which is why I carry a gun. I don't trust my fellow human. If I were a woman, I'd carry a gun EVERYWHERE, even if it meant it was illegal. It must really suck being a woman, but I'm not a woman. Every man looks at girls, I bet they are creeped by it. I know I am when some hag looks at me. Such is life though.

don't flatter yourself.

women don't walk around with dripping wet pussies just waiting for you to stick your cock in it..

more often than not sex is initiated by men..put a fucking rubber on it if you are so concerned about terminating an unwanted pregnancy!

so self righteous, must be hard to be you..
The science does not agree with your stance that an abortion is "murder", that is in fact a moral stance. You think it's immoral to get an abortion based on, most likely, religious convictions, science says it's a medical procedure, no different than the morning after pill, no different than birth control Skin cells are just as alive as zygotes, you can complain and bitch about that all you want, facts are facts, life is life. You say "all life is important! except for skin cells apparently.. That's life, wtf? What about other animal life? Are you a vegetarian, Red? Inconsistent much? At least CS is consistent, albeit confused I already told you I agree with abortion on grounds of convenience. If it's more convenient for the couple to abort a pregnancy than carry it to term, I support it. Who are you to decide otherwise?
Science clearly recognizes the differences between those procedures. They even gave them different names.. Again with skin cell blather. I suppose you think that means something. It doesn't. Pretending it does paints paints you as desparate. I never said all life is important. Yours for example is not. That's why you make less than $900 a month. Society has decided it would be more convenient to kill you. I agree. Who are you to decide otherwise?
It's a scientific/medical thing, the money aspect is secondary
You like to use the word "science" a lot. Mostly where it doesn't apply. Abortion is almost NEVER medically necessary. It's not about money, "science", or medicine. It's about women killing their children because they're too lazy to take care of them, or they don't want to lose their figure, or something else just as stupid.
a. intolerant of organized religions that attempt to dismiss accepted reality in favor of their bullshit dogma, yes, absolutely b. wants to bypass natures role in life that fanatics attempt to use to dismiss accepted social sexual orientations like homosexuality, yes, absolutely c. has rape fantasies, not at all. Has domination fantasies, or sexually submissive fantasies, absolutely! d. is a bigot - except he supports gay rights and supports the rights of minorities and women. I guess he's only bigoted against white males (even though he's a white male himself...I'm not sure that makes much sense, but still, he's a racist bigot against white privilege!) Are you done failing at life? I said we should attempt to make life as fair as possible, and that's what I work for Cry more, your tears are delicious!
Considering your income, I'd say YOU were the failure here.
don't flatter yourself.

women don't walk around with dripping wet pussies just waiting for you to stick your cock in it..

more often than not sex is initiated by men..put a fucking rubber on it if you are so concerned about terminating an unwanted pregnancy!

so self righteous, must be hard to be you..

I don't think you understand me. Like in that scene in Black Swan. Where Natalie Portman is on the bus and the man sticks his tongue out, like he wants to eat her out. She's disgusted. Men do that in a way when they leer and judge a woman on the basis of looks, attitude, etc, for what her essence of woman is to us.

I've had the same done to me, where a woman, who I don't have feelings for, but I knew she did for me and was all giddy. It put into me a feeling of repulsion and iciness. But at the same time I knew she couldn't help, nor I reciprocate.

That makes me think, what a woman thinks. Since even hags have men leer, if for only a second before realizing they're not for them. Whereas very few woman ever look at a man, in the same way a man will look at a woman.

Most men if approached by a beautiful woman will consider fucking her right then and there. Yet a woman will become repulsed if a man whom they desire with utmost sexual desire and who oozes with masculine sexuality gives them the same proposition.

I only have sex with my wife, in nearly the 10 years together, she got pregnant and gave birth twice. During no time did we ever practice a form of birth control. What happens happened.

Therefore, I think it's you who is self righteous, when I've never once mentioned those things you accuse me of. Just because I think women who kill their babies are murders, doesn't mean I'm disrespectful towards them. That's where those like you get confused and you're the one with the complex who doesn't realize that baby is an extension of you, and you're actually killing a part of you, and once you exterminate it, leaves you with an emptiness. My wife lost one child due to miscarriage and to this day it haunts her. She doesn't think of it as just, "oh well, more lost skin cell!" That's just insulting.
USCB radical feminist porn professor whose area of emphasis is black cultural studies, pornography and sex work assaulted a 16 year old girl, violated
her free speech (in a special free speech zone), committed assault, and vandalism. This perhaps should be considered a hate crime as well since she committed the violence because she disagreed with someones religious beliefs.
Is it way past time to cut student loans to institutions that teach such mindless dribble.


PhD. New York University (American History and History of the African Dispora
M.A. New York University (American History and History of the African Dispora)
B.A. Emory University (History)
Dissertation: "A Taste for Brown Sugar: The History of Black Women in American Pornography."
1* professors university web page

Student loans backed by "the government" are founded in theft. So yes they should not exist.
Science clearly recognizes the differences between those procedures. They even gave them different names.. Again with skin cell blather. I suppose you think that means something. It doesn't. Pretending it does paints paints you as desparate.

You are eliminating a pregnancy, the only difference is the duration of that pregnancy

You like to use the word "science" a lot. Mostly where it doesn't apply. Abortion is almost NEVER medically necessary. It's not about money, "science", or medicine. It's about women killing their children because they're too lazy to take care of them, or they don't want to lose their figure, or something else just as stupid.

The reason a woman/couple decide to get an abortion is none of your business

I never said all life is important. Yours for example is not. That's why you make less than $900 a month. Society has decided it would be more convenient to kill you. I agree. Who are you to decide otherwise?

Considering your income, I'd say YOU were the failure here.

Financial success is not the only measure of success, and I've got a long time to make plenty more. If I thought it was I wouldn't have posted how much I make

Also, using your retard logic, 53% of Americans are "failures", too

I don't think you understand me. Like in that scene in Black Swan. Where Natalie Portman is on the bus and the man sticks his tongue out, like he wants to eat her out. She's disgusted. Men do that in a way when they leer and judge a woman on the basis of looks, attitude, etc, for what her essence of woman is to us.

I've had the same done to me, where a woman, who I don't have feelings for, but I knew she did for me and was all giddy. It put into me a feeling of repulsion and iciness. But at the same time I knew she couldn't help, nor I reciprocate.

That makes me think, what a woman thinks. Since even hags have men leer, if for only a second before realizing they're not for them. Whereas very few woman ever look at a man, in the same way a man will look at a woman.

Most men if approached by a beautiful woman will consider fucking her right then and there. Yet a woman will become repulsed if a man whom they desire with utmost sexual desire and who oozes with masculine sexuality gives them the same proposition.

I only have sex with my wife, in nearly the 10 years together, she got pregnant and gave birth twice. During no time did we ever practice a form of birth control. What happens happened.

Therefore, I think it's you who is self righteous, when I've never once mentioned those things you accuse me of. Just because I think women who kill their babies are murders, doesn't mean I'm disrespectful towards them. That's where those like you get confused and you're the one with the complex who doesn't realize that baby is an extension of you, and you're actually killing a part of you, and once you exterminate it, leaves you with an emptiness. My wife lost one child due to miscarriage and to this day it haunts her. She doesn't think of it as just, "oh well, more lost skin cell!" That's just insulting.

since when is it OUR responsibility? it takes two..

this has nothing to do with a child who was wanted and everything to do with a women being able to plan a family the right way and not be forced into a family because you were horny the other night.
You are eliminating a pregnancy, the only difference is the duration of that pregnancy The reason a woman/couple decide to get an abortion is none of your business Financial success is not the only measure of success, and I've got a long time to make plenty more. If I thought it was I wouldn't have posted how much I make Also, using your retard logic, 53% of Americans are "failures", too
I don't care what their reason is for it. By the way, the father has no say in the matter. 50 years down the road, you'll still be a failure. If 53% of Americans make less than $900 a month and they're over 21, then they are failures.
I don't care what their reason is for it.

not likely, considering all the misogynistic "reasons" you named earlier

50 years down the road, you'll still be a failure. If 53% of Americans make less than $900 a month and they're over 21, then they are failures.

aren't you like 60 years old and still renting?

i'd say that's a pretty big failure in life, but certainly not in your top three if you know what i mean.