The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
So far Las Conquistadoras are about on par, but it's early still. One has tweaked leaves, some sort of burn, or pest assault mayhaps.
They're insanely tough little plants, the Connies! I've got one that's been through two major squirrel attacks and it can't be stopped. It should heal just fine.

For some reason my mystery seeds are not popping through the dirt yet! Neither are my other Connies. I'm not sure what's up with them. least the other one in the aero tub is taking root. The ones in the cab in soil are not taking off so well. Not sure what's up with that, maybe I'm just being impatient!


Well-Known Member
It has always taken a few days longer for my sprouts to, well, sprout. Takes a little bit for them to show themselves. But with my Mysteries, I have YET to get one germinated that DIDN'T sprout. Mark my words!


Well-Known Member
Well, I've come to a conclusion: rockwool is great for hydroponics but not so much for soil. I've had far better luck just sticking seeds down in dirt than I've had starting them in rockwool and then moving to dirt. The rockwool dries unevenly -- the ones in the cab in soil dry out daily, and I mean like bone dry. It's not hot inside the cab at all, the fan is doing its job, but the soil pots dry out daily. And several of the seeds I put down in rockwool a few days ago, both indoor and outdoor, either had their roots die or they just didn't go any further than having popped.

The two times I've grown, I've germed my seeds in a paper towel for a few days and then stuck them straight into the dirt, and I've had good luck. I think the rockwool is only going to be for hydro use from now on.

Here's something weird happening in the cab: the one hydro plant is doing great and continues to grow, the other hydro has cracked the surface of the rockwool and is just putting out is first leaves, and the one is soil is just sitting there. It's darker than the others, and it got its first set of two pointy leaves, and then it just stopped. You can't see the next set of leaves coming at all. It's been like this for several days. Any ideas what could be going on?

Off to sit amongst my plants and watch the fireworks on the terrace with the neighbors! Happy 4th!


Well-Known Member
well here is an update for you guys....not much happening...only got two of the connies to germ so far...these seeds dont like me for some reason...but I have two in soil and we should be able to see em poke their heads tomorrow.:mrgreen:...



Well-Known Member
That's so weird, Honkeytown! They seem to be doing pretty well for others. Have you tried giving them some warmth? Let's hope the two that germed turn out to be happy healthy girls with massive colas! :)

Two of the Connies in the cab popped up overnight, which is always exciting! At this point I have four plants growing in there. The SMS have still not popped through the soil. Neither has the one Afghani/MK I got to germ. I finally tossed the papayas, sadly enough, and am looking forward to new seeds for the next grow!

It's raining again, big surprise -- started around 9 last night (just in time for the fireworks) and still hasn't stopped. All my other plants look happy and are growing huge; my pot plants look waterlogged. Sigh. I think I just have to face it that we're having an unusually wet summer and hope for the best. I wish my Connies could love it as much as my massive tomato and basil plants! My flowers aren't liking it much either. I'm going to pick up some more worm castings at the farmer's market today and give them a sprinkle of that -- I'm afraid that with all the rain we've had the nutes have leached out of the soil.
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Well-Known Member
That's so weird, Honkeytown! They seem to be doing pretty well for others. Have you tried giving them some warmth? Let's hope the two that germed turn out to be happy healthy girls with massive colas! :)

Two of the Connies in the cab popped up overnight, which is always exciting! At this point I have four plants growing in there. The SMS have still not popped through the soil. Neither has the one Afghani/MK I got to germ. I finally tossed the papayas, sadly enough, and am looking forward to new seeds for the next grow!

It's raining again, big surprise -- started around 9 last night (just in time for the fireworks) and still hasn't stopped. All my other plants look happy and are growing huge; my pot plants look waterlogged. Sigh. I think I just have to face it that we're having an unusually wet summer and hope for the best. I wish my Connies could love it as much as my massive tomato and basil plants! My flowers aren't liking it much either. I'm going to pick up some more worm castings at the farmer's market today and give them a sprinkle of that -- I'm afraid that with all the rain we've had the nutes have leached out of the soil.
havent given them heat...its normally about 80 degrees in my kitchen where I am germing them..but I just threw a heating pad under them so we shall see. I also just took a look at the girls in soil and they are popping their are pics of them...if you can even tell in the pics. I am gonna throw a few more connie seeds in for germ today too...but I hope I get a male...good seeds never hurt.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
mabey a little off topic but what is a bat trasformation? is it a traNsformation? as in something is traNsforming into something else?


Well-Known Member
Honkey, I love that you posted pictures of your dirt. Maybe, just maybe, you might just be as big a dork as I am. ;) I hope the heating pad trick works for you -- I'll keep my fingers crossed!

I just fed my gals some worm compost. If they're going to get poured on for another day and a half (which is what the weather report says), they might as well get a big blast of awesomeness out of it.

Okay, off to dance! Shimmy shimmy! Happy weekend, fellow conquistadors! :D
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Well-Known Member
Honkey, I love that you posted pictures of your dirt. Maybe, just maybe, you might just be as big a dork as I am. ;)

I just fed my gals some worm compost. If they're going to get poured on for another day and a half (which is what the weather report says), they might as well get a big blast of awesomeness out of it.

Okay, off to dance! Shimmy shimmy! Happy weekend, fellow conquistadors! :D
ha ha..I bet i am a bigger are more pics of dirt for you to admire...also I am updating the perpetual journal in my signature today...check it out girly. Hopefully your girls suck up that composty composty even a word...whatever..we have the technology to make it one.

have fun shakin it...hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th

oh and btw...I added six more connie seeds to the germ plate so hopefully I will get a full ten plants...fingers crossed

the two at the top are the ones I have had germing...the middle six are new connies that will hopefully pop with no issues and the bottom two seeds are from that sativa I just harvested...out of an ounce and a half I got two seeds from a hermi plant...I think that is pretty fuckin good if I do say so myself. go me



Well-Known Member
littlebat we are in the same geographical region and we are getting way too much rain for your plants it will kill them over time. and you got great genitics going.At least get them under a patio umbrella.or build a canopy with garbage bags and 2 x 4's. We have talked so i know your smart and thrifty enough to do it.But please protect them record amounts of rainfall this year bad for outdoor growers.


Well-Known Member
ok i have the forsite to know someone will ask How will it kill them? well if they dont drown (i know but it happens).then all the moisture traped in the soil could cause mold issues with the soil and the roots, then bud rot, also with the moisture in the air the high temps and humidity is creating a thriving enviroment for all kind of bacterias and pests. just try to keep the soil dry.Another idea is mabey some cheap fencing material (chicken wire etc...) and some broom handles and build a small pen for them. keeps the squirlls out and if it rains put a clear plastic tarp over the top of the pen . its cheap simple and effective imo
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Well-Known Member
Check it out! The plants are booming! It's like they've shot up overnight, both outdoors and in the cab! Huzzah! It's hard to see what's going on in the cab, but there are four Connies growing there -- and no, I don't keep my soil plants sitting on top of my reservoir, I just moved them there to take the photo. Note that the first plant below was the one in this pic on the left just over a week ago:

The fourth plant below is one that got chomped right in the middle by squirrels. You can see how it's split into two and grown since then. I almost, almost pulled this plant up. I'm so glad I didn't!

Interesting to note: in the cab, the plant on the left in the reservoir was started a few days after the plant on the right. The plant on the right was started about a foot further away from the lights. As such, you can see how tall it stretched before its first leaves opened, as opposed to the plant on the left, which was started after the reservoir was moved closer to the light. Just illustrates what a difference it makes how far the light is from the plants!

In looking at my outdoor plants today vs. 6 days ago, I see what a HUGE growth spurt they had since I introduced the Superthrive!! I've been misting the leaves with ST water (a teeny drop in a 1-liter spray bottle), but that watering with the GroAqua/ST/molasses really seemed to kick 'em into gear in particular. I'm wondering whether the ST or the nitrogen had more effect.

As the starter of this thread, the one thing I want to ask is that whomever posts here keeps it strictly to the topic of the thread -- GROWING CONQUISTADOR. This thread is for those growing this plant to talk to one another about it, period. It could get unhelpfully huge if we don't keep it to a conversation about the strain by those growing it. (Of course specific questions from newcomers about the grow and/or the strain are welcome!) Thank you, and enjoy the pics! :)


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Well-Known Member
Well, mine are looking as grand as a wee seedling can. I have pictures of what can happen when the plants are given too much water, but those plants (fortunately) aren't of any known strain. Suffice it to say that I fuckeded up.

I've also been so busy trying to sex the older plants that I haven't taken many piccies of Las Conquistadoras. However, I did recently read that some strains do indeed have a tendency to go hermaphrodite, and also plants that come from hermaphrodite genetics may also have a tendency towards hermaphrodism. I've been racking (or is it wracking) my brains trying to figure out whether or not this trait can be bred out.


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden said:
I did recently read that some strains do indeed have a tendency to go hermaphrodite, and also plants that come from hermaphrodite genetics may also have a tendency towards hermaphrodism. I've been racking (or is it wracking) my brains trying to figure out whether or not this trait can be bred out.

good luck with that hermies make hermies.anyway i see my help is not wanted even though i was the one that told her everything she knows about conquistador.typical chic using and schoomzing for her own selfish means.
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Well-Known Member
Mods, this poster Bonghits4all is the stalker about whom I emailed you this morning. Although I have never met him, he has contacted me to say that we have "a love connection," has delusions about having "taught [me] everything I know," is writing me poems on the site trying to get me to send him seeds after I said no (, is posting in other people's threads about me (, is following me around in multiple threads ( to ask the same question about an intentional misspelling in my avatar (because I mentioned to him at one point, in trying to get rid of him, that as a writer I would be unable to date someone who insisted on spelling 'maybe,' 'mabey') and no amount of telling him to leave me alone or blatantly ignoring him is getting him to back off. He's going back and forth between being in love with me and saying scary mean things about me on threads (see above), and then intermittently emails me or writes to me here asking for forgiveness (and seeds.) He's also writing in his own threads to call me names ( even though I have never commented on any of his threads nor communicated with him in any way since I last told him several weeks ago to leave me alone. Apparently, my ignoring him and refusing to go out with him "feels like rejection" and that's why he has to lash out. This is the behavior of men who ultimately hurt women, and I am afraid. Mods, I will happily send you the full email exchange if you need me to, just let me know.

WOMEN, PLEASE WATCH OUT ON HERE!!!!! I learned that lesson the hard way. There are some very scary, very lonely guys out there. I would love to still be able to post here, but I am stepping away from the site until I find out that this user is gone, out of a need for self-protection. Hopefully I will be able to come back.

I'm really sad to potentially leave RIU, but I have to face the fact that I have a net-stalker, and I have to protect myself until he's gone. :(

(Incidentally, the reason I edited this thread is because after I wrote it I found the second time -- in the willow bark thread -- where he said something about the spelling in the avatar. Then I found the unprovoked rant at me in his own thread. I find this an unbelievably creepy thing to do as a result of being pissed off that a girl you've never met won't travel to another state to date you and/or bring you seeds. )
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Well-Known Member
your nuts i wanted your seeds thats all i tried to butter you up to get them. You wanna be paranoid so be it. mods please investigate this i implore you. but clearly i wont offer any advise to you anymore. And it wasw actually you who started popping in on my subcribed threads.insulting members and what not. you cant spin this one honey its all documented see-ya. and its really easy to use the ignore list i just added you to mine
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Well-Known Member
your nuts i wanted your seeds thats all i tried to butter you up to get them. You wanna be paranoid so be it. mods please investigate this i implore you. but clearly i wont offer any advise to you anymore. And it wasw actually you who started popping in on my subcribed threads.insulting members and what not. you cant spin this one honey its all documented see-ya. and its really easy to use the ignore list i just added you to mine

You just got added to mine!!!knew there was somethin freaky about you!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

You just got added to mine!!!knew there was somethin freaky about you!!!!!!
alright..that was some crazy shit. so how is everyone doin?...:-| <---me trying to act like mommy didnt just get hit at the dinner are you guys still in with the thread? or shall we start a new beginning? lemme know. I had the two in soil today stand straight up and finally shed their seed shells. they are about two inches I had one more pop open but no taproot yet....hopefully...and cross my fingers on this one I have ten in soil tomorrow. hopefully. lemme know guys...btw intrigue me fucker...I was a psych major with a 3.8gpa....I think you may need a little bit of help my friend. I personally hope the mods see this and follow suit with the rest of us in blocking you. you have taken what is a fun hobby for some to relax from the everyday stresses of life to an online nightmare. thank you for that...we all apparently owe you our gratitude. :finger:


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, I could write a couple of PMs and try to smooth things out, but I'll post this here for all to see.

It's too bad that posters get upset by what someone else says, but it's an open forum, and you enjoy the freedom to say what you want to, so why would you get upset about what someone else says?

The easiest thing is to just laugh and click next message. If you really don't want to read a particular members posts, then you can put that member on ignore, and you won't see their posts any more.

It's just silly to take offense, or to allow what someone else posts to cause you to stop doing what you enjoy. If you took that same attitude with everything in life, you would never leave your house.

Just like some of the posters here ... :blsmoke:

HTH :mrgreen: