"Turn the US into ash"


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, the main Russian TV station news anchor stated that they have the capability, and they alone in the world have the ability to turn the United States into "ash", so forget about the threats over Crimea. They appear to be basically be telling the world to go fuck off, and they seem to be right so far. What do you think will happen? Crimea becomes part of Russia, which seem to be inevitable, or war, which seems very likely.
I thought I read that 95% voted to have it part of Russia.

Edit: I wouldn't be surprised. Most countries feel we are weak now.
The Russians want it part of Russia, the vast majority of those who live in the Crimea want to be part of Russia, the only people who are opposed are the folks who don't live there and with the exception of Ukraine are very unaffected by this, if affected at all. So why does anyone outside of Keiv, Moscow, and Crimea care?
The Russians want it part of Russia, the vast majority of those who live in the Crimea want to be part of Russia, the only people who are opposed are the folks who don't live there and with the exception of Ukraine are very unaffected by this, if affected at all. So why does anyone outside of Keiv, Moscow, and Crimea care?

I don't ... Russia's like AT&T; you can break it up and eventually it will morph back into the monster it once was ....
fuck russia, blowing the US up wouldnt solve their many economical struggles. and i dont think they would fare well if such a strike on the US was ever carried through.
Putin is a old kgb officer, you don't become an officer in the old kgb without some major brainwashing and drug use ...lol very important part of the training like in the USA, is keeping all the states united, he needs all those old USSR shitholes back to the motherland to have some grunt in world politics, and looks like the Obama gang is too soft (syria gassing) to do anything about it, considering the USA is close to bankruptcy over Iran and Afghanistan, Nato and EU needs russian gas/oil stocks so in time they will tow the line too.

See the situation like Hawaii gets independence then Obama wants it back in the USA cause Washington needs pearl harbor

What troubles me is how Putin got back into power again ....so easily this type of politician has long gone ...the people see have tasted freedom and common sense that is what they want, the days of Stalinist type behavior is long gone!
Putin is a old kgb officer, you don't become an officer in the old kgb without some major brainwashing and drug use ...lol very important part of the training like in the USA, is keeping all the states united, he needs all those old USSR shitholes back to the motherland to have some grunt in world politics, and looks like the Obama gang is too soft (syria gassing) to do anything about it, considering the USA is close to bankruptcy over Iran and Afghanistan, Nato and EU needs russian gas/oil stocks so in time they will tow the line too.

See the situation like Hawaii gets independence then Obama wants it back in the USA cause Washington needs pearl harbor
Russia needs the west more than the west needs Russia. The west exports 2% of their stuff to Russia, while Russia exports 2/3 of their shit to the west. That's called having them by the short hairs. Not to say Russia has no leverage, but the west has much more.
Russia needs the west more than the west needs Russia. The west exports 2% of their stuff to Russia, while Russia exports 2/3 of their shit to the west. That's called having them by the short hairs. Not to say Russia has no leverage, but the west has much more.

I agree but you can't tell these old Stalinist's that ...lol either way China is gonna cash in real big, each screw up Ru makes ...putin knows that ...so needs to be cool in front of the west
the Obama gang is too soft (syria gassing) to do anything about it, considering the USA is close to bankruptcy

the US is nowhere even remotely close to bankruptcy, and it was the conservatives who cried about responding to the syria gassing.
Putin knows our government is composed of a bunch of little bitches, and the dude can do pretty much whatever he wants.

IMO, Russia would kick our asses due to the fact that they are still hard people, and most of our citizenry is, like our government, a bunch of little bitches.

Waging war on Russia would be....bad.

Very bad.
The Russians want it part of Russia, the vast majority of those who live in the Crimea want to be part of Russia, the only people who are opposed are the folks who don't live there and with the exception of Ukraine are very unaffected by this, if affected at all. So why does anyone outside of Keiv, Moscow, and Crimea care?

during their 60 year occupation of the Ukraine, the soviets displaced (and murdered) millions of ukrainians and moved their own people into crimea, now the occupying foreign minority has decided that joining russia is whats best for the crimea.

brilliant logic.

in 40 years when ethnic mexicans have enough of a population in the southwest, they can "vote" to join mexico right?

and of course the "vote" was your typical russian version of "democracy":

you enter the voting booth, you wrap your mouth around gun barrel, then you either pull the lever to vote for joining russia, or pull trigger to vote against
Russia needs the west more than the west needs Russia. The west exports 2% of their stuff to Russia, while Russia exports 2/3 of their shit to the west. That's called having them by the short hairs. Not to say Russia has no leverage, but the west has much more.

A little thing called gas is why you find the EU are not going into this balls first...
its not so much about how much but WHAT they export that is the difference.

if they had them by the short and curly's then they wouldnt be so stand offish with the sanctions... Dont belie
A little thing called gas is why you find the EU are not going into this balls first...
its not so much about how much but WHAT they export that is the difference.

if they had them by the short and curly's then they wouldnt be so stand offish with the sanctions... Dont belie

The EU has lost their way. Of course, their way lead to centuries of bloody conflict, so I'm not sure which is better. But I think EU could coagulate into a monolithic block and be aggressive. Russia could whip one or two EU countries, but they couldn't take them all on.

Neither side wants this as it is hard to imagine that war and not see nuclear weapons being used.

Russia has nukes, all the big EU powers have them. If France, Germany, UK, and whoever else are at war, so are we. This has the potential for a big nasty mess. Thank God I'm 30 and past likely draft age. This is probably the most dangerous moment in over 20 years for real major conflict. India and Pakistan are a close second.
The EU has lost their way. Of course, their way lead to centuries of bloody conflict, so I'm not sure which is better. But I think EU could coagulate into a monolithic block and be aggressive. Russia could whip one or two EU countries, but they couldn't take them all on.

Neither side wants this as it is hard to imagine that war and not see nuclear weapons being used.

Russia has nukes, all the big EU powers have them. If France, Germany, UK, and whoever else are at war, so are we. This has the potential for a big nasty mess. Thank God I'm 30 and past likely draft age. This is probably the most dangerous moment in over 20 years for real major conflict. India and Pakistan are a close second.

I disagree somewhat I see the Russians as
opportunists. Every few years when an opportunity to reclaim former Soviet Union
territory arises they will take the leap.
What could be a safer time for them than under our current president. Putin outmatches him in many ways.

I actually see Iran as a much bigger threat than Russia especially with Obama leading there way to nukes. Putin may be evil but the Iranians are fucking nuts.

As far as intervening for humanitarian reasons I think the biggest atrocities are occurring in North Korea but that's a different matter.
If Russia blow us to dust where will they copy their technical designs from then?

My god the planes that already SUCK will be made of paper and the Olympians would get EVEN SHITTIER accommodations.
If Russia blow us to dust where will they copy their technical designs from then?

My god the planes that already SUCK will be made of paper and the Olympians would get EVEN SHITTIER accommodations.

Russian fighter jets were much better than ours during the cold war, the only problem is their pilots didn't match the aircraft's potential.
meh, I like the MIG too but lets face it, that's the pinnacle.....passenger planes fits the bill today as a mountain of SUCK.
during their 60 year occupation of the Ukraine, the soviets displaced (and murdered) millions of ukrainians and moved their own people into crimea, now the occupying foreign minority has decided that joining russia is whats best for the crimea.

brilliant logic.

in 40 years when ethnic mexicans have enough of a population in the southwest, they can "vote" to join mexico right?

and of course the "vote" was your typical russian version of "democracy":

you enter the voting booth, you wrap your mouth around gun barrel, then you either pull the lever to vote for joining russia, or pull trigger to vote against


When a group shows up with superior firepower and says "vote this way"; what do you do?
If someone walked into your house with several well-armed friends and said "do what we say", then what would you do? Consider the fact they showed up before and had anyone you sympathized with shot.