that's how i know you're racist.
this "liberal plantation" tripe hinges on the belief that blacks must be too stupid to think for themselves and are just lazy and looking for a handout of some "free stuff".
the better way to go would be to examine your own political positions and wonder why they are so abhorrent to blacks (and other minorities too).
for example, what message do you think it sends to black voters when you speak against title II, like your hero rawn pawl?
what message do you think it sends to black voters when you repeatedly deny the fact that simply having a black name makes it harder to get a job, or that being black makes it more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested, or that being black means you're more likely to get a harsher sentence for the same crime?
don't attempt to pin this one on your notion that blacks are lazy and brainwashed, examine your own political positions and ask yourself why more black folks might vote against them at a 90% rate or so.
Now you just answered your own "ancient history" question Aunty....and Padas.
Funny how you stay in the fifties with your anti Goldwater on civil rights is racist argument though.
Actually nothing I am saying hinges on blacks wanting handouts and free stuff the way UncleBuck so desperatley tries to assert with ZERO citation other than his own delusions.
Nice to know where YOUR mind is though the house of the liberal plantation I see clearly.
The republican party was started when and by whom AuntDuck?
In texas it was by 120 blacks and 20 whites.
In the south...first black legislators were PUBS.
42 in texas
112 in mississippi
190 in south carolina
41 in georgia
117 in loiusiana
This new party was coming fast and black so what did the DEMS answer with?
The kkk in 1866 with a stated purpose of "stopping republicans and restoring democratic control".
Blacks were easy targets being 100% PUB
Whites were tricky...they might be DEMS or PUBS
So they joined with DEM mayors and DEM police to physically attack and murder PUB conventions.
Then they issued push cards to identify, target and kill these new radicals that included blacks in the voting process.
The targets of these cards were all PUBS.
63 total 50 black 13 white.
None of them were voting for "free stuff" or were considered "too stupid" as you
so eloquently put it AuntDucky....btw that's racist as fuck.