It seems to me their business model is fucked because they alienated the best possible suppliers and don't offer to pay shit. Those that do even look into it they brush off. How can they have the best meds when they operate like that? The product they do have is of medium grade at best and the edibles are shit. I know they were supposed to do some patient care and donate to disabled too. They never have anything available but one massage a month and only offer 10% on meds.
Now I don't have a MBA and my only experience is at a Taco Bell when I was a teenager, but I bet I'd run that place way better than they do.
Greed is a bitch
So slaters last harvest was in September? I have not seen anything of theirs in months what happened to their grow? Some professionals they are
That's what I mean when this goes legal other places will open. I actually kind of hope that bill passes because I will get one of those 15 licsenses
Lol, when the market becomes saturated is when it's federally legal... Until then greedy caregivers will still be cheaper than any dispensary in the state.
Err, wrong again.. by law slater needs to be priced higher than cardholders and "street" prices. So, you see there is a setup in place that favors caregiver,patient relationships for a reason. Hense in the last year - 2 years prices went from 350 a oz to 200 an oz for same quality. Only the patients benefited from that... so evidence shows how wrong you are.
also, have you noticed how much attention and hype legalization has gotten since POLITICIANS saw coloradosColorado's tax revenue? This is all about money coming out of consumers pockets aka patients. How can you say otherwise with providing evidence for what your saying?[/QUOTE
please provide a link to the RI law that states centers need to be priced higher than card holders and street prices? I've read the MJ laws up and down and never saw that anywhere I think you are the one that's wrong and misinformed.
As for prices they started coming down few years after RI turned med legal.more people growing=more product and goes back to what I said about flooding the market.past couple years have shown even faster drop because of MMJ services like 11th state and BandB.everybody is getting cards now furthering the saturation
so your agreeing that its flooded from cardholders? and your not disagreeing about stores not having enough supply for the next year at least...
therefor, cardholders clearly what gives people a big head, entitlement and options.
ill post law for dispensary when not on phone at work. its there, dispensary cannot give cheaper than street to avoid people buying there and resell on street.