
Well-Known Member
Morning folks .. Had some great lovins last night . but sorry to say My fucking toothache is back... gotta call the dentist today and get this fucker pulled ... ouch


Well-Known Member
Morning all.. I just saw a disturbing story on the news. A Supreme court in the US, said that youtube must turn over all the site histories that any youtube viewer goes to.. this means that all your visited sites will be turned over to Viacom, so that they can prevent piracy, but there is no guarantee's that that info won't get into the wrong hands, leo or any other problematic hands... Bless those little right wing Conservative coc******rs...


Well-Known Member
Morning all.. I just saw a disturbing story on the news. A Supreme court in the US, said that youtube must turn over all the site histories that any youtube viewer goes to.. this means that all your visited sites will be turned over to Viacom, so that they can prevent piracy, but there is no guarantee's that that info won't get into the wrong hands, leo or any other problematic hands... Bless those little right wing Conservative coc******rs...
so dont go on youtube?


Well-Known Member
my dog wont stay off the bed at night. i constantly have to wake up and kick his ass off of it. he even has his own bed and pillow on the floor which he sleeps on with his head on his pillow. i do have some nice smooth skunk to hit today. being laid off sucks, i am getting bored of sitting around and getting high all day.:-|


Well-Known Member
FDD is having a BBQ cookout.. All is welcome, just make sure you brings rolling papers. ;-)




Well-Known Member
Do you guys think Hemp oil could cure cancer?? It would be amazing if it did. All of the drugs and radiation that Chemo patients have to go through is sick!

Marijuana will save the world.:blsmoke:



Just because I'm stoned, I believe everyone should watch these next videos when you get a chance..

And I love getting high...

I'm floating right now....

Anyways (ya, I'm that high) here you guys go with some awesome pot videos that makes you want to stand up and say "YES, I'M A POT SMOKER AND I'M PROUD!"

YouTube - grow more pot. pt1
YouTube - grow more pot. pt2

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7)
YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 2 of 7)
YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 3 of 7)
YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 4 of 7)
YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 5 of 7)
YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 6 of 7)

Edit- heres a good one too YouTube - Hemp For Victory





Well-Known Member
It would totally hide it from aerial view, and there are perfect little spots of light for 1 plant, God I wish I had that farm...

Can I ask why Sour Grape Trees? Is it a high paying crop in lebanon?
yes it is a high paying crop :).

and i've thought about growing on that land...that soil is bomb.