What's For Dinner Tonight?

Damn they look tasty !

Those look tasty aswell , Hey guys we should do a wing off !!!!!

Tacos are a fav of mine , hard to beat , yum !

Mmmm, wings. Read a news story about that wing bowl thing in the states the other day. Bloody sickening. Not the wings. Just their mentality at that place.
not much of a wing eater, but I do want extra crispy KFC now:)

I've never lived near a mcdonalds or kfc, was always just a treat should i be driving past on the way home, and where i presently live, there is only one place with a mcdonalds and kfc and i have never had a reason to go there. Yesterday however, i got me a new jerb! And there is a kfc not 2 minutes from it :D And a mcdonalds only 5 minutes away. Oh yeah baby! zinger tower here i come :)
TTT it is so easy to get sucked into going to them. I try to stay away from KFC, but McD's draws me like a fucking magnet. When I was still working, I stopped every morning for a large ice tea and Egg McMuffin (all right, maybe 2). Now maybe twice a week. I at least try to eat well the rest of the time so...
TTT it is so easy to get sucked into going to them. I try to stay away from KFC, but McD's draws me like a fucking magnet. When I was still working, I stopped every morning for a large ice tea and Egg McMuffin (all right, maybe 2). Now maybe twice a week. I at least try to eat well the rest of the time so...

Too expensive for me to get sucked in. Expensive as in comparatively so. £5.50 for a burger, fries, and drink; that would go a hell of a lot further in a supermarket. I goto mcdonald etc about once ever 2 months.
I rarely eat out. I love to cook.

Rep for this man! cooking at home with a bottle of wine is what it's all about :) Not to mention how much you save. A lot of people i know who eat out, it's almost more a statu thing than anything else, as a lot of them are damned good cooks. I was gonna take my ma out for a birthday dinner, looked at the price, and it would have been £150 for 3 of us without any booze or desert, so i went to the shops, bought 3 sashimi tuna steaks, 3 whole sea bass, all the trimmings and such, and it cost £30 for 3 of us instead. £120 just so someone else can cook it? No thanks.
rubed down with olive oil yesterday and sprinkled with canadian steak spice, will be ready for the fire tonight ..... i've been good love my new house still trying to get the old one on the market
Rep for this man! cooking at home with a bottle of wine is what it's all about :) Not to mention how much you save. A lot of people i know who eat out, it's almost more a statu thing than anything else, as a lot of them are damned good cooks. I was gonna take my ma out for a birthday dinner, looked at the price, and it would have been £150 for 3 of us without any booze or desert, so i went to the shops, bought 3 sashimi tuna steaks, 3 whole sea bass, all the trimmings and such, and it cost £30 for 3 of us instead. £120 just so someone else can cook it? No thanks.

I like eating out to see new trends and styles of cooking....

Looks great especially the The Old Peculier.
Have you ever tried Spitfire ale and The Bishops Finger by Shepherd Neame?

I've not tried the old peculiar before. I smiled a bit when i read the quote on the back about the man and the line of coke. Spitfire is pretty good, and i'm very much a fan of bishops finger. Rather owe my parents a case of that and hobgoblin.

fucking love hobgoblin

It's brilliant isn't it :)

To both of you, these english beers, are they imported? Or have they sold an american brewery a license to produce like a lot of the foreign beers in the UK?

I like eating out to see new trends and styles of cooking....


I'm not too fussed by trends in cooking, i'm not really a fan of fancy, i just like simple hearty home cooking :) I'm more a lover of the different, why bizarre foods is one of my favorite shows. So much good stuff i've not seen before! Going to try and find a durian next time i'm up in london :)
I've not tried the old peculiar before. I smiled a bit when i read the quote on the back about the man and the line of coke. Spitfire is pretty good, and i'm very much a fan of bishops finger. Rather owe my parents a case of that and hobgoblin.

It's brilliant isn't it :)

To both of you, these english beers, are they imported? Or have they sold an american brewery a license to produce like a lot of the foreign beers in the UK?
canada has different alcohol laws in every province.
in my province i have to buy my beer and liquor from a government store, called The Beer Store or LCBO (liquor control board of ontario), they carry many selections yes hob is considered imported. so we pay a lot more of it.

LCBO 435743 | 500 mL bottle

Price $ 3.50

Made in: England, United Kingdom
By: The Wychwood Brewery Company Ltd.

Beer, Ale, Extra Special Bitter
5.5% Alcohol/Vol.
I'm not too fussed by trends in cooking, i'm not really a fan of fancy, i just like simple hearty home cooking :) I'm more a lover of the different, why bizarre foods is one of my favorite shows. So much good stuff i've not seen before! Going to try and find a durian next time i'm up in london :)

I like to see new plating ideas, and new flavour combinations that I've never tried!

I work in fine dining now, and that's where I want to stay and finish my career too, so it's really beneficial to me! :D
canada has different alcohol laws in every province.
in my province i have to buy my beer and liquor from a government store, called The Beer Store or LCBO (liquor control board of ontario), they carry many selections yes hob is considered imported. so we pay a lot more of it.

LCBO 435743 | 500 mL bottle

Price $ 3.50

Made in: England, United Kingdom
By: The Wychwood Brewery Company Ltd.

Beer, Ale, Extra Special Bitter
5.5% Alcohol/Vol.

That's 20 cents cheaper than we have to pay in the UK...! That's how screwed some of the UKs taxes are. Its £2 a bottle here, although I got this in a 4 for £5 offer so only £1.25 each.
I've not tried the old peculiar before. I smiled a bit when i read the quote on the back about the man and the line of coke. Spitfire is pretty good, and i'm very much a fan of bishops finger. Rather owe my parents a case of that and hobgoblin.

It's brilliant isn't it :)

To both of you, these english beers, are they imported? Or have they sold an american brewery a license to produce like a lot of the foreign beers in the UK?

I'm not too fussed by trends in cooking, i'm not really a fan of fancy, i just like simple hearty home cooking :) I'm more a lover of the different, why bizarre foods is one of my favorite shows. So much good stuff i've not seen before! Going to try and find a durian next time i'm up in london :)
I'm only across the pond and commiserations on the 6 Nations BTW:mrgreen:.
I'd say anything brewed in England/UK is imported here as well, Tesco near me have a great selection or at least they used to have, they were also the most competitive with prices. I was quite fond of Bishops Finger as well, I'm not too familiar with the Hobgoblin though, can't recall seeing it that often.