US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
consensus =/= scientific consensus
Scientific consensus =/= Fact

Not saying Climate change is man made, or not, just consensus of any kind is still not fact.

Im a Climate Change agnostic, but think renewables are common sense.


Not for another 30 years tho :(


Well-Known Member
Scientific consensus =/= Fact

Not saying Climate change is man made, or not, just consensus of any kind is still not fact.

Im a Climate Change agnostic, but think renewables are common sense.


Not for another 30 years tho :(
scientific consensus = proportioned to evidence

there's a reason why there is a vast, overwhelming scientific consensus that human activities are warming the earth, it's because there is so much goddamn evidence for it.


Well-Known Member
scientific consensus = proportioned to evidence

there's a reason why there is a vast, overwhelming scientific consensus that human activities are warming the earth, it's because there is so much goddamn evidence for it.
Evidence = "theoretical models that didn't pan out"
in Bucky world now?


Well-Known Member
Not as much of a difference as you would have us believe. Organizing based on ones beliefs is expressly permitted in the constitution. So you're saying it's ok to believe or think something, you just can't tell anyone about it?
Buck's post seems to be about himself and the Democrat party.


Well-Known Member
So.... you don't believe that there is a strategicly organized campaign of disinformation regarding global warming? Or do you think that is just a lot of wacked out nonsense?
I do, both. You Global Warming alarmists are all either lying or stupid.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I have a much better example. What would you think if a group of Eco-Loons formed to concoct a fraudulent scientific consensus about the timber industry affecting the survival of a small subset of owls for the purpose of crippling said industry? They would have countless brain dead doofuses bleating their talking points for them and trying to create a public outcry.

And after calling deniers "rednecks" and "flat-earthers", forcing the closure of numerous timber companies, destroying the livelihoods of THOUSANDS of families, passing their wish list of legislation and forcing an entire industry abroad, the entire debacle is exposed as an environmentalist scam.

Do they unwind the legislation passed based on lies? No. Do they beg the industry to return? No. Are they forced to compensate the THOUSANDS of families that were financially devastated by their campaign of deceit? No.

The ends justify the means for these jackasses, always has, always will. They will say anything and do anything to further their "environmental calamity of the month" agenda. Fuck them and the halfwit stooges regurgitating their drivel.
Well, it's OK to destroy an industry and shatter people's live because... Gaiah! But if you point out that the Earth is not warming as predicted, and in fact warming has stalled for the last 16 years, hence the scientific models that are the basis of the "global warming" hand wringing are obviously wrong. Buck wants to string those people up, call them "rednecks", hillbillies, and deniers.

On the other hand, Buck completely approves of a college professor assaulting a child and violating that child's civil rights because he doesn't like what the child is saying. With Buck, and many progressives, your choice is to either agree with them or be persecuted.


Well-Known Member
It's extremely difficult for some people to handle the fact they've been duped, not an easy task to admit you were wrong all along, especially on a public forum.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I have a much better example. What would you think if a group of Eco-Loons formed to concoct a fraudulent scientific consensus about the timber industry affecting the survival of a small subset of owls for the purpose of crippling said industry? They would have countless brain dead doofuses bleating their talking points for them and trying to create a public outcry.

And after calling deniers "rednecks" and "flat-earthers", forcing the closure of numerous timber companies, destroying the livelihoods of THOUSANDS of families, passing their wish list of legislation and forcing an entire industry abroad, the entire debacle is exposed as an environmentalist scam.

Do they unwind the legislation passed based on lies? No. Do they beg the industry to return? No. Are they forced to compensate the THOUSANDS of families that were financially devastated by their campaign of deceit? No.

The ends justify the means for these jackasses, always has, always will. They will say anything and do anything to further their "environmental calamity of the month" agenda. Fuck them and the halfwit stooges regurgitating their drivel.
Damn, that was well said! My compliments, Muy!!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MuyLocoNC again


Well-Known Member
It's extremely difficult for some people to handle the fact they've been duped, not an easy task to admit you were wrong all along, especially on a public forum.
i agree, it would be hard for you to admit that you've been duped, especially after posting all that crap from the heartland institute and rush limbaugh proteges.


Well-Known Member
You still can't come up with a single thing that you would accept as proof of ACC
I and others have said it many times, I'll accept something you, the IFCC (International Fleecers on Cilmate Change) and all of science does not have, proof.

When your hands on it, post it for all to see.


Well-Known Member
the same people denying scientific proof are the same one who say the bible is proof God exists.

just because you dont accept it doesnt mean its not proof... it just means you are either A too stupid to see/understand it or B cant accept youre wrong


Well-Known Member
the same people denying scientific proof are the same one who say the bible is proof God exists.

just because you dont accept it doesnt mean its not proof... it just means you are either A too stupid to see/understand it or B cant accept youre wrong

they're also the same people who called scientific polling in the run up to the 2012 election a liberal media conspiracy and totally skewed and invalid.


Well-Known Member
You still can't come up with a single thing that we would accept as proof?
You've been shown dozens of different articles of evidence, the same evidence that has convinced the vast majority of professionals whose job it is to study the climate, you simply deny it. There's reality again with that liberal bias...

Why is it so difficult for you to come up with one single thing that would prove it to you?

Because you can't, because there is nothing you would accept.

Not science


Well-Known Member
the same people denying scientific proof are the same one who say the bible is proof God exists.

just because you dont accept it doesnt mean its not proof... it just means you are either A too stupid to see/understand it or B cant accept youre wrong
Who you are talking to, I don't deny science and certainly don't have proof that God exits, or that he doesn't.
But why do you believe the earth has warmed 5 degrees from 1986-2010 and Al Gore and his skinny polar bears?


Well-Known Member
You've been shown dozens of different articles of evidence, the same evidence that has convinced the vast majority of professionals whose job it is to study the climate, you simply deny it. There's reality again with that liberal bias...

Why is it so difficult for you to come up with one single thing that would prove it to you?

Because you can't, because there is nothing you would accept.

Not science
Mr pada, you already made a damn fool of yourself in another thread over this proof of yours, shall we pull a chair up and enjoy another round? lulz.......


Well-Known Member
You've been shown dozens of different articles of evidence, the same evidence that has convinced the vast majority of professionals whose job it is to study the climate, you simply deny it. There's reality again with that liberal bias...

Why is it so difficult for you to come up with one single thing that would prove it to you?

Because you can't, because there is nothing you would accept.

Not science
Really, what is it with these people? I mean, we showed them articles by individuals and groups who are actively trying to prove the MMGW theory and those articles that they wrote clearly support their theory, yet the deniers won't believe it.

Then we showed them the climate models of individuals and groups who are actively trying to prove MMGW. These models were programmed by those same people, as was the data that was fed in to them. Those models clearly support their theory, yet the deniers won't believe it.

We even used words like scientific and consensus, called them stupid and rednecks and they still won't knuckle under. <stomps feet> Don't they hear me telling them what they should believe? I'm getting so angry, I might write something very unflattering on my blog. Don't say I didn't warn you hillbillies.
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