Jointed's Journey

Haha an update! I know I've been slackin off, but hey everybody has to once in a I would take pics tonight, but I'm tired and I smoked up so I'm gonna make ya'll wait one more day. I did manage to throw a shack up so now I can flower, but I'm thinkin temps are gonna be on the low side. Hell I even put my ballast in the room. It's sitting on a shower stool meant for the gerry crowd, at least it's I have 4 plants in there right now, 2 I know are girls the other 2 I have no clue, I am vegging a pandora's box for 2 more weeks and then she will go in the shack...can't wait for that one. My veggers are starting to recover from the bug bombing, that fucked my girls up just made the leaves brown up and curl and then die..:twisted: I'll never ever use another one!! Well I guess thats all for to up my post count....j
Yeah we all do slack here and there. So on FB our local news paper posted that 87% of us agree medical marijuana should be legal. we had a good discussion and a few idiots. Had to put them in there place. Most everyone agrees that the pros out way the cons for medical use. So lets hope our state officials can read and understand if they dont legalize it they will not be voted for again. back to you Bro get out their and set it up. if you need more heat put a little personal heater in there. if you cant get temps over 70 i would wait. also you have to change the light schedule so the lights run at night and off in the day so they dont freeze or frost.

Haha an update! I know I've been slackin off, but hey everybody has to once in a I would take pics tonight, but I'm tired and I smoked up so I'm gonna make ya'll wait one more day. I did manage to throw a shack up so now I can flower, but I'm thinkin temps are gonna be on the low side. Hell I even put my ballast in the room. It's sitting on a shower stool meant for the gerry crowd, at least it's I have 4 plants in there right now, 2 I know are girls the other 2 I have no clue, I am vegging a pandora's box for 2 more weeks and then she will go in the shack...can't wait for that one. My veggers are starting to recover from the bug bombing, that fucked my girls up just made the leaves brown up and curl and then die..:twisted: I'll never ever use another one!! Well I guess thats all for to up my post count....j
It's no colder than mid 40's in the basement, with the light on temp's are hovering right about 70 deg. And I sure as heck don't have to worry about humidity, it's down in the 30 percent range. I still have a couple holes up at the top where I attached the tarp I'm using, I figure once I get those filled with some crumpled up newspaper the temps should come up to the mid 70's, and that is right where I want it. If there is any purple or coloration of any sort the nighttime temp's in the 40's should bring em out real good. That's what I'm looking forward to.

I haven't flipped em yet, but I will once I decide what schedule to keep em on. Now off to find some
i use the newspapers to light my charcoal for grilling. newspapers have allot of uses.

It's no colder than mid 40's in the basement, with the light on temp's are hovering right about 70 deg. And I sure as heck don't have to worry about humidity, it's down in the 30 percent range. I still have a couple holes up at the top where I attached the tarp I'm using, I figure once I get those filled with some crumpled up newspaper the temps should come up to the mid 70's, and that is right where I want it. If there is any purple or coloration of any sort the nighttime temp's in the 40's should bring em out real good. That's what I'm looking forward to.

I haven't flipped em yet, but I will once I decide what schedule to keep em on. Now off to find some
This is interesting, I didn't realize that Blueberry could tolerate temps that low. Might have to add that to the outdoor mix... Where did you buy the seeds, do you remember the breeder? Thanks DC.
Actually a good 20-30 deg drop in overnight temp's is a good thing. As long as the temp doesn't drop below freezing, it's all good. My lights on temp looks to be about 71 so I'm good, can't wait to see what colors the buds will take on with the temps regularly getting into the 40's. It should be interesting as well as pretty to look at. I'll take some pics and do my duties to let ya'll see what I got cookin, but right now I have a couple errands to run.....later..:)
Thanks DC, much appreciated.

I did a lot of reading about how much to let temps drop when I started growing again, because it was winter. From what I could see most believe that about a 15 degree drop is the max in an ideal situation so thats what I did. Really good to know how far that range can be pushed from first hand experience. Not to mention it will save me some dough on my power bill next winter lol. Thanks J...
the only thing you have to pay attention to is can they be grown outdoors/indoors if so they can handle the temp change. when i grew outdoors it would be 77 day and 52 night thats 25 degrees. they can handle as low as 43 i would say. Frost being an issue.

Thanks DC, much appreciated.

I did a lot of reading about how much to let temps drop when I started growing again, because it was winter. From what I could see most believe that about a 15 degree drop is the max in an ideal situation so thats what I did. Really good to know how far that range can be pushed from first hand experience. Not to mention it will save me some dough on my power bill next winter lol. Thanks J...
I hope theres no frost in the basement, and being that it is warming up outside I forsee no issues...
Well here's the pics of the shack and 4 ladies that are occupying space. The brutha dope won't be started in flower for a couple weeks for root development. I guess I should explain the name, the weed was from a black fella, but thats not why it's named BD. The reason is because it's weed you share with your fellow brutha's, just so ya'll know I'm not racist. Anyway's enjoy the pics, I'll update the coop tomorrow....j