First Wash. licence issued

blaze 57

Well-Known Member
I'm still cautious about this. What will happen 3 yrs from now with a possible whole new Federal administration that decides its time to $$ seize assets? I wouldn't put one dime into this endeavor until it becomes legal.

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — His company's name celebrates being too stoned to get off the couch, and he hopes to bring an ultra-potent "super joint"

Meet Sean Green, chief executive of Kouchlock Productions and the proud owner of Washington state's first legal-marijuana business license.
The state Liquor Control Board on Wednesday issued Green the license at its meeting in Olympia on Wednesday, launching a new phase in the state's ambitious effort to regulate a market that has been illegal for more than 75 years.
In that situation you could sue the living shit out of the federal and/or state government due to the federal memorandum. Very smart people are investing a scary amount of money into this.
60% margins with a one-year return on original investment is pretty damn competitive investing in a recession.
I would be surprised if it weren't higher than 50%. They give you a few hurdles to jump over in paying the fees to show you're serious and such, and then the documents they require you to fill out are really just an aptitude test to make sure you're not too retarded to read forty pages and take basic notes. They might as well require an Associate's from an accredited community college. This is good news for all those who actually possess the aptitude to properly run a business.
I would be surprised if it weren't higher than 50%. They give you a few hurdles to jump over in paying the fees to show you're serious and such, and then the documents they require you to fill out are really just an aptitude test to make sure you're not too retarded to read forty pages and take basic notes. They might as well require an Associate's from an accredited community college. This is good news for all those who actually possess the aptitude to properly run a business.

Its a business and one of your partners is the state. Its there job to outline the details in order to get legit money investors to participate. Real business people will do great. Weed growers that don't understand business taxes, and how to build a business plan will fail. There is two sides to the business.
Spend big money to make bigger money. Smart investment should pay big dividends.

Dividends are more like dangling a carrot in front of a horse to get it to move. A smart investment should have a rising pps (IMO). Is there a way to contact you other then a public forum post Snaps?
Its a business and one of your partners is the state. Its there job to outline the details in order to get legit money investors to participate. Real business people will do great. Weed growers that don't understand business taxes, and how to build a business plan will fail. There is two sides to the business.

I got a question for ya, all these drug dealers and growers have had their own "business plan" for years now BEFORE Wa state voted it "legal" now that the state tries to regulate MJ now and you think we all will just forget how to grow and get rid of it? Growing and moving weed isn't as easy as everyone thinks, that's why you see all the grow equipment on Craigslist! Bunch of lazy ass stoners that have no idea how much work goes into this.
I got a question for ya, all these drug dealers and growers have had their own "business plan" for years now BEFORE Wa state voted it "legal" now that the state tries to regulate MJ now and you think we all will just forget how to grow and get rid of it? Growing and moving weed isn't as easy as everyone thinks, that's why you see all the grow equipment on Craigslist! Bunch of lazy ass stoners that have no idea how much work goes into this.

Smart money is on those that surround themselves with competent, experienced and motivated people.
Washington has projected that 50% will fail because of poor management and financing.

more like, over taxation.....more than any other product

more than 1/2 the people don't have the proper locations(addresses within the zones) for processor or retailer licenses

Think about this... The State's slow licensing process and restrictive control measures plays a major role in our success too!!!

Over 2000 applications for retail outlets...all marijuana business, must have a address on your applications where business will be conducted... most will have to pay rent on that location until they get a license or until the lottery for retail stores...then only 334 get a retail license.

There's going to be 1666 pissed off .....out of $$$ people.....Lost all license fees, plus the rent.... property you had to maintain during the waiting others out of zone

A Grower/producer has it a little easier...much larger zones to conduct business...... but most growers CAN NOT process due to zoning restrictions

You will find that all processor's business locations have to be in the same zoned areas as all retail stores.....You might be zoned to grow but you will have to transport your shit to the processing place for drying bagging and tagging
Welcome to the world of overpriced, overtaxed, mediocre weed. I have met and been to the current medical dispensary of this guy to get the first license, but only once, the quality was not what i would return for. His selection of medicine is a testiment to his ability to grow big trees and lots of weed with mediocre quality. Exactly what we expected from the growers for the new state system. The are worried about the quantity not the quality of their meds. But then I suspect the average stoner will be happy with anything green.