Can A Guy Really Suck His Own....? Pic


Well-Known Member
Ugh... I can't sleep... I'm nauseous again and I literally feel close to puking for some reason... I haven't smoked in like a month and a half now and my chronic nausea is back... It sucks. A lot.


Well-Known Member
I had an ex cheat on me 9 times in one night with 9 different guys. She did a lot of X and coke that night... I have the WORST luck with women.
Rev Sorry bout that this is # 3 here and the way her lil nasty ass was acting I figured her for either a single chic having fun or a married chic living a fantasy... anyways I got bored after # 7 so me & # 2 went to the bar but did hear that she went nine strong... (Sike I couldn't resist though)

I knowwwww...crazy chicks are every where...duh...:confused:
Tips just an fyi "crazy & chic" are synonymous like lamb & tuna fish (Rob Schneider Big Daddy), toilet & piss, alcoholism & promiscuity or Peanut butter & jelly....

I KNEW dat would shut you up;)

Night night

(smothers wikid wif love before I go)

Lacy can U and Wikid pod cast that then next time you do it plz because frankly (and I think I speak for the group when I say) we'd all appreciate it...



Well-Known Member
lmao. It's fine. I joke all the time about it now. When it happened I was like, "What the fuck is so wrong with me that she had to go and fuck 9 guys in the same night?!" I literally had a breakdown and a half when I heard about it. But yeah, it's cool man. haha


Well-Known Member
Even with a relatively large member I'm still like 4 inches away. hahaha

I couldn't help but try. (I knew I wouldn't be able to do it)
lmao, I had to rep you for that one.

For me it's usually the fine rack. haha I know I'm a pig but every chick I've had horrible luck with has had an amazing set on her.
I know what you mean. A lot of the guys I went for, especially when I was in high school, were a certain type of guy, and usually turned out to be trouble.

Wow. :o You really are testing it tonight huh?:shock:
You guys always test it when I'm not here. Its not fair, I miss the funnest shit.

this is the " can a guy suck his own dick" thread and I'm testing it?
tsk tsk

I KNEW dat would shut you up;)

Night night

(smothers wikid wif love before I go)

Ugh... I can't sleep... I'm nauseous again and I literally feel close to puking for some reason... I haven't smoked in like a month and a half now and my chronic nausea is back... It sucks. A lot.
That sucks. I don't do well with pain. Brings out the bitch in me.


New Member
Eww...sorry to read this. I hate feeling like that. :-?
Ugh... I can't sleep... I'm nauseous again and I literally feel close to puking for some reason... I haven't smoked in like a month and a half now and my chronic nausea is back... It sucks. A lot.
Rev Sorry bout that this is # 3 here and the way her lil nasty ass was acting I figured her for either a single chic having fun or a married chic living a fantasy... anyways I got bored after # 7 so me & # 2 went to the bar but did hear that she went nine strong... (Sike I couldn't resist though):?

Tips just an fyi "crazy & chic" are synonymous like lamb & tuna fish (Rob Schneider Big Daddy), toilet & piss, alcoholism & promiscuity or Peanut butter & jelly....
:roll: crazy and chick go together like this? Well I'm glad I'm not crazy. :-|

Lacy can U and Wikid pod cast that then next time you do it plz because frankly (and I think I speak for the group when I say) we'd all appreciate it...

huh? Pot cast? :confused:

lmao. It's fine. I joke all the time about it now. When it happened I was like, "What the fuck is so wrong with me that she had to go and fuck 9 guys in the same night?!" I literally had a breakdown and a half when I heard about it. But yeah, it's cool man. haha
Seriously DUDE!!!
I wouldn't even be asking THAT question?
WTF was wrong wif her? You should just be thanking your lucky stars that you got rid of her cause that is just real nasty shit. :twisted:

lmao, I had to rep you for that one.

I know what you mean. A lot of the guys I went for, especially when I was in high school, were a certain type of guy, and usually turned out to be trouble. :roll:SHIT wikid. No need to elaborate there. I recently went through a high school flash back. :twisted: Thanks GAWD I snapped out of it LONG AGO!!!!:blsmoke::peace:

You guys always test it when I'm not here. Its not fair, I miss the funnest shit.

tsk tsk:hump:

NIGHT LACY!Morning gurl;)

That sucks. I don't do well with pain. Brings out the bitch in me. comment;)


Well-Known Member
Oh I know Lacy. But at the time I was extremely depressed because things were going well up until then (at least I thought so). This all happened like 4 years ago anyways. I was only that way for a couple weeks. Then I came to my senses. haha


New Member
:roll:Yeah but wikid won't go inot any of my threads so If I wanna have any fun wif her I have to come to her threads. :twisted:

this is the " can a guy suck his own dick" thread and I'm testing it?
Rev Sorry bout that this is # 3 here and the way her lil nasty ass was acting I figured her for either a single chic having fun or a married chic living a fantasy... anyways I got bored after # 7 so me & # 2 went to the bar but did hear that she went nine strong... (Sike I couldn't resist though)

Tips just an fyi "crazy & chic" are synonymous like lamb & tuna fish (Rob Schneider Big Daddy), toilet & piss, alcoholism & promiscuity or Peanut butter & jelly....Sorry Moe BUT I hate sterotyping.

Its so wrong.

and pfft...look at the examples you give...:confused:

alcoholism and promisuity? :twisted: Shit I know some completely celebate drunks.:confused:

Can't stand the stuff myself......and if flirting online and having fun is being promiscuous then I am VERY much so then:hump: LMAO!!!!!

Peanut butter and jelly? :confused: Sometimes I like jelly all on it's own. ;)

How about we add:

stoners and losers
weed theives and snitches
etc etc:hump:

yeah so you will fit right in this forum.....Haha. j/k :roll:

Lacy can U and Wikid pod cast that then next time you do it plz because frankly (and I think I speak for the group when I say) we'd all appreciate it...

Oh I know Lacy. But at the time I was extremely depressed because things were going well up until then (at least I thought so). This all happened like 4 years ago anyways. I was only that way for a couple weeks. Then I came to my senses. haha
Aww Rev:(...4 years ago. Thats a long time ago:blsmoke:Glad you came to your senses and I bet you are even more happy about it now.


Well-Known Member
Me and my dating horror stories always get a crack. haha

Oh you mean lacy and them. Yeah, they're kinda funny... :roll::mrgreen:

Just kidding by the way. I'm lame and they're the life of the party.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Me and my dating horror stories always get a crack. haha

Oh you mean lacy and them. Yeah, they're kinda funny... :roll::mrgreen:

Just kidding by the way. I'm lame and they're the life of the party.:peace:
haha, also i have had a few dirty chicks that i dated that i got some horror stories. or should i say whore stories.:blsmoke: i am here all night folks.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Lacy baby, sorry to be the one who has to break this to you but stereotypes do exist as a matter of fact the reason they are so widely known is because usually they are true... case in point:

I'm a black man very light skin might I add and I live in one of the blackest most niggerish cities in America B-more, yet I have been stopped by the police more times than I care to recall. Y cause the cops saw the Wire too? Nope only cause they see a nigga when they look and I could be dealing crack or something... The big dick thing I'm not saying that no other races are toatin logs around with them too just as a rule of thumb we are usually more endowed than they are. I make very good money have for a few years now yet I am just (with-in the last 2 years) raising my credit score, my doctor tells me every visit I need to lower my cholesterol... There's notta a food I eat more than fried chicken (wings specifically) with hot sauce and ketchup... I love watermelon and I drink alcohol like a fish... I have a pretty good jump shot always have, I talk more shit than a little bit, I had my own car before I had my own place, I would rather fight than talk if someone gets that far under my skin. ETC the list goes on and on sweety ... My point was that most of the time when people stereotype its not something they just pull out of thin air its legit as can be. For the record I have a bunch of stereotypes that I could bring up about other races but I'm sure you noticed I decided not to talk about any other race than mine because when a person like myself speaks his mind about things like this my
stereotyping often gets misconstrued for racism...

Needless to say to my original point I still think that most all you ladies are crazy perhaps not yourself but probably.... I still love you though



Well-Known Member
P.S. Rev don't typecast your ex, she wasn't a whore just misunderstood and needed to express herself sexually...

LMAO translation a big fandango whore....