Can A Guy Really Suck His Own....? Pic


Well-Known Member
and rev...that whole 9 guy was not really bad until after the 3rd guy....

So true Rev, notice I said that was my number because 3 just signifies she's nasty but still mostly normal... 9 makes me think of those sluts that be on skin flicks that fuck like 200 or 500 guys in 1 day, You know the ones that Ron Jeremy & John Holmes be at with their mics and the broad has like 5 or 6 guys surrounding her at a time like a zombies surrounding their prey in a 80's horror flick and they got cameras everywhere and those fluffer chics who just blow U enough so ur hard when you get over to the cum bucket of a woman... and there's always some dude with a brown paper bag or a Darth Vader mask on so his wife doesn't recognize him except he doesn't cover his tattoos lol

She doesnt call me for a week, and then starts blowing my phone up again. She wanted me to come over, but I had plans. After I left the club at 4am, I stopped by for... well you know. There was some undercover cop there!! Man I lost it!!! I called them both out, raised all kinds of hell, and his sorry ass wouldn't even come out of the bedroom. He sent her out to talk to me!! I got some of my stuff back and left.quote]

Tiips I just want you to know your pimp card is under review for not handling tis situation correctly... If your pimp was official you'd a F'd her then and there... All you had to do was play it like "baby look you already doing him, I'm here now and we know you called me earlier to do me, you may as well just let us dummy you out (thats hood for run a G on you) But you let a golden opp get away"

I stopped by her place for some stuff...and an undercover cop was doing her...
P.S. If you knew he was an UC then he's obviously not a very good one lol or was Herbose right " He was just under HER covers"?
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New Member
I like dirty chicks...dirty crazy chicks....:)
Lacy baby, sorry to be the one who has to break this to you but stereotypes do exist as a matter of fact the reason they are so widely known is because usually they are true... case in point: Oh I don't disagree with you. I just don't think they are right but it something we are all giulty of.

I'm a black man very light skin might I add and I live in one of the blackest most niggerish cities in America B-more, yet I have been stopped by the police more times than I care to recall. Y cause the cops saw the Wire too? Nope only cause they see a nigga when they look and I could be dealing crack or something... :?yeah true. The big dick thing I'm not saying that no other races are toatin logs around with them too just as a rule of thumb we are usually more endowed than they are.:shock::shock::shock:I wasn't disbeliving you. :shock:

I make very good money have for a few years now yet I am just (with-in the last 2 years) raising my credit score, my doctor tells me every visit I need to lower my cholesterol... There's notta a food I eat more than fried chicken (wings specifically) with hot sauce and ketchup... I love watermelon and I drink alcohol like a fish... I have a pretty good jump shot always have, I talk more shit than a little bit, I had my own car before I had my own place, I would rather fight than talk if someone gets that far under my skin.:shock::o:shock:OMG!

ETC the list goes on and on sweety ... My point was that most of the time when people stereotype its not something they just pull out of thin air its legit as can be.Oh absolutely. I agree 100%. We are totally on the same page with this.
But I don't have a big :shock: For the record I have a bunch of stereotypes that I could bring up about other races but I'm sure you noticed I decided not to talk about any other race than mine because when a person like myself speaks his mind about things like this my stereotyping often gets misconstrued for racism... It did not come across that way to me at all. I think you summed it up very well indeed. Rep for you if I remember. :)

Needless to say to my original point I still think that most all you ladies are crazy perhaps not yourself No I really am this crazy but would not act out like this in real life. :shock: Not all of it that is. :?
I let you guess whihc parts I would leave out;)but probably.... I still love you though
Aww so cute. :hug:

P.S. Rev don't typecast your ex, she wasn't a whore just misunderstood and needed to express herself sexually... :shock::o:shock:umm...yeah ok.:confused:

LMAO translation a big fandango whore....
and rev...that whole 9 guy was not really bad until after the 3rd guy....
No it was ALL BAD and not in a nice way. :spew:


New Member
Had a similar experience.
Met this handsome dude through a mutual friend. Trouble with this mutual friend was in love with me :shock:
He tells me he doesn't mind that we see each other as long as the two of us can still be close friends. Silly me.:cry: NOT a good idea but at the time I agreed.

We are getting along great. The sex is awesome because he is so loved to experiment...couldn't have asked for better.....:hump: Each time we spend with each other seems more and more mesmerizing. :hug: Its one of these very intense relationships. Almost like when you first fell in love. Everything about the relationship is so intensified and the romance and sex is the bomb.

One long weekend I decide to stay at his apartment and we basically stayed in bed for three days:oops: I mean it was over the top out of this world :shock:
hot hot hot....:clap: had x rated movies, yadda yadda.....really getting into it BIG TIME:hug::p

Not sure what we may have sounded like:shock: but all of a sudden there is a knock at the door...:o
We're like totally hot and sweaty and my guy jumps out of bed runs to the door grabs at bat :shock:opens it only to beat the shit out of my male friend.:shock::o:shock:

Now THAT was some fucked up shit.:confused: I had a real difficult time losing this guy and actually had to take him to court and have a restraining order put on the dude.

Man you think chicks can be crazy. This was some pretty f*cked up stuff that I had no idea about :cry:My poor friend. I will never forget that day and feel somewhat responsible. :cry:

My man was 'freak' in more ways than one. :confused: Very scary stuff.:evil:
Had a wicked temper on him but yet cried like a friggin baby. The dude cried more than me.:-? Now thats sad.
Gotta say tho...he had a smokin hot sexy bod .........oh drool......:|

Heres mine: I met this chick after a funeral for a mutual friend (who had warned me about her before he died). We hooked up and started dating. I knew her back in HS but had not seen her for years. She was SMOKIN HAWT. Anyhow we started spending alot of time together. I mean all the time. Anything I did, she had to be with me. I didnt really pick up on it at the time. Anyhow, about two months into it she tells me she wants to run off to the Bahamas or someplace with a beach and get married. I'm freakin out! She starts crying saying how much she loves me and how she knows she could never keep me, so she wanted to make it official. I said we were moving a bit fast. She does a complete 180 and starts screaming how she hates me and never wanted to marry me anyway! What are you, 4 years old? She flips out, gets crazier by the minute, packs up her **** and some of mine and leaves. I was so sick of her at that point I did not care. She doesnt call me for a week, and then starts blowing my phone up again. She wanted me to come over, but I had plans. After I left the club at 4am, I stopped by for... well you know. There was some undercover cop there!! Man I lost it!!! I called them both out, raised all kinds of hell, and his sorry ass wouldnt even come out of the bedroom. He sent her out to talk to me!! I got some of my stuff back and left. She blew my phone up for two weeks after that, but I never spoke to her again. I heard she has been in and out of rehab 3 times since then and lost a pregnancy. What a psycho hose beast!!


New Member
Hey wikid gurl. Why you always make me cum for you?:roll:

LMAO! Love the 'shock' factor.

Now I told you I got some nice threads.

Got some Tommy Hilfiger,
some John Henry
Some Jimmy Choo,,,,,,,:hump:

Just cause I 'clothes' them off from time to time.......

:roll: I have an odd sense of humour.:mrgreen: What can I say? :peace:


Well-Known Member
Tuchea Lacy, the only thing worse than a crazy ass woman is 2 crazy ass women. sike I'm just messin but I couldn't resist... No truth be told crazy dudes are by far and away worse that crazy chics cause even if y'all fuck wit us to no end theres never a time where we are truly scared of you maybe scared of something you may do but not you personally and when a dude is out his mind ya'll are petrified and rightfully so


New Member
"The sex is awesome because he is so teachable"....
I guess that says it all...if a guy finds a girl that needs to be taught, we usually just move on...if it was bad will be bad tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
Lacy baby, sorry to be the one who has to break this to you but stereotypes do exist as a matter of fact the reason they are so widely known is because usually they are true... case in point:
point I still think that most all you ladies are crazy perhaps not yourself but probably.... I still love you though
Crazy is as crazy wake up with a Voodoo doll pin in your bag...chances are she's nuts.. But on the other hand..pms, moth. in law, you, baby, sick...etc, thats just people..

I want to hear some more horror stories....
and rev...that whole 9 guy was not really bad until after the 3rd guy....
Sloppy 9th can push the limits..

I stopped by her place for some stuff...and an undercover cop was doing her...
You shoulda warned him...
are you stoned
Has a cop ever warned you..??:confused:
Sorry, I'm not good at being funny on command. God, I feel like a guy who can't get it up. :oops: This has never happened to me before I swear.....
* Gives wikid a hug....Hey whats the lump ?)*:hump:
"The sex is awesome because he is so teachable"....
I guess that says it all...if a guy finds a girl that needs to be taught, we usually just move on...if it was bad will be bad tomorrow...
Who'd think that would be that case..but unless you got got "attacked" by a bung hole -a-tron at the 10 level setting.... :o:o:shock:


Well-Known Member
"The sex is awesome because he is so teachable"....
I guess that says it all...if a guy finds a girl that needs to be taught, we usually just move on...if it was bad will be bad tomorrow...

Tips I understand that rationale but I completely disagree with it though... Personally I just like any other freaky ass dude I love a chic where I dont have to open my mouth about what todo but on the other hand I actually prefer someone that I can mold into the bedroom slut that I want her tobe and I have no problem at all teaching and coaching... Usually I dont keep them though after I get em' ready for the world I send em' out to please some other bozo... But I do reserve the right to bring em' in for a update from time to time.


New Member
any time any time...thats what I life for
yeah right:roll:
thanks for keeping the forums, well, shocking...
Tuchea Lacy, the only thing worse than a crazy ass woman is 2 crazy ass women. sike I'm just messin but I couldn't resist... No truth be told crazy dudes are by far and away worse that crazy chics cause even if y'all fuck wit us to no end theres never a time where we are truly scared of you maybe scared of something you may do but not you personally and when a dude is out his mind ya'll are petrified and rightfully so
Oh so true. He was a badass dude.:twisted:

"The sex is awesome because he is so teachable"....
I guess that says it all...if a guy finds a girl that needs to be taught, we usually just move on...if it was bad will be bad tomorrow...
Oh no no....what this guy lacked in experience he MORE THAN made up for in willness to please and by my standards,..that goes far.:hump: Besides which......I had a lot of .....oh never mind :twisted:

Crazy is as crazy wake up with a Voodoo doll pin in your bag...chances are she's nuts.. But on the other hand..pms, moth. in law, you, baby, sick...etc, thats just people..LMAO spit it out twisty. LMAO!!!!!!!

Sloppy 9th can push the limits.. My thoughts exactly:spew:

Who'd think that would be that case..but unless you got got "attacked" by a bung hole -a-tron at the 10 level setting.... :o:o:shock:
:o :o :o


New Member
Oh boy :roll:...............:roll:
Tips I understand that rationale but I completely disagree with it though... Personally I just like any other freaky ass dude I love a chic where I dont have to open my mouth about what todo but on the other hand I actually prefer someone that I can mold into the bedroom slut that I want her tobe and I have no problem at all teaching and coaching... Usually I dont keep them though after I get em' ready for the world I send em' out to please some other bozo... But I do reserve the right to bring em' in for a update from time to time.
Here little boy...let me teach you a thing or two :twisted:


New Member
Tips I understand that rationale but I completely disagree with it though... Personally I just like any other freaky ass dude I love a chic where I dont have to open my mouth about what todo but on the other hand I actually prefer someone that I can mold into the bedroom slut that I want her tobe and I have no problem at all teaching and coaching... Usually I dont keep them though after I get em' ready for the world I send em' out to please some other bozo... But I do reserve the right to bring em' in for a update from time to time.
I'm 54 years old my man...I don't have the time to do any teaching...when you pull up on my bumper you need to be ready to go..............................:hump:


Well-Known Member
Oh boy :roll:...............:roll:Here little boy...let me teach you a thing or two :twisted:
I'd lay back and let you baby... believe that

I'm 54 years old my man...I don't have the time to do any teaching...when you pull up on my bumper you need to be ready to go..............................:hump:

I hear you Tips I hear you, but I'm only 30 sooooo I got all the time in the world GOD willing


New Member it would really happen:? this happened about 20 years ago
I'd lay back and let you baby... believe that

I hear you Tips I hear you, but I'm only 30 sooooo I got all the time in the world GOD willing
Its his birthday today :hug:

Hope you have fun big guy.......
don't do anyting I wouldn't do. :confused: