Well-Known Member
Ok, I see the mentality here. FUnny, Those who know me knows damn well I'm currently testing them but that's ok, sir. What the hell do I want to sound knowledgeable for. Bragging rights? It's obvious this kind of mentality has gotten a lot of us humans killed. Can u please tell me where is all this animosity coming from? Is this the states or china where freedom of speech and expression means nothing... How is it that the title of this thread is and then not be able to get an answer. I think we should stop trying to play big brother and decide for others what we feel appropriate or not. Just when we any of us has the right to make decisions for others and insult their intelligence. Did it ever occurred to u that a guy like me who has nothing to do but to play with these things with a unlimited budget running around might be up to date on the best deals in the market. Especially who's read my posts or has had personal experiences with me will tell u that the last thing I need is to put up with this kind of nonsense. I despise politics and drama and yet life is full of this crap and unavoidable. This is such a sad display of human nature. Wake up peopl;e, there's mpore to life than confrontation and drama....
Free speech goes both ways even if you dont like what is being said and so far Mello has free speeched you into looking like a fool.
For an unlimited budget and all your "experience" you dont have any photos to prove what you are talking about... you are all hot air and popcorn farts...