IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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So for once and all please explain the GPW ratio from the 155w a51 panel because i'll tell you right now I can hit 1 GPW on cheap Chinese panels nearly every time using DWC/bubbleponics with at most a 2.5 week veg time. 2 journals at bubbleponics with the same username.

Just to speed up the process you would have be over 2 GPW to out do the 2 actual 180w crap panels which I highly doubt since the foot print of 2 180's alone would be a crazy obstacle in that match.

Edit: to add salt, 2-180's amounts to a mere $240 tops so why not add a few more.

Thank you for having the courage to come forward to try to put an end to this kind of spin on these "cheap" factor chinese brand-name generic versions. Even HID's will have bashers and clouded opinions.
pics of you guys needs to STFU... you are all boring and predictable...

all these led with the same parts and numbers yet no pics... Why is that... perhaps... sniff sniff sniff is that bullshit I smell

No need for french here as we all speaks english and most true Americans should refrain from supporting the french as they betrayed us in the early Iraq days and only came on board later when they couldn't save their oil nuke interests since I think they're the ones who built it for Saddam. And post pics so u can apply this kind of attitude and debunk it as photoshop or borrowed pics. Why don't u spend the tinme to verify this on some of my other threads and see how much pitching and bs I spewed on those thread and u're more than welcome to ask for their audience;s opinion of me. Try GrassCity under "complete led set-up" and see how much of a pitcher I am and the bs I posted. Verify before making these unfounded attacks. Grow up bud, no need for these childish attitude. U can rephrase this in a much more civilize and professional manner. U honestly think u have any power over me or I have to give u respect when u have none for anyone.
monkeychief,no need to apologize to me. I was just throwing in my opinion after reading this thread the past few days. This is not a insult and you can correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to be a yes or no and a black or white kinda guy and not a maybe or different shades of gray guy. I think this thread is here to help people decide what's best for their budget,grow style and their expectations. Marijuana is one of the hardiest plants I've ever seen and you can grow it under almost any light source and it takes a lot of abuse. If all your interested in is yield and not quality you might want to go hydro under HPS if don't care about electricity cost and cooling and have a limited budget. If your more interested in just quality you might want to grow under a quality full spectrum LED set up and organic soil,you may need to DIY or use more than one unit to get the full spectrum your looking for. And there's the people in the middle too,that may use a mix of both. I can't argue against buying cheaper China made LED panels as long as the buyer understands the risk they take in buying them and does their homework on the company,the parts they use,how hard they drive them and their chances of warranty service. I'm a organic full spectrum guy with a very tight budget but according to a couple friends that grow under HPS,mine is noticeably higher quality,strength and I manage to yield more grams per watt than them with the same cut. Choosing a light is more than just budget.
Not meaning to Jack the thread, but damn, man, blaming the French? On the account of Iraq, you regurgitate dis-information. Stop getting your 411 from MSM. Nothing going on in this world is as it seems, or as programmed 24/7 by the bought and paid for MSM

Any response should be via PM.

No need for french here as we all speaks english and most true Americans should refrain from supporting the french as they betrayed us in the early Iraq days and only came on board later when they couldn't save their oil nuke interests since I think they're the ones who built it for Saddam. And post pics so u can apply this kind of attitude and debunk it as photoshop or borrowed pics. Why don't u spend the tinme to verify this on some of my other threads and see how much pitching and bs I spewed on those thread and u're more than welcome to ask for their audience;s opinion of me. Try GrassCity under "complete led set-up" and see how much of a pitcher I am and the bs I posted. Verify before making these unfounded attacks. Grow up bud, no need for these childish attitude. U can rephrase this in a much more civilize and professional manner. U honestly think u have any power over me or I have to give u respect when u have none for anyone.
So.... just out of curiosity. Do I post here about the two LED panels im looking at and interrupt the flame wars? Or do I start another thread specific to me (like everyone else lol)....

Thanks for your time, and happy interweb hunting.

P.S. Currently looking at KIND LEDs , Spectrum King (SK450 from Super Grow LED), and the G*LED

any info appreciated
No need for french here as we all speaks english and most true Americans should refrain from supporting the french as they betrayed us in the early Iraq days and only came on board later when they couldn't save their oil nuke interests since I think they're the ones who built it for Saddam. And post pics so u can apply this kind of attitude and debunk it as photoshop or borrowed pics. Why don't u spend the tinme to verify this on some of my other threads and see how much pitching and bs I spewed on those thread and u're more than welcome to ask for their audience;s opinion of me. Try GrassCity under "complete led set-up" and see how much of a pitcher I am and the bs I posted. Verify before making these unfounded attacks. Grow up bud, no need for these childish attitude. U can rephrase this in a much more civilize and professional manner. U honestly think u have any power over me or I have to give u respect when u have none for anyone.
you seem to have an inferiority complex with your last sentence.. I just said post some proof of your claims that the leds that A51 use are identical to others and so far you havent... so unless you want to back up those claims you need to stop with the bullshit that you seems to enjoy spewing...
So for once and all please explain the GPW ratio from the 155w a51 panel because i'll tell you right now I can hit 1 GPW on cheap Chinese panels nearly every time using DWC/bubbleponics with at most a 2.5 week veg time. 2 journals at bubbleponics with the same username.

Just to speed up the process you would have be over 2 GPW to out do the 2 actual 180w crap panels which I highly doubt since the foot print of 2 180's alone would be a crazy obstacle in that match.

Edit: to add salt, 2-180's amounts to a mere $240 tops so why not add a few more.

It's not that hard to figure out on the wattage vs. yield. If u average say 1gpw, then it will take u 1000w of leds to match a 1KHPS, and so on. This is why those who seen my posts I often say this myth and spin bout 1/4-1/3wattage of HID's ridiculous and blatant lie perpetrated by the rip-off us base business because the chinese didn't bother testing the yields and besides, how can they back then but times have changed and nice thing bout china as this helps them with their success is the government genuinely works with the people for the benefit of both economically. Not that they care bout people that much but more so to get our dollars which will weaken us in the long run strategically. The thing is they're so effective along with the Crees advantage with their spin/marketing that a lot of the market with the help with some of posters encouraging them to do so thru ignorance. I mean taking this lie hook, line, sinker, and the pole itself and no matter how much u try they still insists it's good for them. God only helps those who helps themselves. Anyone who's been at it awhile and especially helps if they have more than one make of panels and lighting source, i.e. HID's , CMH, etc. to compare stats to otherwise; the result evaluation will not be correct due to the lack of comparison subjects. U can also only stretch the law of physics to a certain point unless your Nicola Tesla.
you seem to have an inferiority complex with your last sentence.. I just said post some proof of your claims that the leds that A51 use are identical to others and so far you havent... so unless you want to back up those claims you need to stop with the bullshit that you seems to enjoy spewing...

And u have the same inferiority complex with my: Why don't u spend the tinme to verify this on some of my other threads and see how much pitching and bs I spewed on those thread and u're more than welcome to ask for their audience;s opinion of me. Try GrassCity under "complete led set-up" and see how much of a pitcher I am and the bs I posted. Verify before making these unfounded attacks. Grow up bud, no need for these childish attitude
And u have the same inferiority complex with my: Why don't u spend the tinme to verify this on some of my other threads and see how much pitching and bs I spewed on those thread and u're more than welcome to ask for their audience;s opinion of me. Try GrassCity under "complete led set-up" and see how much of a pitcher I am and the bs I posted. Verify before making these unfounded attacks. Grow up bud, no need for these childish attitude

Why would I want to search another forum for claims that you have made...... you have come here making claims that you arent willing to back up ... sounds like you are scouting for another forum...so until you can show me how A51 is the same as chinese panels you should STFU
Do I detect a note of sarcasm?

Yes, it is a shame what this thread has been reduced to

Here's my take

Multi-spectrum emitters bring nothing to the table that basic CW + WW emitters can't, but CW/WW are FULL SPECTRUM, and all you need to harvest awesome meds.

Contrary to the BS marketing hype- that being peak PAR only needs R/B (and now multi-spectrum)- due to flowering cycle mj needs a full spectrum.

Will it grow without it? Sure, but each subsequent generation of seed stock will be compromised as it adjusts to the missing spectrums.

This is much like each subsequent generation of humans, or pets, will become predisposed to some health issue due to missing nutrients = energy caused by junk food, soda, contaminated municipal water supply (they only test for X # of contaminants, and a lot of toxic stuff, ie, medications/drugs flushed down the toilet, are unreported. So drink up!

If you buy that, you've just eliminated 99% of all chinese offerings.

So, if it's leds you want (don't neglect EDFL) I only know of 2 companies. If you need bragging rights and a quality product Apache Tech.

If you're happy with a light that MIGHT not be as good (no one's done that test yet), but costs a lot less, unless you are covering a 4 x4+ area, at which point the cost of the second A 51 narrows the price difference considerably


So.... just out of curiosity. Do I post here about the two LED panels im looking at and interrupt the flame wars? Or do I start another thread specific to me (like everyone else lol)....

Thanks for your time, and happy interweb hunting.

P.S. Currently looking at KIND LEDs , Spectrum King (SK450 from Super Grow LED), and the G*LED

any info appreciated
So.... just out of curiosity. Do I post here about the two LED panels im looking at and interrupt the flame wars? Or do I start another thread specific to me (like everyone else lol)....

Thanks for your time, and happy interweb hunting.

P.S. Currently looking at KIND LEDs , Spectrum King (SK450 from Super Grow LED), and the G*LED

any info appreciated

Thank you Miley T for reminding us what this thread is for and that this "conversation" should be moved to "LED Users Unite!". Sadly I have no answer for your question since I'm not familiar with those panels. Maybe someone else?
So.... just out of curiosity. Do I post here about the two LED panels im looking at and interrupt the flame wars? Or do I start another thread specific to me (like everyone else lol)....

Thanks for your time, and happy interweb hunting.

P.S. Currently looking at KIND LEDs , Spectrum King (SK450 from Super Grow LED), and the G*LED

any info appreciated
I will give you some advice from what I have read as i havent owned any of these panels.... Kind are meant to be quite unreliable and the others Im not sure of.. dont actually know them.

LG light solutions I have seen a few grows including one on here that seems to be OK....havea look for the thread and message the grower perhaps...

but pleae dont worry about the attention whoring... it has a limited lifespan and there are plenty of guys on here with great knowledge
Thank you for having the courage to come forward to try to put an end to this kind of spin on these "cheap" factor chinese brand-name generic versions. Even HID's will have bashers and clouded opinions.

I hear yah, I started out LED on Blackstars which are just generic Chinese panels and have had to replace a panel here and there but also have panels to this day that are going on 3 years of service which is great for such a low investment. Recently I have purchased the ebay 100 3w diode - 180w actual panels and they perform so much better then blackstars at even half the price yet and as low as $100 a piece if you buy a case.

Don't get me wrong I recognize quality and get that if someone has the money to burn or wants commercial reliability it makes sense to spend more for quality but I get the weight and the coverage for a fraction of the cost.
I think those who run around acting as if they're patriotic and bash commies as if they really know how it feels to grow up with nuke drills during grade school class feels like. I think living thru the constant threat of communism until Reagan whip them into submission only then did the loom of communism stop haunting us on a daily bases. So please, study your history and consult your parents trying to act like adults but your "hood" jive gives u away and explain your ignorance. Copulate Commies! Comprende amigos!!!
i hear yah, i started out led on blackstars which are just generic chinese panels and have had to replace a panel here and there but also have panels to this day that are going on 3 years of service which is great for such a low investment. Recently i have purchased the ebay 100 3w diode - 180w actual panels and they perform so much better then blackstars at even half the price yet and as low as $100 a piece if you buy a case.

If u've been following this thread, you will noticed i recommended blackstars, granted thy're not the best of quality, but important thing is that they work and most important, affordable for the average/prudent end-user. You will also noticed that i was quickly dealt with and blackstars were made out as so cheap it wouldn't work or something even after countless documented grows and testimonials. But i guess they're not expensive so not sexy enough and frowned upon even though thy're the top led grow lights in sales, period!!!!! Can u imagine what a 65w, granted more efficient vs. 2 less efficient "cheapos" say like your 180's. Physics will definitely determine the "victor" u think? Lol.

Don't get me wrong i recognize quality and get that if someone has the money to burn or wants commercial reliability it makes sense to spend more for quality but i get the weight and the coverage for a fraction of the cost.

i second that many times in my posts. U have to be careful of being labeled a "pitcher" and god forbid, a chinese commie for stating the inconient truth on this matter. As u will notice in all of my posts and threads i try to throw the first stone to create the first ripple and the momentum will build into a wave. This is why i was attacked for exposing this inconvenient truth for the vendors and people who were suckered by this severely rip-off industry. I'm definitely the "persona non grata" of the brand-names now a title i will be proud of having. Again, thank u for re-affirming with even a51 did but yet i'm still demonize. Go figure. I did! Truth's the truth, good or bad. In this case, stupendous for us!
it makes sense to spend more for quality but I get the weight and the coverage for a fraction of the cost.

The cheapest option by far to get photons is 600 HPS. If that (or a 400W) is too big for your grow then you next best bet is DIY LED. If that is beyond your interest then the next best bet is a commercial LED with known bins like the ONYX Grow or A51. It may seem like the chinese eBay stuff is cheaper up front but their efficiency cannot compete with the efficiency of top bin Cree and you will not get as many photons in the canopy per dollar spent.

If you are calculating that you are getting 1gpw then all else remaining equal you can expect 1.5gpw (by your measure) if you were to use Cree. I am saying this because no-name LEDs are lucky if they are as efficient as fluoro (~20%) but they do have the directionality advantage over fluoro at least. Onyx and A51 are 30% efficient and HPS is 36% efficient. DIY LED is up to 43% efficient.

I am not saying that you should change what you are doing, just that people considering buying equipment should get fair warning.
oh... so many possibilities. im going to look at every one of those options. which you think is best? id think 4 fixtures would result in more even coverage than 2 larger.
oh... so many possibilities. im going to look at every one of those options. which you think is best? id think 4 fixtures would result in more even coverage than 2 larger.

I'm halfway through my 2nd inda gro run. I like them. Great penetration and coverage. Very even spectrum. Very good imo. Very frosty buds (can't wait to flower new strain). I just started running a51 sgs160. Its vegging in full power mode now. I plan on getting at least 3-5 more a51panels for separate veg and flower. with the rest of the space I'd like to run apache and hans just to see. That will take a while $$$$$. I may get Hans for the led veg room instead. Then again I prefer to veg and flower with same or close to same spectrum.
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