More Than 500 Economists Sign Letter Against Minimum Wage Hike


Well-Known Member
You do very often call it out with weak evidence. Twostroke used an outdated, but still in use word, mulatto (my Samsung phone just auto suggested it, and it won't let me type the n word) to describe himself.

You began a week long campaign against him and drew out nothing remotely indicative of racism to a rational human.

and now you slander him as such where ever you can.


you claim there are "countless" examples of m ecalling racism "without any warrant". since such examples are "countless" you should have no problem providing citation.

you made the claim, the burden is on you to prove your claim.

and politics poster who refuses to cite their claims is quickly laughed out of here, left or right.


Well-Known Member
You do very often call it out with weak evidence. Twostroke used an outdated, but still in use word, mulatto (my Samsung phone just auto suggested it, and it won't let me type the n word) to describe himself.

You began a week long campaign against him and drew out nothing remotely indicative of racism to a rational human.

and now you slander him as such where ever you can.
what about the part where he says that ending racist practices is "not a good idea", or his belief that freedom of religion does not grant the right to build a mosque, in addition to buying into birther conspiracies and calling the president by a racial slur?

keep trying, little guy.

and don't forget the extra cilantro on my sandwich.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
what about the part where he says that ending racist practices is "not a good idea", or his belief that freedom of religion does not grant the right to build a mosque, in addition to buying into birther conspiracies and calling the president by a racial slur?

keep trying, little guy.

and don't forget the extra cilantro on my sandwich.
Subway puts something other than extra cilantro on my sandwiches when I go there, which gives me a stomach ache. Never happens when I order a Bánh mì.


Well-Known Member
what about the part where he says that ending racist practices is "not a good idea", or his belief that freedom of religion does not grant the right to build a mosque, in addition to buying into birther conspiracies and calling the president by a racial slur?

keep trying, little guy.

and don't forget the extra cilantro on my sandwich.
That would be pretty damning, but one, that isn't what he said, and two, he said that long after you started calling him a racist. At that point, you went at him because he said mulatto, which is ok by nearly everyone, except you.

Now, what was really said was;

The method they chose to end the racist practices wasn't good idea. And I tend to agree. Although the harm done by those racist practices was greater than the harm of the cure, they could have done it a better way. The method they chose, which was a vast expansion of the commerce clause, or rather the power that clause gives congress, has resulted in a much more powerful federal government that has used that ability to do more than ban white only water fountains.

He didn't say that they couldn't build a mosque. Again you over simplify to make him look bad. Were talking about the ground zero mosque. Like freedom of speech does not let you yell fire in a theatre, or incite violence, he was advocating for a similar limit on the freedom of religion. The exact same argument could be used to keep the westborough baptist church from picketing soldier funerals and is reasonable. You are presenting it as if he was advocating Muslims not being able to build a mosque at any location in general.

He called the president a mulatto, which by definition he is, and the word "mulatto" is a little archaic, but not considered grossly offensive by anyone outside of you, and other racial extremists.

But still, you were calling him a racist well before any of those came to light. None of them are racist. And in order to convince anyone he is you resort to lying about what he was saying and presenting it sans context.

He did not advocate segregation, religious persecution, or any widely recognized racial slurs. You made all that shit up.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

You know Eskimo is taboo now too, right? It makes you wonder sometimes. People have nothing better to do.

People are starving. At any moment we could break out in a nuclear winter war. But all we care about is you offended the Inuit and person of mixed genetics! Dear Buddha!


New Member
I personally think falsely accusing someone of racism is equally as bad as being a racist!

It devalues the word racist and it normalize real racism

Making false accusations of racism (or anything) is dishonest, and damaging to a person's reputation.

It's like falsely accusing someone of rape. Even if the charges are proven to be false beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is always a stigma that the accused will carry with them forever.

The above comments are from yahoo answers, and I agree with them


Well-Known Member
I personally think falsely accusing someone of racism is equally as bad as being a racist!

It devalues the word racist and it normalize real racism

Making false accusations of racism (or anything) is dishonest, and damaging to a person's reputation.

It's like falsely accusing someone of rape. Even if the charges are proven to be false beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is always a stigma that the accused will carry with them forever.

The above comments are from yahoo answers, and I agree with them
I agree with the words, problem here is many people who are racist are too stupid to realize it. Phony and inflated outrage is the currency that the republicans have traded in for many years. Many folks are too stupid to realize they are voting against their own interests. I know a guy that votes republican, skips out on his union dues and thinks he'll still make that 45 an hour when the union is crushed. Shit, he'll save 24 bucks a month trading that job in for a 12.00 an hour job. That's the mindset of the extreme fool.


Well-Known Member
I personally think falsely accusing someone of racism is equally as bad as being a racist!

It devalues the word racist and it normalize real racism

Making false accusations of racism (or anything) is dishonest, and damaging to a person's reputation.

It's like falsely accusing someone of rape. Even if the charges are proven to be false beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is always a stigma that the accused will carry with them forever.

The above comments are from yahoo answers, and I agree with them

now that rolli has confirmed that you are thetoolwoman's sock puppet, i can now say with certainty that it was you who said that blacks should be more grateful to whites for freeing them.

totally not racist though, right?


Well-Known Member
That would be pretty damning, but one, that isn't what he said, and two, he said that long after you started calling him a racist. At that point, you went at him because he said mulatto, which is ok by nearly everyone, except you.

Now, what was really said was;

The method they chose to end the racist practices wasn't good idea. And I tend to agree. Although the harm done by those racist practices was greater than the harm of the cure, they could have done it a better way. The method they chose, which was a vast expansion of the commerce clause, or rather the power that clause gives congress, has resulted in a much more powerful federal government that has used that ability to do more than ban white only water fountains.

He didn't say that they couldn't build a mosque. Again you over simplify to make him look bad. Were talking about the ground zero mosque. Like freedom of speech does not let you yell fire in a theatre, or incite violence, he was advocating for a similar limit on the freedom of religion. The exact same argument could be used to keep the westborough baptist church from picketing soldier funerals and is reasonable. You are presenting it as if he was advocating Muslims not being able to build a mosque at any location in general.

He called the president a mulatto, which by definition he is, and the word "mulatto" is a little archaic, but not considered grossly offensive by anyone outside of you, and other racial extremists.

But still, you were calling him a racist well before any of those came to light. None of them are racist. And in order to convince anyone he is you resort to lying about what he was saying and presenting it sans context.

He did not advocate segregation, religious persecution, or any widely recognized racial slurs. You made all that shit up.
not a single thing you said was true, but the fact that you are coming to his rescue does not bode well.


New Member
I agree with the words, problem here is many people who are racist are too stupid to realize it.
Then I will assume you meant as well to say falsely accusing someone of racism is a vile act since you stated you agree with the words.

I will assume you are not attempting to twist things away from a serious issue
in order to further an agenda.


New Member
That would be pretty damning, but one, that isn't what he said, and two, he said that long after you started calling him a racist. At that point, you went at him because he said mulatto, which is ok by nearly everyone, except you.

Now, what was really said was;

The method they chose to end the racist practices wasn't good idea. And I tend to agree. Although the harm done by those racist practices was greater than the harm of the cure, they could have done it a better way. The method they chose, which was a vast expansion of the commerce clause, or rather the power that clause gives congress, has resulted in a much more powerful federal government that has used that ability to do more than ban white only water fountains.

He didn't say that they couldn't build a mosque. Again you over simplify to make him look bad. Were talking about the ground zero mosque. Like freedom of speech does not let you yell fire in a theatre, or incite violence, he was advocating for a similar limit on the freedom of religion. The exact same argument could be used to keep the westborough baptist church from picketing soldier funerals and is reasonable. You are presenting it as if he was advocating Muslims not being able to build a mosque at any location in general.

He called the president a mulatto, which by definition he is, and the word "mulatto" is a little archaic, but not considered grossly offensive by anyone outside of you, and other racial extremists.

But still, you were calling him a racist well before any of those came to light. None of them are racist. And in order to convince anyone he is you resort to lying about what he was saying and presenting it sans context.

He did not advocate segregation, religious persecution, or any widely recognized racial slurs. You made all that shit up.
Another false racism claim bites the dust! Well stated FACTS Bushy.


Well-Known Member
perhaps it is YOU who is biased.

since you dont own a business, you are insulated from the reality of costs and profits.

how can you claim the right to dictate how much i pay my employees, or as an employee, how much i must be paid?

this is a matter that should be settled between the prospective employer and the applicant.
If that's the case, there should be no minimum wage laws period.

That would be absolutely horrific.


Well-Known Member
not a single thing you said was true, but the fact that you are coming to his rescue does not bode well.
I'm not coming to anyone's rescue. I'm pointing out the fact that you have indeed, counter to what you said earlier, have made the charge of racism with very little, or no evidence.

Everyone here knows you are the biggest liar in the forum, and that you are nothing but a troll.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the words, problem here is many people who are racist are too stupid to realize it. Phony and inflated outrage is the currency that the republicans have traded in for many years. Many folks are too stupid to realize they are voting against their own interests. I know a guy that votes republican, skips out on his union dues and thinks he'll still make that 45 an hour when the union is crushed. Shit, he'll save 24 bucks a month trading that job in for a 12.00 an hour job. That's the mindset of the extreme fool.
There have been many unions that have gotten such great benefits for their workers that the company packed up and went to south east Asia.

Sometimes what is in your interest isn't voting for something that means more money in your pocket, but voting for something that ensures that money will continue to be in your pocket.

A raise to $40/hr is hardly a benefit if it causes your employer to relocate a couple of years later.

Unions have shifted from pro worker to anti company. The company does a lot more for you than the union does. For instance, they give you a place to work.


Active Member
Look, someone has to cut timber and dig ditches...can't pay everyone rocket engineer wages

And the minimum wage was meant to somewhat control the industrialist upper class from totally ripping off the working man...

my issue is artificially paying someone beyond their skill set or effort... (like Lawyers and other parasites)
You should see prices in places with artificially high union wages...prices reflect what people will pay outside of cost...raise wages, raise prices...

I'm cool with 7.50 even 8/hr...but 10-15 for flipping burgers is stupid .... these jobs should be for teens,
...if someone wants to breed, multiply and raise multiple kids, they need to 1st get a skill set commensurate with wages high enough to feed a family...


Well-Known Member
Look, someone has to cut timber and dig ditches...can't pay everyone rocket engineer wages

And the minimum wage was meant to somewhat control the industrialist upper class from totally ripping off the working man...

my issue is artificially paying someone beyond their skill set or effort... (like Lawyers and other parasites)
You should see prices in places with artificially high union wages...prices reflect what people will pay outside of cost...raise wages, raise prices...

I'm cool with 7.50 even 8/hr...but 10-15 for flipping burgers is stupid .... these jobs should be for teens,
...if someone wants to breed, multiply and raise multiple kids, they need to 1st get a skill set commensurate with wages high enough to feed a family...
ahhhhhh, but herein lies the issue..40% of those in minimum wage positions are a combination of high school graduate/some college/college graduates..40%

why are college grads working for minimum wage?

hello?..job creators?..please answer this..


Well-Known Member
I personally think falsely accusing someone of racism is equally as bad as being a racist!

It devalues the word racist and it normalize real racism

Making false accusations of racism (or anything) is dishonest, and damaging to a person's reputation.

It's like falsely accusing someone of rape. Even if the charges are proven to be false beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is always a stigma that the accused will carry with them forever.

The above comments are from yahoo answers, and I agree with them
Well, I get that and have said that. It is all race baiting. Buck has tried that on me. It doesn't rile me up. How could it? I know me. He is shooting blanks.

Being accused is one thing. If that bothers you as an un-known forum person, that is quite the other thing.

You were trolled. Some here are very good at finding your scab and picking it. I know the type. It is meant to be instructional or maybe they are just a sicko.

Do you think you have reputation here that can be damaged? HA...I'm giggling, since I was just asked to join a club here.

I declined. I don't think I am a cool person. And if a club like that wants me, that makes them, not cool enough, for me. :)