Best proven resource site for growing


Hi Guys

Without wanting to offend anyone its becoming apparent that asking a question on here results in someone answering it, someone else calling them a moron etc and offering a different opinion then another ten people chiming in with another ten different answers each one contradicting the other.
Im looking for a good web based resource site written by guys that have years of experience and proven results if anyone has an ideas that would be great.



Well-Known Member
Your probably not going to find a better forum than RIU.
I agree with you. sometimes it's hard to find a solid answer to your question.
People have different ways of doing things, different ideas. Like they say "There's more then one way to skin a cat"
And just like going out in public you'll come across an ass-hole or two now and then.

I would say starting off with a good book like the grow bible is your best bet.
be informed yourself as much as you can to start with.
Then you can weed through the bullshit a little better when you do have a problem, and ask for some advice.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Well-Known Member
It takes a lot of your own research. Nobodys going to feed it to you. Its the only way to begin to get good at it. Reading. Reading all over the place. There are some excellent growers right here that really know their shit.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
RIU is my favorite. lots of good help here if you cAn discern the good from the bad. But an educated question gets an educated response. Knowing the right question to ask can be as important as the answer.


Well-Known Member
Honestly it is confusing when everyone gives different answers but thats where study will help discerning who is way off.

I admit some of us run amuck but its all in fun. It breaks up the monotony of the day.

You gotta admit the chick with spinach on her tooth made you almost grin.
Go look at it again. :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
This is a great site . As stated before , everyone has their opinions and most are different as there are many ways to grow. People post what works for them. What works for some might not work for others. You need to do more in depth research and choose what will suit your personal needs . Very few Black & White answers.


Sector 5 Moderator
Admittedly, you can't be a candy-assed, thin-skinned pansy here. If you expect to be spoon fed or have others do your research for you, prepare to get what you deserve. The mods try and moderate the forum and keep the bloodshed to a minimum but lazy people get what they deserve.

Judge Mental

Active Member
At least do this, for your plants, before you decide on another site. Search Uncle Ben and read as many of his threads as you can. You'll be way ahead in doing so brother.



Well-Known Member
I would say starting off with a good book like the grow bible is your best bet.
be informed yourself as much as you can to start with.
Then you can weed through the bullshit a little better when you do have a problem, and ask for some advice.
Ditto. The Grow Bible gives you strong basics -- but even there you are presented with choices. Read about the choices, consider them and then ask what people think would be the best option for you given your experience and circumstances.