Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Waiting for the arborist to come cut down my tree. I'm so excited not to have to rake a metric fuck ton of leaves this fall but also sad that I'm killing this thing that's several generations older than me.
Tree's seek revenge. Haven't you seen Lotr? Ents? Ents everywhere!


Well-Known Member
Waiting for the arborist to come cut down my tree. I'm so excited not to have to rake a metric fuck ton of leaves this fall but also sad that I'm killing this thing that's several generations older than me.
What type of tree? My backyards is wooded and my front has a GIANT willow,a perpetual twig and leaf dropper ...I feel your pain.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hang on a sec, I just need to go through 20,000 posts that led me to that conclusion
Seems you're not a very good detective then ;) Or does having a job, paying rent, paying for your own stuff, cooking for the family, and looking after the house class as mooching? Not to mention for the majority of the time i've been a member on this forum I lived away from home in my own flat. Yup. I guess i'm just a moocher.


Well-Known Member
Interesting as always mojo. Trees are working together to ensure their survival? Well, fuck I'll be avoiding the woods from now on.


Well-Known Member
Interesting as always mojo. Trees are working together to ensure their survival? Well, fuck I'll be avoiding the woods from now on.
There is even evidence of trees/plants using a pheromone type delivery system to send warnings across distances greater then their root system, places like Africa and certain deserts where resources are scarce, we're just seeing the tip of the biosphere for what is really happening around us on a daily basis.


Active Member
There is even evidence of trees/plants using a pheromone type delivery system to send warnings across distances greater then their root system
begs the question: wonder if my weed knows when I'm about to chop it?
or does the weed feel like sorta like the "bottom man" in a same sex couple: "I know its gonna hurt, but pleasing you pleases me"
(pardon the slight PC deviation)


Well-Known Member
There is even evidence of trees/plants using a pheromone type delivery system to send warnings across distances greater then their root system, places like Africa and certain deserts where resources are scarce, we're just seeing the tip of the biosphere for what is really happening around us on a daily basis.
Won't pretend to have any knowledge on this but seems plausible enough.


Well-Known Member
There is even evidence of trees/plants using a pheromone type delivery system to send warnings across distances greater then their root system, places like Africa and certain deserts where resources are scarce, we're just seeing the tip of the biosphere for what is really happening around us on a daily basis.
Over here in Spain we've had an African beetle type pest eradicate plenty of palms trees. They are so infested that you can hear them chewing!


Well-Known Member
begs the question: wonder if my weed knows when I'm about to chop it?
or does the weed feel like sorta like the "bottom man" in a same sex couple: "I know its gonna hurt, but pleasing you pleases me"
(pardon the slight PC deviation)
Bottoms get pleasure as well dude. Haven't you heard of the good old fashioned reach around?

Oh and fuck being pc man. Say what you like.


Active Member
Bottoms get pleasure as well dude. Haven't you heard of the good old fashioned reach around?

Oh and fuck being pc man. Say what you like.
call me gay curious but I've always wanted to ask a gay dude the upside of taking it in the a$$ ... I mean not gay bashing, but I'm not seeing the benefits .... sorta kinda funny, but I'm sorta kinda wondering...


Well-Known Member
begs the question: wonder if my weed knows when I'm about to chop it?
or does the weed feel like sorta like the "bottom man" in a same sex couple: "I know its gonna hurt, but pleasing you pleases me"
(pardon the slight PC deviation)
Won't pretend to have any knowledge on this but seems plausible enough.
Over here in Spain we've had an African beetle type pest eradicate plenty of palms trees. They are so infested that you can hear them chewing!
My answer may be a bit misleading, it's just that I remember watching a doc on the ecosystem and there was a portion of it where they had found some evidence that may suggest a chemical compound similar to a pheromone was being released by trees when their leaves and shoots were being eaten by the animals, it signaled the other trees in the area to produce a chemical that coated the leaves to which the animals found inedible therefore saving the tree from being eaten.


Active Member
I walked away fro the KB and figured I better come back and explain this shit...
...I hope the mods gimme some latitude with this adult stuff...

Anyway, I'm sure over half of us have got into it real fast and heavy; things get "slip[pery" and BAM, wrong turn....
..and 1/2 the time she gets p*$$ed and 1/2 the time she says leave it....

...I'm also sure you've ask "WTF" did that feel like? ...and the patented ans you get is "the same, almost"....
but that's with a woman with different parts/plumbing ...
...I've always wondered how it works for a dude in a similar situation....

...and yeah, this is in all seriousness...


Well-Known Member
call me gay curious but I've always wanted to ask a gay dude the upside of taking it in the a$$ ... I mean not gay bashing, but I'm not seeing the benefits .... sorta kinda funny, but I'm sorta kinda wondering...
Nah, don't be daft. It's not gay bashing to be curious. The funniest question I've been asked is "do you get turned on by your own cock?" Still makes me laugh.

Lot of pleasure to be had with your brown hole straight or gay. The male g spot is up there.


Active Member
Nah, don't be daft. It's not gay bashing to be curious. The funniest question I've been asked is "do you get turned on by your own cock?" Still makes me laugh.

Lot of pleasure to be had with your brown hole straight or gay. The male g spot is up there.
I'd bet most of us were immature in the past and bashed/made fun of gays...then one of them asked me how old I was when I had my 1st crush on a girl, I said 5-6....he said he was real young like that but liked dudes instead...I then realized this sexual prefference shit is beyond our control and came to more understand their thing ... but admittedly I'm not clear on the nuts and bolts of it