The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

You can get the machine with Boltdbags, ask for Stephanie or harry 877-450-2247.
I understand the need MD914, these videos are not teaching tools, they just give a basic understanding of the procedure. A very simple procedure which because of its simplicity needs perfection at every steps.
It may take us a while so do not hold your breath yet.
Thanks Bro. i wrote the info down and will order them early may. that is when i will be starting harvest of 5 plants. I should have 1/4-1/2 lb of trim/airbuds to use from all 5 plants. I agree i think if you got a online teaching setup then you could help allot out. Im jsut gonna do small batches till i get it down. so i wont loose much if i screw it up.

You can get the machine with Boltdbags, ask for Stephanie or harry 877-450-2247.
I understand the need MD914, these videos are not teaching tools, they just give a basic understanding of the procedure. A very simple procedure which because of its simplicity needs perfection at every steps.
It may take us a while so do not hold your breath yet.
So was on Google again searching great hashish pics...found a pretty cool one, more I got a chuckle out of the shirt that one of the guys is wearing lol. These guys are really getting busy though.


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i would use a my 30 ton press then clamp it to hold it tight. not all of us have 4 friends handy.
So was on Google again searching great hashish pics...found a pretty cool one, more I got a chuckle out of the shirt that one of the guys is wearing lol. These guys are really getting busy though.
So was on Google again searching great hashish pics...found a pretty cool one, more I got a chuckle out of the shirt that one of the guys is wearing lol. These guys are really getting busy though.
Nepalese at work from Laurence Cherniak Book of Hashish. He took the most amazing photos
Hey Frenchy quick question. When im done with my washer i always have foam on top of water. Should i wait until the foam goes away to drain to allow material thats in foam to drop down into water or is the material in the foam garabage? I always rinse my 73 pretty hard in the bag to get the green stuff to push through and the foam looks like its mainly made up of green stuff that in my 73 bag that i dont like. Just to give you idea of my process. 6gallon washer. Fresh frozen trim stuck into a 220 washer bag. Washed 8 minutes or so. Filtered through 190 and 160 bags. Then i only use a 73 to catch my bubble. I dont use 45 or 25 just since i keep it all for my head. Thanks Frenchy!!!
If you have a white foam it is all good but if you have a green foam it is due to chlorophyll and leaf residue so your ratio ice/water/trims is off and your cycle is too long.
I do not freeze trims and do not use a 220 washer bag as you must have seen which make my process a little more tricky and need gentleness, lot of it.
The 220 washer bag should technically protect your trims so if they are beat up you are not gentle enough.
Also get yourself a 45 bag my friend you will be amazed.
All the best
Ive had my 7 bag bubble man kit (220-25) for about 10 years and have done it many ways but the washer machine is new to me. I use to do it by hand and was much gentler. I stick the trim and ice in the bag, should i only put trim only in bag and then ice just in the washer? Ill try a run tomorrow with less time to. I really dont like 45 bubble. I prefer the 120-73, i know im wasting but its just for me. Ive ran runs without the bag doing ice layer, trim layer, ice layer and didnt really like the cleanup so ive been using the 220 wash bag. Thanks again Frenchy!
If I tell you that you could have the 45 as good as the 70 or so very close that the difference is around 1% THC less and 1% CBD more in the 45 microns; would you give it another try? It is not about loosing some trichomes (like I do with the 25) it is about loosing quality resin.
I imagine that with the ice and the trims bundled up in a bag you will have a serious grounding potential. You have to think that in the machine the only potential problem is the ice because it grinds, otherwise there is nothing else that can damage the trims. Use the ice to keep the water ice cold that is all, use shaved ice or snow and there will be nothing that will destroy the trims.
yeah ill give it a go with the 45 bag tomorrow. I use the 45 bag if i use dry trim and either roll it your style or make it Rize way but thats on larger runs. I see what your saying about the grinding, ill try it with ice outside of the bag see what happens to. thanks Frenchy for help good talking to you!
DSC02965.JPGQuestion, When I made several runs, I cleaned each bag (160;73; and 45) in 91 % alcohol, and within 2 days all of the alcohol had evaporated and left some great smelling hash? can this be safely used (smoked)? Picture is from 73 bag first run , not the evaperated hash
from a few days ago


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