How long to rebound?


Well-Known Member
Well... I fucked up bad...

I germed 4/6 60 day lemon over a month ago. I got the beans free or I would be more pissed as they are $92 for six seeds...

anywho I germinated 3 of them in rock wool cubes that were unbeknownst to me at the time, BAD cubes. When these babies finally came up two were super muntants, and one just refused to grow past seedling stage.

I left these in the care of my partner who looks over that portion of the grow while I am away from there, and he blamed the genetics rather than looking for problems.

During this time, I had 1 60 Day lemon going outside since 2/16. I figured that being an auto-flower the spring weather would allow for it to grow. I was wrong. The plant grew quickly up till its second leaf set, then just slowed down to the point of a crawl. She is now a month and a few days old, and she looks like a week old :(

I tore apart the rockwhool cubes surrounding the mutants to hopefully let them grow, they still look like seedlings as well, one doesn't even have a full leafset yet. I also on WEDS moved the 60 Day Lemon from outside inside. Today I gave it it's first food of some Peruvian Guano, hoping that makes it move faster...

How long should I give these before giving up? I have 2 60 Day Lemon beans left and am itching to germ one inside of my new closet but I also want to save them for outdoors...

What wold you guys suggest? Think in a week or so the slow growth will catch up? I am hoping the one outside developed som great roots just not a great plant growing..

here are some pics..



Well-Known Member
what do you mean bad cube?? what is that stuff your growing in? I see hydroton and some soil that looks lke t has wood chips n it??


Well-Known Member
Bad cube, it was a cloning cube I had used before. When I pulled the cube apart there were BARELY any roots they were very basic roots, it was obvious the plant couldn't root inside of the rockwhool.

The soil mix is just some normal potting soil from the dollar general.... it doesn't turn to mud or anything seems good and I have used it for all my gardening in the past....


Well-Known Member
Rockwool does not need to be watered every day! Squeeze that shit until ZERO drips come out, then drop your genetics in. And, you will yield aproximadamente un kilo.


Well-Known Member
autos are diff they want 20 hrs of light a day. they also want food after 4 days old. so first watering should have 1/8 amount of nutes. 2nd watering 1/4 amount 3rd 1/2. 4th 1/4 veg and 1/4 bloom nutes also then add cal +mag 1/4 amount. if you dont feed them or give them enough light they wont grow right and they dont care they are on a limited time line. also you dont transplant a auto you start them in a deep pot from seed. so germ seed in paper towel then plant it. or just put seed in pot 1/4-1/2 inch down in soil that is moist not wet. mist the top of soil daily to keep it moist put a clear cup over the center to increase humidity till they pop up. i suggest going to Google type in marijuana auto growing videos. watch a few.


Well-Known Member
Bad cube, it was a cloning cube I had used before. When I pulled the cube apart there were BARELY any roots they were very basic roots, it was obvious the plant couldn't root inside of the rockwhool.

The soil mix is just some normal potting soil from the dollar general.... it doesn't turn to mud or anything seems good and I have used it for all my gardening in the past....
lol wut, bad rockwool cube? Rockwool holds water extremely well. Doesn't require daily watering. I've always used rockwool cubes and haven't ever had an issue with them. I don't think the cube was the problem.......


Well-Known Member

They came fine out of the rockwhool initially. HOWEVER it was surrounded by plastic, a cloning tube. The by the time it went into soil, the RW was over used and when I pulled them out it was basically dust.They all grew to the first leafset fine.

They are out of Rockwhool now, so just hoping that it rebounds.

THe main question is for the bigger 60 day lemon that should be way more ahead than it is right now. It's 30 days old however I believe I stunted it with tempautre changes outside.

it is inside now and I Just dosed it with Guano..

What more can I do for it... How fast should it rebound or should I just germ other seeds in a few weeks to replace it.

THis one was never in rockwhool to begin with, and is going slow as feck from my temp stunt.


Well-Known Member
Did you presoak the rockwool in pH 5.5-5.8 1/4 strength nute solution?

If not,then there you go.
That is theoretically true but in my experience it isn't required. I've germinated so many seeds in rockwool with tap water or distilled non pH'd. I think many of the problems that people have are because they themselves are causing the issues. Either by being impatient or generally doing something wrong like soaking the cube and the seed drowning. It doesn't take much water to start the germinating process.


Well-Known Member
if you stunted them you are screwed. go watch videos and learn. before wasting your money again. i suggest 3-5 gallon pots from seed.


Well-Known Member
The rockwhool is gone from equation now I now longer use them. Everything but those 3 were germed in a coffee filter method (like paper towel)


Well-Known Member
They are in 1 gallon smart pots and 2 gallon vase and won't go bigger than that. Plants can easily come back from being stunted in a week. From nute burn or what have you its not the end of the world :\

if you stunted them you are screwed. go watch videos and learn. before wasting your money again. i suggest 3-5 gallon pots from seed.


Hey, I'm a noob on my first grow and I feel your pain. I started my plants from seed on Jan 8, 2014 and I'm still veg'ing because of a number of mistakes (transplanting too early, topping, overfeeding, etc). But, I haven't lost one plant yet and now they appear to be growing much better. I'm hoping to switch to flower within the next week or two.

It's still alive so I'd say make sure your soil/medium has plenty of drainage and let the seedling do it's thing. It needs to develop a strong root base before its going to take off. Give it plenty of light, don't overwater, and easy on the nutes. It's a baby yet. Peace!


Well-Known Member
yes plants can come back but auto's dont have the time too. do some reading and watching and you will grow auto great.
They are in 1 gallon smart pots and 2 gallon vase and won't go bigger than that. Plants can easily come back from being stunted in a week. From nute burn or what have you its not the end of the world :\


Well-Known Member
Autos have a diff root system. they shoot straight down till they hit bottom then they will widen a bit. they are not the same as normal week. once the main root stops going down it wont try again. it moves on to the next step. starting to flower while still vegging around week 3 if you do it right. research is needed for autos. as for vegging since jan i hope you got a big light. they are gonna stretch double there height in first 3 weeks of flower.

Hey, I'm a noob on my first grow and I feel your pain. I started my plants from seed on Jan 8, 2014 and I'm still veg'ing because of a number of mistakes (transplanting too early, topping, overfeeding, etc). But, I haven't lost one plant yet and now they appear to be growing much better. I'm hoping to switch to flower within the next week or two.

It's still alive so I'd say make sure your soil/medium has plenty of drainage and let the seedling do it's thing. It needs to develop a strong root base before its going to take off. Give it plenty of light, don't overwater, and easy on the nutes. It's a baby yet. Peace!


Yea, haven't done much reading about autos myself, but I know it's a whole new learning curve. Hope the best for lowryderlove!
yes plants can come back but auto's dont have the time too. do some reading and watching and you will grow auto great.