US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
I believe I asked you about global warming funding first Mr pada, do you have that data, or not?

we've beenhere before, with your misunderstanding of how burden of proof works.

it is antidis's job to support his assertion since he was the one who made it. not pada.

lrn 2 logic, sistah.


Well-Known Member
I believe I asked you about global warming funding first Mr pada, do you have that data, or not?
And I've asked you to give one example of what you would accept as proof of ACC about a dozen times, so apparently simply asking doesn't really matter around here..

Also, the cancer analogy was used to illustrate the point you missed that most of the funding goes towards ACC because *holy shit!* it's real!

Cancer research funding goes to cancer research..

AIDs/HIV research funding goes to AIDs/HIV research..

My GOD! Climate change funding goes to climate change research!! CONSPIRACY!!!

Meanwhile you're still having trouble coming up with any names of credible scientists that aren't tied to energy companies


Well-Known Member
did i miss anything?


Al Gore, benevolent Climate activist, or shrewd businessman?

[h=1]How Al Gore's Net Worth Caught Up With Mitt Romney's[/h]

Mitt Romney's net worth of $250 million is well-known by virtually everyone in America: after all, it was the primary campaign offensive used by the Obama team against his presidential challenger in an election run largely down wealth, and social class lines, and whom "Democrats targeted in ads and speeches as being out of touch with most Americans." What many may not know is that staunch democrat Al Gore's own personal wealth, has soared from virtually nothing in 1999 to a staggering $200 million according to an analysis conducted by Bloomberg.


Well-Known Member
The difference is hypocrisy.

Gore preaches conservation and stop global warming while profiting off of it and using energy far in excess of conservation.

Romney straight up says I'm a money making business man.


Well-Known Member
The difference is hypocrisy.

Gore preaches conservation and stop global warming while profiting off of it and using energy far in excess of conservation.

Romney straight up says I'm a money making business man.

Yes, as always, Hypocrisy is always the biggest sin. Except being true to one's teachings isn't always the best way to change a culture. If Gore went on a real energy diet his savings wouldn't equal a tiny fraction of what he could do by getting others to pay attention. If he puts half a million miles on his jet and in so doing sees a million people and convinces a quarter of them to change their ways, he has done more to help the planet than Romney ever did or could, even if HE reduced his personal carbon footprint.

Name a politician who is not a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Yes, as always, Hypocrisy is always the biggest sin. Except being true to one's teachings isn't always the best way to change a culture. If Gore went on a real energy diet his savings wouldn't equal a tiny fraction of what he could do by getting others to pay attention. If he puts half a million miles on his jet and in so doing sees a million people and convinces a quarter of them to change their ways, he has done more to help the planet than Romney ever did or could, even if HE reduced his personal carbon footprint.

Name a politician who is not a hypocrite.
I feel Gary Johnson isn't a hypocrite, but I could be wrong. But in general yes, they are all hypocrites.

In your example though, Romney isn't being one while Gore is.


Well-Known Member
I feel Gary Johnson isn't a hypocrite, but I could be wrong. But in general yes, they are all hypocrites.

In your example though, Romney isn't being one while Gore is.
If Romney was not a hypocrite then he would not have been embarassed by the remarks he made in his meeting with the rich when he said that he couldn't depend upon votes from the large percentage of the country who were "takers".


Well-Known Member
If Romney was not a hypocrite then he would not have been embarassed by the remarks he made in his meeting with the rich when he said that he couldn't depend upon votes from the large percentage of the country who were "takers".
Because the majority of the media elites in this country went out of their way to amplify the meme of RICH GUYS ARE BAD!


Well-Known Member
Because the majority of the media elites in this country went out of their way to amplify the meme of RICH GUYS ARE BAD!
are you sure that was it?

i think the outrage came from the fact that grandma and grandpa, who worked hard all their lives and are now retired on a social security check, were insulted by your savior as people who cannot be convinced to "take responsibility for their lives", who think they are "victims", are "dependent on government", and "feel entitled".

idiots like you try to blame it on some vast media conspiracy when the plain fact is that what he said and the things you morons believe are just insulting and untrue.

so blow it out your ass, waffles.


Well-Known Member
Because the majority of the media elites in this country went out of their way to amplify the meme of RICH GUYS ARE BAD!
Not in this case, in this case Romney went ahead and said that poor people were "bad". And Fox has gone out of their way to amplify that meme - to great success.

Now, if you are unemployed - even though the real unemployment rate is still over 13 percent, you are lazy. Now, if you lost your house through no fault of your own, you are a taker. Now, any tax increases on the wealthy are affronts to the "job creators", even though little personal wealth in the top 1 percent actually go to "create" jobs in the U.S.

We know that if the majority of the underinformed, of either political persuasion actually understood the true gap between rich and even middle class, they would throw a fit. the rich and their PR arm has been very adept at hiding that gap from the population at large.


Well-Known Member
If Romney was not a hypocrite then he would not have been embarassed by the remarks he made in his meeting with the rich when he said that he couldn't depend upon votes from the large percentage of the country who were "takers".
In the original example you provided, he is not.

In your new situation, he is being one.


Well-Known Member
In the original example you provided, he is not.

In your new situation, he is being one.
I will accept that. However, my understanding of a hypocrite is that if one is a hypocrite in any area, then he is still a hyporcite, even if he is not one in this instance. Truly, if Romney really doesn't believe in Global warming, then he is not one if he tends to create more co2 than someone else.


Well-Known Member
These flyers attempt to summarize the bigger picture to those that think everything is fine and dandy.


But can increases in the consumption of aluminum be demonstrated?
Who is flying the planes? Or are these seeding devices mounted on passenger aircraft.

If they are on conventional private jets, no one has come forward, they cannot be refueled in secret and it is unlikely that no pilots are aware of what is attached to their planes
If they are government jets, how could they have enough flights to have any effect.

I see some of the same symptoms being used here - autism - which cannot be attributed to any one cause- nor has any cause been settled on
Bee die offs. Some blame GMOs, some blame sprayed pesticides but it has been fairly well established in Europe that the hive abandonment behavior of bees is caused by a systemic pesticide coating on seeds.

I have doubts about the 4.5 million new cases of alzeimers as well - I have about a quarter million a year, not 4.5 million. Even one stated number being off by such a large amount has me doubt the rest of the thing.

But can increases in the consumption of aluminum be demonstrated?
Who is flying the planes? Or are these seeding devices mounted on passenger aircraft.

If they are on conventional private jets, no one has come forward, they cannot be refueled in secret and it is unlikely that no pilots are aware of what is attached to their planes
If they are government jets, how could they have enough flights to have any effect.

I see some of the same symptoms being used here - autism - which cannot be attributed to any one cause- nor has any cause been settled on
Bee die offs. Some blame GMOs, some blame sprayed pesticides but it has been fairly well established in Europe that the hive abandonment behavior of bees is caused by a systemic pesticide coating on seeds.

I have doubts about the 4.5 million new cases of alzeimers as well - I have about a quarter million a year, not 4.5 million. Even one stated number being off by such a large amount has me doubt the rest of the thing.
All I can tell you is to do some research and make sure they are not funded or in association with the 'government'.
I mean, all that is needed is to look up at the sky, especially here in California. I have seen up to five airplanes at once spraying these chemicals to the point that it literally blocks the sun while the rest of the sky (for the most part) is blue. At the same time, I have seen an airplane trailing behind those aerosols and not even leaving a contrail. I don't know what else to tell you, I mean it doesn't take much to figure it out, just simple observations through out the day.
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