Is this cal definciency?with pics


New Member
Am not sure what this is.Im guessing its cal or mag deficiency or maybe nute burn.Am growing in dirt.bill3.jpgbill1.jpgWould love a second opinion if anyone can help.Thanks


Well-Known Member
That looks like you have far more problems than just Cal or Mg to me. If you provide more info you will get better responses.
Temps, lighting, PH, nutes, pest issues? etc.


New Member
That looks like you have far more problems than just Cal or Mg to me. If you provide more info you will get better responses.
Temps, lighting, PH, nutes, pest issues? etc.
am using 1000w hps.temps are always around 6.1 to 6.3.


Well-Known Member
Are you feeding according to the GH schedule? If not what products are you using?

Something just doesn't add up or make sense here. You should not be seeing that kind of issue. What type of soil are you using, is it a miracle grow product?

I don't have a need to flush using organic supersoil and nutes (so don't have experience) but I am thinking that might help your situation. Hopefully someone else with more relevant experience can help you better address what the possible solutions might be.