What do you dislike the most about growing weed?


Well-Known Member
Wasting time on strains with 3 and 4 different phenotypes, only to determine in the end they all(along with the breeder)suck.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Being a recluse.

Alienating myself from friends.

Anxiety when I'm away.

Staring at my plants and my dog starts barking. (someones here)

Sunburn on my johnson

I'm working on the first three


Well-Known Member
The sound of helicopters
not being able to tell people about my hobby
Lying to people about why im busy and they can't come over
Power bill
Messing something up and thinking about how much better it could be

Silly String

Well-Known Member
The intense paranoia I get every summer, about 4 weeks away from harvest, when my outdoor garden grow is SO pungent, and despite my LST efforts, the plants are becoming visible from different corners of my yard. I had to talk myself down from the "I'm going to rip everything out" ledge last year.

I find that rearranging my tomato plants, spreading cedar mulch, and tying down the weed even more, seems to help. I'm in the 'burbs, and it's not like my neighbors are rippers or snitches (they're all in their 50's and 60's and very *wholesome* and *square*), but I still get crazy worried in August.

When I'm growing indoors, the thing I hate the most is fungus gnats. Well, that and my electric bill.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
If anything at all?

Sometimes it sucks not being able to share my accomplishments with people. I guess that's why I have you folks though. If it weren't for you guys, I think I'd go crazy.

How's bout you?
Got to be trimming! and trying to contain the smell, everyone who visits says they can smell weed.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Perpetual grows. I'd rather trim all at once and get it over with instead of trimming every week or two.
So I don't do that anymore.:blsmoke: