Punk Song of the Day

Love the album cover but I should have strategically photoshopped jerry garcia under that stream of piss.

haha hippy bath

Jerry garcia? Why not just say - hitler? Fuck jerry. Fuck him in the ass with broken glass. Fucking-shit-for-brains-long-haired-asshole.

Never trust a fucking hippy, they'll sell you bad drugs.

Liberation for women is what I preach, man
i'm sad to tell you that the frontman to the band gwar has left the building as of yesterday, oderus urungus is on his way back to his home planet.. :(

this one is for you..

I'm getting my drink on and listening to this, I strongly recommend it

Jerry garcia? Why not just say - hitler? Fuck jerry. Fuck him in the ass with broken glass. Fucking-shit-for-brains-long-haired-asshole.

Never trust a fucking hippy, they'll sell you bad drugs.

I love that so much I cant even express it..... fuckin hippies they steal from you to, think they're just all poor sittin on on street corners spare changing all, hibbidy bibbidy take um home smoke um out then start thinking about doing bad things to the braless bushy female and next thing you know they're gone with your weed and your cat.... ya fuck them hippies...anyway here is my contemporary punk cause I cant beat claytons post

I didn't give him any he has a solid one just being himself lol I saw how he abused that poor lonely girl from LA yesterday..and frankly I feel like my butt hole is in constant jeopardy so i am trying to escape his notice.
All this talk of suicide around here lately so this ones to you CHEERS[video=youtube_share;S50IGVCG_4w]http://youtu.be/S50IGVCG_4w[/video]