Led Users Unite!

Ive been advised by the local here that a51 is a better light than Lush. How does the populace feel about the xgs190? Does it use 3W Crees?

It uses 5w top-bin cree xt-e 3700k emitters, driven softer to maintain longevity(190w actual draw)...........the new 150w "should" perform equally/better? in FLOWER @ lower watts.
FWIW, or why companies like Apache Tech and A51 are the way the go...

Here is the elephant in the room that no one has considered

Don't confuse any R/B or multi-spectrum emitter first generation grow results with what will likely happen in subsequent generation seeds/clones, namely: genetic alterations, due to improper spectrums that are likely to negatively affect all subsequent seed generation

Genetic Predisposition


Plant and animal genetics will change/adapt due to environmental stresses- and rarely for the betterment

Human and animal predispositions include; heart disease, cancer, scurvy, hip dysplaysia, allergies... to name a few well known subsequent generation genetic alteration/health issues.

Unless the cause changes, predispositions are likely to develop

IMO, this is compounded because mj is a fruiting plant, therefor having a greater need for a balanced spectrum throughout it's life, although that balance is tilted toward blue spectrums in veg, and red in flower

Think how commercial fruit and vegetable agricultural practices of not replenishing the soil with proper macros or micro nutrients has impacted not only the taste, but the nutritional value of the foods we eat

At least 10 years ago, the Department of Agriculture stated that agricultural top soil (top 6") is dead

Nutrients is energy, and so is light

So whether I am growing with hot5s or leds, make mine predominantly WHITE

IMO, this is compounded because mj is a fruiting plant, therefor having a greater need for a balanced spectrum throughout it's life, although that balance is tilted toward blue spectrums in veg, and red in flower

Think how commercial fruit and vegetable agricultural practices of not replenishing the soil with proper macros or micro nutrients has impacted not only the taste, but the nutritional value of the foods we eat

At least 10 years ago, the Department of Agriculture stated that agricultural top soil (top 6") is dead

Well that's due to the aggressive use of chemical fertilizers(chemical revolution 100+yrs ago), unfortunately farmers use more now to get the same tonnage/acre just compounding the problem.

That's where all these super-high phosphorous ferts come from, soil is devoid of life and need constant fertilization to bring max yields from fruits/veg............still boogles my mind why growers use these "p boosters" in good quality organic soil.

I've used plenty of monsanto's agbioscience products in past jobs..................I'm just as guilty of this crime.............consumers are waking up though!!
Most growers have very little agricultural knowledge/education. Mine's average at best

They rely heavily on advertising BS, at which point it becomes the blind leading the blind.

Much like PAR peaks and B/R leds

Well that's due to the aggressive use of chemical fertilizers(chemical revolution 100+yrs ago), unfortunately farmers use more now to get the same tonnage/acre just compounding the problem.

That's where all these super-high phosphorous ferts come from, soil is devoid of life and need constant fertilization to bring max yields from fruits/veg............still boogles my mind why growers use these "p boosters" in good quality organic soil.

I've used plenty of monsanto's agbioscience products in past jobs..................I'm just as guilty of this crime.............consumers are waking up though!!

Well that's due to the aggressive use of chemical fertilizers(chemical revolution 100+yrs ago), unfortunately farmers use more now to get the same tonnage/acre just compounding the problem.

That's where all these super-high phosphorous ferts come from, soil is devoid of life and need constant fertilization to bring max yields from fruits/veg............still boogles my mind why growers use these "p boosters" in good quality organic soil.

I've used plenty of monsanto's agbioscience products in past jobs..................I'm just as guilty of this crime.............consumers are waking up though!!

Most growers have very little agricultural knowledge/education. Mine's average at best

They rely heavily on advertising BS, at which point it becomes the blind leading the blind.

Much like PAR peaks and B/R leds

Well said,

Im a huge advocate for sustainabilty and the enviroment, i try my best to reduce my foot print as best as i could in a consumer society (fuck capitalism)

with that being said,
I don't mind that the blind are leading the blind,

Because meanwhile im growing the best herb there is at next to no cost for me nor the environment.
Great for an entry level DIY project


All you need to do is build a simple frame

I sent them an email about actual draw and whether they can provide with Molex connection

Looks like you can mix spectrums! + Free shipping on the second link, but only 10w.

certainly worth exploring



So have you ordered these?

Not sure about the label of DIY....but as all you have to do is put a power plug on the end of the driver....not hard.
Stop pushing me :roll:


As I mentioned, I have time.

Seedlings are only 4 days old under ~ 160w (3500/5000K)- the 2 ufos I got from Jeff

I spent a few hours this morning on Alibaba. Found some inexpensive 10-15w cob down lights, assembled with reflectors ~ $2.50/w. I think adding ~ 50w total of WW once buds set will be well worth a $120, even if they only last one grow. See my new thread for links, but...

I also emailed Molex for more 411. The key for me doing a ground up DIY is how the Molex attach/adhere to the heat sink, and what if any efficiency loss as a result when the cob is not directly bonded to the heat sink. They also supply pre-drilled barrel heat sinks.

So have you ordered these?

All you have to do is put a power plug on the end of the driver....not hard.
Stop pushing me :roll:


As I mentioned, I have time.

I will keep pushing... and the sooner you get it on your way to you the sooner you can implement them into your grow (whatever stage that is)

and the sooner you can talk about what you actually have.....instead of 'what you could do'.... :) need i remind you of the 2x 4 panels that we never saw... ;)
I have the panel (5000K), but have doubts about how well it will work for growing, especially after reading the led magazine article showing extreme light loss of a new WW chip after only 5000 hours.

Granted it would have been fun to test, IF, I had the tent space. Anyway, led science is moving so fast that we can light the same 1 x 4 area with ~ 6 x 20w COBs with significantly more umols than the smds

I will keep pushing... and the sooner you get it on your way to you the sooner you can implement them into your grow (whatever stage that is)

and the sooner you can talk about what you actually have.....instead of 'what you could do'.... :) need i remind you of the 2x 4 panels that we never saw... ;)

wow thanks for the insight guys, just wanted a little grower to grower advice, but dont mind me
I have the panel (5000K), but have doubts about how well it will work for growing, especially after reading the led magazine article showing extreme light loss of a new WW chip after only 5000 hours.

But arent you advocating warm white chips...are you just going to leave out warm white chips because of this article...?

Granted it would have been fun to test, IF, I had the tent space. Anyway, led science is moving so fast that we can light the same 1 x 4 area with ~ 6 x 20w COBs with significantly more umols than the smds

Yes i know LED advancements are happening at a fast rate....but isnt this point a bit redundant? I mean if everybody stood back and watched/waited for the best LED ever to come out...nobody would get anywhere. We need steps along the way to progress and test the LED's we have now....its happening in this very forum. Dont let it pass you by, by just writing on what could be good...get your handz dirty! No excuses...:)

And arent you using those crappy LED tubes still...? They use 3528's SMD's...not even the better smd's...

I look forward to seeing the 6 x 20w COB's in action....
Come on, you know I have gotten my hands dirty- I bought 10 @ A27 bulbs (various wattages, used as both over head and as side lighting) + 5 @ ~ 16w LED tubes, and was going to try panels, but MCs & COBs hit the market.

I can tell you this the smd panels rock for office lighting

Of course I will be using WW COBs to replace my 4 @ ~ 16w WW tubes. That's what I am investigating now. A month ago I asked my partner to order 2 ~ 75w MSC (multi-spectrum chips) but actual draw was < 40w per. I planned to supplement with them. He loaded the info incorrectly, the transaction did not go through. Since then, I have been in a quandary.

Certainly I could upgrade the chip to a WW or WW COB, but would the heat sink/driver handle it; and what about what voltage to run it at? What kind of aste was used, how easy is it to remove... I don't have the electrical engineering background to figure any of that out.

Better if I don't DIY, unless I am following a proven result with parts spelled out.

All I need is to infill with 3 WW COBs @ ~ 20w actual draw per

They seem to be available from Alibaba in the form of down lights, but actual draw is not listed + minimum quantities with some is an issue

Sit back, smoke a bowl and, chillax. It will all unfold

But arent you advocating warm white chips...are you just going to leave out warm white chips because of this article...?

Yes i know LED advancements are happening at a fast rate....but isnt this point a bit redundant? I mean if everybody stood back and watched/waited for the best LED ever to come out...nobody would get anywhere. We need steps along the way to progress and test the LED's we have now....its happening in this very forum. Dont let it pass you by, by just writing on what could be good...get your handz dirty! No excuses...:)

And arent you using those crappy LED tubes still...? They use 3528's SMD's...not even the better smd's...

I look forward to seeing the 6 x 20w COB's in action....