US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
Nobody is asking you to provide any proof. I am asking WHAT WOULD YOU ACCEPT AS PROOF? Why is that so impossible for you to understand the difference?
I told you all that. I gave a fat list of things we could observe that are not happening. Your climate models are failures and don't predict anything that has come true. You Saganists want to sue and Jail the DENIERS.

Why are you so afraid of being wrong? That is Politics not science.

That is the template of persecution of all Religions.

So knock off the sophistry and faker tales, You have been told and you said nothing. I remind you every time you ask this tard question.

You have never acknowledged you have no proof at all. I tell you what proof is time after time, but you are a baby politic and no scientist.

You would believe anything a Saganist tells you. You would not know what proof even is. That is so obvious.

Dark Leviathan

New Member
Interesting thread.
An assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology...

I tend to side with the Philosopher, Carlin.
(Language warning. Nothing unusual for Carlin.)



Well-Known Member
I told you all that. I gave a fat list of things we could observe that are not happening. Your climate models are failures and don't predict anything that has come true. You Saganists want to sue and Jail the DENIERS.

Why are you so afraid of being wrong? That is Politics not science.

That is the template of persecution of all Religions.

So knock off the sophistry and faker tales, You have been told and you said nothing. I remind you every time you ask this tard question.

You have never acknowledged you have no proof at all. I tell you what proof is time after time, but you are a baby politic and no scientist.

You would believe anything a Saganist tells you. You would not know what proof even is. That is so obvious.
Quote the post where you stated what you would accept as proof of ACC

What are "my climate models"? I'm still not sure what a "Saganist" is, but I don't want to jail or sue anyone

It doesn't matter what you believe, that's science

The evidence has convinced the majority of the experts and every single person that has been presented as a source or used as an example by the anti-climate change folks in this thread has been tied to a conflict of interest


Well-Known Member
Your climate models are failures and don't predict anything that has come true.

you got it wrong when you got duped into the skewed polls crap, doer. and you have it wrong and have been duped again.

you are demonstrably lying, and that ain't cool.

if your case was a strong one, you would have no need to lie. that's how it goes, dick.


Well-Known Member
Interesting thread.
An assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology...

I tend to side with the Philosopher, Carlin.
(Language warning. Nothing unusual for Carlin.)


My favorite professional curmudgeon but he seems to be advocating the notion that because your bedroom is sooo big, you don't ever have to pick up your toys.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Abdussamatov claims that "global warming results not from the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but from an unusually high level of solar radiation and a lengthy—almost throughout the last century—growth in its intensity."[SUP][4][/SUP] This view contradicts the mainstream scientific opinion on climate change as well as accepted reconstructions of solar activity.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] He has asserted that "parallel global warmings—observed simultaneously on Mars and on Earth—can only be a straightline consequence of the effect of the one same factor: a long-time change in solar irradiance."[SUP][8][/SUP] This assertion has not been accepted by the broader scientific community, some of whom have stated that "the idea just isn't supported by the theory or by the observations" and that it "doesn't make physical sense."[SUP][9][/SUP][SUP][10][/SUP]
Abdussamatov also contends that the natural greenhouse effect does not exist, stating "Ascribing 'greenhouse' effect properties to the Earth's atmosphere is not scientifically substantiated."[SUP][11][/SUP] He further states that "Heated greenhouse gases, which become lighter as a result of expansion, ascend to the atmosphere only to give the absorbed heat away." He has stated that more work is needed to model the effect. However, this effect cannot happen because the mean free path of molecules in the atmosphere is very short, transferring energy by collisions and preventing greenhouse gases from retaining the excess energy they absorb.
In early 2012, Abdussamatov predicted the onset of a new "mini-iceage" commencing 2014 and becoming most severe around 2055.[SUP][12][/SUP]
this snippet of Wikipedia Wisdom fails dispute the fact that mars and other planets in our solar system are experiencing warming, nor does it offer any alternate hypothesis for why this extraterrestrial warming is occurring. it simply declares "abdussamatov disagrees with the orthodoxy" implying he is a crackpot.

a flawed hypothesis that human activity is the cause of all, or even MOST of the warming over the last 100 years is simply flawed, retrenching that position in the face of new, 100% anthropogenic free warming on other planets through ad hominem, weasel words and the bandwagon fallacy doesnt dispute the evidence

Like it would matter if any number was given. All you and the rest of the climate change deniers would do is deny it and ask for endless amounts of impossible proof, so who do you think you're kidding?
yep. argue against the rush to judgment and the flawed anthropogenic theory means i am a "Denier"

i must accept your view or i am crazy, dangerous and a fool.

sounds legit


Well-Known Member
this snippet of Wikipedia Wisdom fails dispute the fact that mars and other planets in our solar system are experiencing warming, nor does it offer any alternate hypothesis for why this extraterrestrial warming is occurring. it simply declares "abdussamatov disagrees with the orthodoxy" implying he is a crackpot.

a flawed hypothesis that human activity is the cause of all, or even MOST of the warming over the last 100 years is simply flawed, retrenching that position in the face of new, 100% anthropogenic free warming on other planets through ad hominem, weasel words and the bandwagon fallacy doesnt dispute the evidence

yep. argue against the rush to judgment and the flawed anthropogenic theory means i am a "Denier"

i must accept your view or i am crazy, dangerous and a fool.

sounds legit
It's a fact because Abdussamatov says it's a fact?


Well-Known Member

you got it wrong when you got duped into the skewed polls crap, doer. and you have it wrong and have been duped again.

you are demonstrably lying, and that ain't cool.

if your case was a strong one, you would have no need to lie. that's how it goes, dick.
Lying is not cool. Wow. You didn't link or reference any science, btw.

But, you did score a 1 for dismissivness.

Mike, ..

I know Robert, I know.


Well-Known Member
But what about this version of Hansen?


Scenario C?
CO2 emissions reduced to year 2000 levels.
As can be seen in that little box in the corner, CO2 emission growth has only increased.

Conclusion: Hansen does not belong in the proponent's toolbox.

I was at a colloquium yesterday, watching a scientist from the U of Chicago, tell us all about his work in search of Dark Matter.
Using an elaborate setup, deep underground at SNOLAB (eh...) "the finest underground facility IN THE WORLD", he and his team have looked for reactions of WIMPs with liquified Xenon (they make gas bubbles accompanied by sound, theoretically). As it stands, his intuition is telling him they are on a wild goose chase and believes he's going to spend the rest of his career just calibrating the experiment :lol:. The poor guy is literally looking at statistical pimples in data and desperately trying to prove they exist as a unique third branch.
There was also an entertaining debate in the Q&A between him and probably the biggest bad-ass in Canadian particle physics over the subject of how trivial his detection threshold 'success' was in comparison to the sensitivity of the ATLAS collider. I should have whipped out my camera for that exchange. It was funny...
Yet, despite all of that, positive results for industry have come out of their research. They had to build their own piezoelectric acoustic sensors to literally listen for these supposed WIMP collisions. As it turns out, these devices happen to be useful as general environmental sensors due to their extreme fidelity.

So the moral here is, even though one has to potentially face the conclusion they are wrong, it doesn't mean some positive externality won't result.
Or more contextually stated, even though alarmists/deniers may have to admit their error, their work and infrastructure will reap dividends in other fields of study for years to come.

But that's science.



Well-Known Member
it's a fact because nasa says it's a fact, the measurements are real, and mars' polar icecaps are MELTING.

Show me where NASA has said that the ice caps on Mars are melting consistent with the Earths and that means that anthropogenic climate change is not the cause of the warming on the Earth

You would accept something from NASA when you perceive it to confirm your bias, but when it contradicts it, they're bought off by the government... What happened to "NASA is a government agency"? Interesting observation..


Well-Known Member

Show me where NASA has said that the ice caps on Mars are melting consistent with the Earths and that means that anthropogenic climate change is not the cause of the warming on the Earth

You would accept something from NASA when you perceive it to confirm your bias, but when it contradicts it, they're bought off by the government... What happened to "NASA is a government agency"? Interesting observation..

I've read accounts of the same, which means we may have some crazy shit going down that could very well cook the entire planet regardless of what we do...which would be bad. Very bad. Except for bacteria.


Well-Known Member

Something else to look for is the "Cryptic region"--a dark zone hundreds of km wide. Even after the ice above it recedes, the Cryptic region remains remarkably cold according to infra-red cameras onboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. No one is sure what the Cryptic region is, "but it's probably big enough to see from Earth," notes Smith.

Hmmm... Thermoelectric effects, perhaps?

This page has some wild pictures from Mars (including the ice). It is highly recommended one be at least red-eye height before viewing.


Well-Known Member
Consensus is interesting.

97% once thought cannabis caused cancer, depression and made negros look at white women twice while listening to the Devil's Jazz.

Consensus really means fuck all.
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