Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
While I put on my snow pants.....damn u!

oh dear lord my ex from Ontario just text me ...again..wtf I left that guy over 2 yrs ago...and not in a nice way if any of u remember...lol I was rather angry and took off to Cali with someone from this site...b4 I moved here and found my baby...man my life has changed so much all because I joined this site....whoa!
Some girls are really hard to forget

Sorry bout the snow pants. Id send ya some of this 75* sunny day if i could


Pickle Queen
Crazy eyes is one of the best characters! I died laughing when she peep all over the floor lol.

SOA...luv it so much...I even ordered a tank top from ebay yesterday :) but we're only on season 3 I think..


Well-Known Member
So I'm gonna derail ya'lls random convo to post my mini harvest. HAHA
After cutting off the buds from the stems when it dried I got 9.76g and I still have more than 3/4 of the plant left, still growing.

I had also pulled off one of the seeds forming to see if they are viable, broke it open and found:

So if I would have dried this seed out, she would be viable. What ya think?



Staff member
did my honourly bff girlfriend duties today

bff, had been seeing some guy guess he was fixing her laptop and i had to go get it for her haha,
:p , ^_^ ,


Well-Known Member
Visitin the inlaws. Theyre tryin to bomb me out. They know not who theyre fuckin with.


3 footer then on to the dabsIMAG0673.jpg

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
that's awful pie. what did doc say? Does he have some kind of physical therapy or something you can try?
that pain in the neck/shoulder area sucks. hope you get some relief, Pie. Docs got you on anything for it?
have you tried altneratives? like acupuncture, not exactly sure how bad it is but that stuff along with your regular doctor stuff could help,
Doc was like, do you have insurance?

I said no, so he did some stuff to my back and neck. Told me to take Ibuprofin when it gets really bad but I already know that doesn't work.