Well-Known Member
I do run at off times, but keep in mind I'm running more than a single light/room so the cab is likely running me in the $25-$30/month range. You can also reduce some usage/costs by running the carbon filter only during flowering, even then depending on the strain it only needs to run for a few weeks towards the end, they suck up a lot of power running through a filter so I only use it when needed. And yes, you should have a variable speed controller on that f6/450cfm fan, running it full tilt will suck the walls in! Haven't run into any strains that stink enough to bother with a filter during veg and early flowering. I'm sure there are but I think it's rare.Dayum, that's expensive, according to my math, if I run the lights during off-peak times (7-7), itll be about $12/month for 400w of lights, that doesnt include the fan, but it's a 6' stealth f6 with a carbon filter, and speed controller, cause 450cfm is wayyy too high for that tent. Like i said though, my only concern is my electricity is included in rent, so I dont want it high enough that my landlord will overly notice.