Hey every one, long time member, but its been for ever since iv been on. This is the site that taught me how to grow good herb, so I always come here when i need Real advice. So here the story people. I am an established medical patient and have been for 3-4 years now. I have a long track record with my doctors, and i see a pain specialist once every other month. I suffer from chronic lower spine pain caused by a combination of scoliosis and a family history of bad backs. This is offically why I currently have my Oregon medical cannabis card. But i also use cannabis in place of a hand full of prescriptions. I use it in place of the prescribed sleep aid Ambien, because that was causing me to have some terrifying sleep walking episodes, one of which i really hurt my self, by falling flat back onto a jagged pile of bricks. Fun! I also use medical cannabis in place of mood stabilizers, I am a text book clinical depressive with "episodes of mania", according to a hand full of mental health professionals i have been seeing in the last year. While i am not sure I would agree with the maina claim, I do recognize I am terribly depressed. If left to my own devices, I will sleep till 4-5 pm every day and have Zero motivation to do any thing. I also suffer from a Hyiated hernia, meaning the top of my stomach is wedged in between the sheet muscle of my rib cage. Iv had this for 8 years now, and it causes me to have no appetite what so ever. I am 6 foot 4 inches and because of my lack of appetite i have been as low as 124lbs. I pretty much suffer from wasting syndrome but with out actually having AIDs or HIV (thank God). Cannabis is the only thing that actually stimulates my appetite. With all this bull shit I go through, you would think its a no brainer that I have my medical card. And it is, even my family supports my choice of medical cannabis, and there pretty darn conservative.
So why am I in deep shit per say? Well here's the kicker people. I got a DUI last summer and unfortunately it was a felony. No I didnt hit any one or get into any kind of accident, it was a felony because it was my third DUI and that is an automatic felony despite the circumstances leading up to the DUI. I recognize I cant be around alcohol and have since sought help in the form of counseling three times a week. What i love about the counseling is that they recognize and honor my medical status. So what is the problem then you ask? Well I was assigned a probation officer, and even though she is a state employee, and my case is a state case, she feels the need to enforce Federal law and she wont recognize my status as a medical cannabis patient. This is beyond maddening, this is sick on so many levels. She is being completely arbitrary and said I will have to get a fucking court injunction allowing me to continue using medical cannabis. I dont think iv ever hated some one so much before in my entire life, I feel like she is personally attacking my privacy to a degree I thought I would never have to deal with again. Teenagers that get caught smoking weed in the school bathroom have to deal with this shit, legitimate established medical patients shouldn't have to. Please, I need help. I honestly dont know where to start. I have a lawyer from the DUI that i guess i could call? What would all of you say? From one patient to another, i need help.
Thank you for your time
So why am I in deep shit per say? Well here's the kicker people. I got a DUI last summer and unfortunately it was a felony. No I didnt hit any one or get into any kind of accident, it was a felony because it was my third DUI and that is an automatic felony despite the circumstances leading up to the DUI. I recognize I cant be around alcohol and have since sought help in the form of counseling three times a week. What i love about the counseling is that they recognize and honor my medical status. So what is the problem then you ask? Well I was assigned a probation officer, and even though she is a state employee, and my case is a state case, she feels the need to enforce Federal law and she wont recognize my status as a medical cannabis patient. This is beyond maddening, this is sick on so many levels. She is being completely arbitrary and said I will have to get a fucking court injunction allowing me to continue using medical cannabis. I dont think iv ever hated some one so much before in my entire life, I feel like she is personally attacking my privacy to a degree I thought I would never have to deal with again. Teenagers that get caught smoking weed in the school bathroom have to deal with this shit, legitimate established medical patients shouldn't have to. Please, I need help. I honestly dont know where to start. I have a lawyer from the DUI that i guess i could call? What would all of you say? From one patient to another, i need help.
Thank you for your time