US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
What consensus exists, is politics. And when there are no facts and plenty of money up for grabs we turn to flim-flam. Fool some of the people all of the time. That is the Slogan of Saganism.


Well-Known Member
Consensus is interesting.

97% once thought cannabis caused cancer, depression and made negros look at white women twice while listening to the Devil's Jazz.

Consensus really means fuck all.

You don't seem to understand the difference between consensus" and "scientific consensus"


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, I wear big boy pants.

A superseded, or obsolete, scientific theory is a scientific theory that mainstream scientific consensus once commonly accepted but now no longer considers the most complete description of reality, or simply false.

In some cases a theory or idea is found baseless and is simply discarded. For example, the phlogiston theory was entirely replaced by the quite different concept of energy and related laws. I

  • Democritus, the originator of atomic theory, held that everything is composed of atoms, which are indestructible
  • John Dalton's model of the atom, which held that atoms are indivisible and indestructible (superseded by nuclear physics) and that all atoms of a given element are identical in mass (superseded by discovery of atomic isotopes).[SUP][1][/SUP]
  • Plum pudding model of the atom—assuming the protons and electrons were mixed together in a single mass
  • Rutherford model of the atom with an impenetrable nucleus orbited by electrons
  • Bohr model with quantized orbits
  • Electron cloud model following the development of quantum mechanics in 1925 and the eventual atomic orbital models derived from the quantum mechanical solution to the hydrogen atom

[h=3]Astronomy and cosmology[/h]
[h=3]Geography and climate[/h]
  • Flat Earth theory. On length scales much smaller than the radius of the Earth, a flat map projection gives a quite accurate and practically useful approximation to true distances and sizes, but departures from flatness become increasingly significant over larger distances.
  • Terra Australis
  • Hollow Earth theory
  • The Open Polar Sea, an ice-free sea once supposed to surround the North Pole
  • Rain follows the plow – the theory that human settlement increases rainfall in arid regions (only true to the extent that crop fields evapotranspirate more than barren wilderness)


Well-Known Member
Just do a Crtl A, Crtl C before you post...(windoz) At least you preserve your content for another try.

What gets me is in a simple edit, sometime I go through 2 of those Capcha challenges and then I get a database error.

Or sometimes the Mods will delete a post and then claim you said something else. :)


New Member
Thanks 54 of this thread... USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts
is not showing up neither are my posts


Well-Known Member
Like it would matter if any number was given. All you and the rest of the climate change deniers would do is deny it and ask for endless amounts of impossible proof, so who do you think you're kidding?
Translation: No one has any idea what the answer is, so let's assume it's substantial and totally not pass legislation to curb our emissions. Because as we all know, Pad doesn't want ANY legislation, he just wants to be the thought police and make sure we all believe. Anyone buying that?

Nobody is asking you to provide any proof. I am asking WHAT WOULD YOU ACCEPT AS PROOF? Why is that so impossible for you to understand the difference?
Asked and concisely answered multiple times. Like UB, you seem to forget we see the replies to your question, we haven't somehow forgotten you were answered. You seem to think if you act like you weren't answered, that makes it true. It makes you look like an idiot and a delusional narcissist. The question wasn't difficult or impressive the first time you asked it, let it go.


Well-Known Member
And Buck, your tide gauge stuff is bullshit. In Centimeters??? I know you don't lie in forum, so I will give you, just sadly mistaken and bamboozled into Saganism. It's Millimeters, OK? 1/10 of what you said.

We do expect the slight rise in sea levels, as we proceed in the inter-Ice Age period. You guys are claim Feet and showing Centimeters when it is actually MILLIMETERS. OMG...but you don't lie. I got that. :)

Please notice the deep layers of scientific reference. It begins at a University and never proceeds to Politics and blogs about sceptically faked, smoke screens.

Tide Gauge Estimates of Mean Sea Level Rise

Estimates of global sea level rise which were derived from tide gauge records are found in the table below. Most of the investigators reported that the estimated values were sensitive to the choice of record length and the tide gauges selected. This sensitivity coupled with different computational techniques and modeling would certainly explain some of the differences shown below.

Sea Level Rise (mm/yr)Error (mm/yr)Data Used (years)# of Tide GaugesReferences
2.8±0.81993-2009~200Church & White (2011)
1.7±0.21900-2009>38 since 1900Church & White (2011)
1.9±0.41961-2009>190 since 1960Church & White (2011)
1.43±0.141881-1980152Barnett (1984)
2.27±0.231930-1980152Barnett (1984)
1.2±0.31880-1982130Gornitz and Lebedeff (1987)
2.4±0.91920-197040Peltier and Tushingham (1989)
1.75±0.131900-197984Trupin and Wahr (1990)
1.7±0.5N/AN/ANakiboglu and Lambeck (1991)
1.8±0.11880-198021Douglas (1991)
1.62±0.381807-1988213Unal and Ghil (1995)


Well-Known Member
What is the difference?


Pretty simple

Like how you posted the geocentric model of the universe as an example. That was the "general consensus" of the universe propagated by organized religion, not science. Then Nicolaus Copernicus came along in the 16th century and ran some experiments and figured out, using science, that the Earth and all the other known bodies in the solar system revolve around the Sun.


Well-Known Member
Asked and concisely answered multiple times. Like UB, you seem to forget we see the replies to your question, we haven't somehow forgotten you were answered. You seem to think if you act like you weren't answered, that makes it true. It makes you look like an idiot and a delusional narcissist. The question wasn't difficult or impressive the first time you asked it, let it go.
Quote the post where the question was answered


Well-Known Member


Pretty simple

Like how you posted the geocentric model of the universe as an example. That was the "general consensus" of the universe propagated by organized religion, not science. Then Nicolaus Copernicus came along in the 16th century and ran some experiments and figured out, using science, that the Earth and all the other known bodies in the solar system revolve around the Sun.
OK.... Tell me what experiments have been done in Climate Science?

You see how easily Consensus falls apart? There is no difference between my .sig about people consensus, ie the common knoweldge and so called, scientific to today, gone tomorrow. It is just opinion. Most of science never accepted the consensus AGW, in the first place. So it never was scientific.

It is just what the common people believe right now. Some of this has changed in my lifetime...plate tectonics for example.

But, even plate tectonics may not actually be happening, nor Darwinian evolution. It all could be something else, unknown. That is science.
You are taking politics and belief, what I call Saganism.


Well-Known Member
OK.... Tell me what experiments have been done in Climate Science?

You see how easily Consensus falls apart? There is no difference between my .sig about people consensus, ie the common knoweldge and so called, scientific to today, gone tomorrow. It is just opinion. Most of science never accepted the consensus AGW, in the first place. So it never was scientific.

It is just what the common people believe right now. Some of this has changed in my lifetime...plate tectonics for example.

But, even plate tectonics may not actually be happening, nor Darwinian evolution. It all could be something else, unknown. That is science.
You are taking politics and belief, what I call Saganism.
Science is not opinion

The vast majority of scientists accept ACC

Plate tectonics and evolution are most definitely happening


Well-Known Member
Science is not opinion

The vast majority of scientists accept ACC

Plate tectonics and evolution are most definitely happening
Hyuck Hyuck...There's someone named Dolan on the editorial board. :lol:

BTW Pada, how would you scale human influence on climate change, or how much of climate change would you ascribe to human causation? 97% anthropogenic? 50-50?


Well-Known Member
Hyuck Hyuck...There's someone named Dolan on the editorial board. :lol:

BTW Pada, how would you scale human influence on climate change? 97% anthropogenic? 50-50?
did someone say dolan?

i'll field that question for pada, or at least give ya my own take: anthropogenic > 0%. in other words, some of it.

if you'll notice, i get my kicks off of watching the people who would deny this fact spin in circles, just like the one winged dove.


Well-Known Member
Science is not opinion

The vast majority of scientists accept ACC

Plate tectonics and evolution are most definitely happening
Would you define scientist for me? Then we can begin. I will blow vast majority out of the water as soon as you tell me the definition.

Regions and snake oil are begging to be accepted. Science is constantly challenged with no such political mind fucks.

Such as: we have to accept it.. you are all deniers and can go to jail if we have our way....Such as: crazy talk.

Nice choice of power words there, Freud.


Well-Known Member
Would you define scientist for me? Then we can begin. I will blow vast majority out of the water as soon as you tell me the definition.

Regions and snake oil are begging to be accepted. Science is constantly challenged with no such political mind fucks.

Such as: we have to accept it.. you are all deniers and can go to jail if we have our way....Such as: crazy talk.

Nice choice of power words there, Freud.
"Since 2001, 34 national science academies, three regional academies, and both the international InterAcademy Council and International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences have made formal declarations confirming human induced global warming and urging nations to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The 34 national science academy statements include 33 who have signed joint science academy statements and one individual declaration by the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2007."


Well-Known Member
did someone say dolan?

i'll field that question for pada, or at least give ya my own take: anthropogenic > 0%. in other words, some of it.

if you'll notice, i get my kicks off of watching the people who would deny this fact spin in circles, just like the one winged dove.
Are these other people on here saying it is 0% ? I don't think so, or at least I am not getting that overall impression (perhaps I am subconsciously ignoring them).
So you are not actually debating that particular ratio, from my perspective.
I was under the impression you were more aligned to the idea of anthropogenic >50%, and that was what you were trying to argue.
Do you believe that human influence could be, as Scafetta loosely opined, "40-60"?
How about 30%? What is the lower bound?

And once that is known, at what point does the opportunity cost of action (not just in terms of dollars) become wasteful--or inefficiently used--in itself?
This is the question I have been trying to figure out. It's just like Mr. Dark Matter chasing his statistical some point, the funding will dry up because the answers are not forthcoming (or being repudiated, possibly).
If it is all for the sake of creating and sustaining a particular field of scientific study, then be honest about it (that's an address to legislators, not you). But if all we are given by them is alarmist models, what is the purpose of their research when empirical fact deviates grossly from estimation ala Hansen?
In whose benefit is the research being conducted then?

"I'm afraid I'll be spending the rest of my career just calibrating the experiment"--Mr. Dark Matter.

Furthermore, what do we do with all the ill-thought, reactionary policies and legislation (i.e. carbon-tax, eco-fees, etc.) which result, just let them fade away into defacto obsolescence? Hopefully no one notices? It could work, I suppose; BC did that when they let AirCare (vehicle emission test) fade out. People were steamed over the years at having to pay it, but nothing changed. Then it was just forgotten as the provincial government phased it out. At the same time, there was a loss of many hundreds of jobs (equivalent to 1000s in the US). Wouldn't it have been better to keep that infrastructure in place and bring back mechanical inspections? But that's a side note...

If there are people who literally say it is zero percent, they are going to be hard-pressed to change their minds because that fact alone proves their incapacity for information processing, if not utter disregard for the topic entirely.
At the same time, your hunt for deniers can be funny at times. Kind of like something Tim Leary said about his work,
"...the performing philosopher does not come down the mountain with truths carved in stone. He/she comes to bat several times a day, trying to whack out a conceptual hit. In baseball, a batter who gets one hit out of three will usually lead the league. A thought-inventor is voted into the Hall of Fame or wins the coveted MVP (Most Valuable Philosopher) award on the basis of batting average over the years. In this book, for example, one-third of the ideas are kinda silly, one-third are kinda boring. But one-third are home runs." --from the intro to Neuropolitique

Keep swinging ;)

Unsatisfactory response. Perhaps you need a different question, being a science buff; what would you consider to be the standard deviation in your percent estimate of human influence on climate? In essence, how wide are your margins of error?
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