Attitude Seed Bank Compromized

I've ordered from Attitude 5 x and never had a problem. Best part was the weed was killer. But I unfortunately use to live in the greater Chicago area so I don't blame you for being paranoid. It's the air pollution, fucks up your thinking. Oh I almost forgot they also have a tendancy to talk about that which they do not know.
Well im new to thread hate me hate me not my package sat in chitown from 12th left usps on 19th thumbs crossed ill keep posted no green tape i order pretty much all promos and have had no problems longest it took was 3 weeks due bad order timing for instance day after 11th didnt cross my mind still got a crap load of beans i jus get bean happy i guess an addiction of new shit to look foward to great company not horribly priced for what i get in long run all i can do is wait only time can tell how the clock ticks
Well im new to thread hate me hate me not my package sat in chitown from 12th left usps on 19th thumbs crossed ill keep posted no green tape i order pretty much all promos and have had no problems longest it took was 3 weeks due bad order timing for instance day after 11th didnt cross my mind still got a crap load of beans i jus get bean happy i guess an addiction of new shit to look foward to great company not horribly priced for what i get in long run all i can do is wait only time can tell how the clock ticks

Well getting close a day or 2 away hopefully they make it on there way fingers crossed will keep posted anxious to get them to see all mine through chi may june and july and aug lets see bout sept hope they do
Well getting close a day or 2 away hopefully they make it on there way fingers crossed will keep posted anxious to get them to see all mine through chi may june and july and aug lets see bout sept hope they do

Safe shipping

What it is

Safe shipping means packaging and mailing products in ways that minimize risk for all involved.
Safe shipping is more than packaging aproduct to reduce risk of interception, it is also using
techniques to avoid liability for the shipper and recipient for any seized products.

List of things customs looks for

The following is a list of things customs uses to screen for suspicious parcels. A suspicious
attribute of a parcel is called a flag. A single flag is often not much of a problem, but the more flags
apackage has the higher the chances it will be intercepted.

1. No return address

2. Restrictive markings (such as writing "Personal!" on the envelope)

3. Misspelled words

4. Poorly typed or written text

5. Excessive postage

6. Addressed to an incorrect title

7. Sent from a foreign country

8. Sealed with tape

9. Emits a strange odor (Including masking agents such as coffee, perfume and fabric softener

10. Lopsided, uneven, rigid, bulky or otherwise uneven weight distribution

11. Oily stains, discolorations and crystallizations on packaging

12. Packaging appears to be re-used

13. Package looks generally poorly prepared for shipping

14. addresses are hand written

15. addresses contain mispelled information (such as names, streets or cities)

16. Originate from a drug source state

17. Are addressed as being sent from an individual to an individual

18. Return address ZIP code does not match ZIP code of the post office the package is being sent

19. A fictitious return address is used

20. List a sender or receiver name of a common type (Such as John Smith)

21. Make use of names that are not connected to either address

22. Package makes noise when shaken

23. Redistribution of weight is felt when package is moved or tilted

List of Ways customs uses technology to detect packages

1. Terahertz ray scanning

“illuminating atarget envelope with tunable terahertz radiation and analyzing the absorption
spectra of the resulting image. The
results are cross referenced with a database of spectra to check for the chemicals of interest.”

Currently it takes ten minutes to fully scan and analyze a single letter, although increasing this
speed toone minute per letter is
in the grasp of current technology. Even with this potential decrease in the amount of time it takes
to scan individual letters, this system
could not be implemented en masse without slowing the mail system down to a screeching halt. It
is much more likely that this technology
will be used to scan mail that has already been flagged by customs personnel using other

2. infrared and X-ray scanning

Infrared scanners and Xrays work fundamentally in the same way. They are used to detect
irregularities in envelopes or packages, which is possible cause for further investigation by other
more precise means.

4. Drug dogs

Drug dogs are trained to detect even trace amounts of controlled substances in the mail and are
used by virtually all customs
agencies world wide. Despite their excellent ability to detect certain substances, the overwhelming
amount of mail in the system means
that they will not be able to sniff all mail. In addition to this, drug dogs are not trained to smell the
vast majority of existing psychoactive
substances, and due to the staggering number of said substances it is virtually impossible that
they ever will be.

5. Drug residue detectors

“traces of controlled substances are collected on a small filter held in the end of a vacuum sweeper
hose which has been
previously tested to insure no contamination. The instrument uses an analytical technique in which
the traces of controlled substances on
the filter are heated to vapors and ionized. The time required for the ions to drift through an electric
field is measured and the substances
are identified by the "drift" time through the electric field. ”

list of ways customs trace intercepted mail and gather evidence

1. Fingerprinting the outside and inside of a package

2. Handwriting analysis

3. Analyzing paper and ink

4. Analyzing type impressions

5. Forensic analysis of trace evidence (Adhesives, fibers, hair, paint, paper, plastic, rubber, tape and
insulation from safes).

6. Post office surveillance of individuals suspected of sending or receiving drug mail

7. To bust recipients of intercepted drug mail, customs officials will often dress as postmen and
make an arrest after the suspect accepts the package. Often times they will allow afew minutes to
pass in hopes that the suspect will have opened the package.

8. There are reports of tracking devices being hidden inside intercepted packages when they are
being sent to a safe location such as fraudulently obtained PO boxes. The tracking devices then
follow the receipient back to their base location where an arrest is later made.

Packaging tips for senders


1. Use a real return address but make sure it has no connection to you. Ensure the ZIP code used is
the same one of the drop box you plan to send the package from. A generally sound practice is to
use the legitimate address of an apartment complex but do NOT specify an actual number.

2. Change return addresses, especially the name sent from, on a semi frequent basis. The name
used should be generic but not overly common.

3. Keep the front of the package as clean as possible. It should have no markings other than a
shipping and return address.

4. Double check to make sure all information is correct. Also ensure that all words are spelled

5. Both addresses should be typed and printed, not handwritten. Ensure the printer used has
minimal connection to you (paid for in cash, from a friend, not used for other things)

6. Exact postage should be applied neatly to the package.

7. Do not seal the package with tape

8. Use self adhesive envelopes and stamps.


1. Do not attempt to use masking scents

2. Double vacuum seal the substance, attempting to spread substance out as thinly and evenly as

3. Using heavy duty tape, secure the vacuum sealed bag to a piece of construction paper. Make
sure it is secured tightly and that product does not make noises when shaken.

4. Fold the construction paper over on itself to make it take up as little areaas possibly yet still be
accommodating for the vacuum sealed bag.

5. If the thicker cardboard priority envelopes are available, the first envelope should be inserted into
one of these. Both envelopes should be addressed.

Security tips for senders

1. At all stages of packaging gloves should be worn. Latex gloves should NOT be used by
themselves. Tight fitting gloves made out of cloth or some other material should be utilized. During
the stage of packaging where you come in contact with the substance, latex gloves should be worn
over the regular gloves. After the substance is vacuum sealed, the latex over gloves should be
removed and disposed of before coming into contact with the outer parts of the packaging, to avoid
contaminating it with trace amounts of the substance.

2. Hairnets and long sleeved clothing should be worn during all stages of packaging to prevent
hairs from entering the package.

3. Packages should not be sent from inside post offices but from random drop boxes away from
cameras and buildings with cameras. Some care should none the less be taken to disguise facial
features and identifying marks.

4. keep in mind that the total weight of a package sent viaone of the drop off boxes, at least in the
United States, is 13 ounces or less.

Security tips for recipients

1. The best option for recipients it to use PO boxes or PMBs obtained with fake identification. Mom
and Pop box companies often have poor security compared to franchises, for example they are
less likely to require photocopies of the ID and also are less likely to have a camera system, or if
they do have a camerasystem it is probably very poor as compared to abig franchise company.
Recipients using PO boxes should wait for a lengthy yet random period of time after the package
arrives to attempt retrieval. This waitingperiod dramatically decreases the chances of being
apprehended as prolonged surveillance is very expensive. Disguising efforts should be utilized
when retrieving packages, and test runs should also be attempted.

2. Another excellent option is to have packages sent to abandoned buildings or houses. The same
security methods should be applied as when using a fraudulently obtained mail box.

3. If arecipient must have a package delivered to a place connected with them, they should ensure
said place is clean between shipments. Clean houses of friends can also be used. Upon receiving a
package to a place with connections to the recipient, they should not open it and write return to
sender on it. After several days, then the package is safe to be opened. Recipient should NEVER
select to have shipping methods which require a package to be signed for.

4. Regardless of the place the package is delivered, the recipient should opt the quickest shipping
method possible so long as asignature is not required. This way if their are delays in shipping, it
can alert the recipient, and it will require any interceptor to rush getting warrants prepared before a
suspicious delay in package delivery is noticed. Tracked mail with out delivery confirmation is an
excellent option, as the recipient can follow the status of the package online (using Tor!) and can
be alerted if the package is held by customs for a prolonged period of time.
They snagged my shit emailed the address from there site and used my email provider vs the contact email built in web told them who i was took pics of the green tape and labels all over package and typed label purcase #or order # whatever you choose to call it politely got a response took like 4 hours for me and talked to jodie she ask if i wanted refund or reship. Said ill take refund but would rather have reship but dont want to chance it so refund it can be a bigger or loss for both in long run so ill try little later bad timing cause 9/11 jus passed there on it even more now then usually and said ill be back soon thank you and got my money back they have great response peopke workin very nice customer service i will be back though 1 of the best sites or the best period
I've been reading many hours on the topic for a few days and it appears by many items I've recently read that customs are using newer, more sophisticated equipment and are following up by forwarding cases to local law enforcment.

I can't recall the exact thread but one person had a family member that was a tech for some new equipment used by DHS etc and basically it will scan/x-ray for certain things on the conveyor belt. Seeds of all kinds are considered a potential threat to the national habitat that I'm sure they are looked for.

Based on things I've read just recently, the amount of seizures is now very high and in some cases customs is forwarding to local law enforcement.

I saw this on icmag and it, along with the high rate of seizures has swayed me to not order.
"They do not need a warrant to check overseas mail.
Trust me I spent over 20 grand fighting this.
once Chicago customs found the seeds they called my state customs agency. Who then called the state drug task force who then started a investigation on me.
If your in a med state probably no big deal but if you're in the midwest... Kentucky or Illinois they take that shit very serious."

I would read the posts by a guy named Angus over there. It's in this thread I partially quoted.
He just got out of prison after server quite a bit of time. The entire investigation started over seeds being seized in Chicago.

I know people have had much success in the past but I've been reading A LOT lately in various forums and things definitely seem to be changing. Changing to a point where I think it's too dangerous, I'm no paranoid panzy either, I've been around the block a few times. In my opinion, the guys that get the green tape and then keep re-sending, then re-sending are crazy and should stop while they are ahead. I don't want to see anyone get into trouble and people are starting to get visits by LEO.

Let LE come to my door, they'll just have to turn around and leave when they see who my attorney is. I'm state legal so it will have to be the feds. I got my seeds snagged just last week going through LA. First time getting screwed in the ass by customs. Hopefully it'll be the last. No kisses afterwards either.
Do any of you order seeds from Canada??? I have been doing so for many years, with multiple orders per year and I have never had a problem. And the company I order from does not really know the meaning of stealth, but it always gets here. I once ordered some dinafem amnesia and I could actually see the round tin through the envelope. But I haven't had a problem so Im gonna keep doing my thing.
South of chi-town in Southern Illinois and I just got my very nice Humboldt Seeds t-shirt w/o beans and a nice green ring of death sticker attached. What to do. Does a-tude ship Fed-Ex or UPS?
Really? I live in the greater metro area of Chicago and have never had a package intercepted. Then again I don't order that often either.
my first order never made it to me. i ordered with t-shirt. they re-sent me my package regular mail. after 21 working days. first time i ever get beans shipped to my own address they get seized. their customer service is good, i just hope my 200+ dollars worth of beans makes it here. im in central part of canada
I just got my package today from Attitude from their 7th Birthday Promo. It was packaged differently than my other seed orders. Now I am not going to make a video or explain how my seeds were packaged, and I hope no one else does!





That's was odd, think it's called irony. I -seem- to have lost my video full browser posting privileges ATM.guess I posted something f'd up as well, may bad. adios amigos
no offense, but you're hammering them for making that video, which i completely agree with btw, but then you repost their dumb ass video, hope you don't mind my deleting the video for obvious reasons..

No problem. Videos like that are stupid and its good to see Attitude is up to speed on this stuff, which was my main concern as I had an order in with them. Hey, what took you so long to delete the video? :mrgreen: