Is vaping taking over?


Well-Known Member
For the last 6 months all I have been getting ripped on is wax in my Cloud vape pen. My past experiences with vaping weed never impressed me but vaping concentrates is a whole different story. The hits are bigger, cleaner, and tastier than when vaping weed.

The things I like about vaping are you don't need a lighter, it barely leaves a scent, I can carry a lot of wax in a very small container, it's suppose to be healthier than smoking, the buzz doesn't weigh you down as much.

My question is, do you think, that in a few years, vaping will be the #1 way of getting high?
Not where I am but I could see it becoming increasingly popular as people become more health conscious.

I've never tryed vaping with wax. Have tried bud with a volcano, it was ok but somehow a little unsatisfying.
medibles will replace all of them...
i dont know about that man.. ive never been truly fucked off em lol. i ate a cheeba chew deca and quad.. got real tired thats about it, other then that just shit ive made... bout the same effect, just makes me want to go to bed. i smoke and im good to go.. i been vaping some oil lately also.. its pretty good. flower is still my favorite though. also weed isnt just about getting stoned for me.. while it is a big part of it lol. i love breaking it up.. rolling/packing it and chillin with it.. growing it tops it all though :D
I just bought a CO2 Supercritical fluid extractor, for making CO2 oil...........I'm sold on 70%-80% pure clean THC trimming days are over!