US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Well, would you mind your kids history teacher was a holocaust denier, too?

If you don't accept something as scientifically obvious as the theory of evolution, your judgment is immediately called into question, and personally, I don't think you are qualified to make any other claims about science if you deny the theory of evolution. No different than if someone believed in the geocentric model of the universe still. That person is not qualified to talk about science. I have a good feeling Kynes falls into that category, he just doesn't want to admit it

so again you go straight to baseless ad hominem and foolish reductio ad retardum assertions.

nice job numbnuts.

you just derped as hard as bucky


Well-Known Member
Apparently you've never heard of Richard Dawkins

Where has the courageous Mr. Dawkins been hiding, when was his last public debate?

Instead you guys have Bill Nye (the science guy) at least willing to take the heat!

The hard evidence is mounting against you Nazis, and most of you are scurrying away from true discourse...?


Well-Known Member

so again you go straight to baseless ad hominem and foolish reductio ad retardum assertions.

nice job numbnuts.

you just derped as hard as bucky
If that's the case, just put it to rest right now; Do you accept the theory of evolution or not?

Where has the courageous Mr. Dawkins been hiding, when was his last public debate?

Instead you guys have Bill Nye (the science guy) at least willing to take the heat!

The hard evidence is mounting against you Nazis, and most of you are scurrying away from true discourse...?
Dawkins doesn't do public debates with creationists anymore. Could you debate this day in day out?



Well-Known Member
Well, would you mind your kids history teacher was a holocaust denier, too?

If you don't accept something as scientifically obvious as the theory of evolution, your judgment is immediately called into question, and personally, I don't think you are qualified to make any other claims about science if you deny the theory of evolution. No different than if someone believed in the geocentric model of the universe still. That person is not qualified to talk about science. I have a good feeling Kynes falls into that category, he just doesn't want to admit it
I would say, there are very few of us here that are qualified to talk about it. Me certainly. Not you, alas.


Well-Known Member
If that's the case, just put it to rest right now; Do you accept the theory of evolution or not?

Dawkins doesn't do public debates with creationists anymore. Could you debate this day in day out?


Creationists are twits...easy to debate. Simply because they are wrong.
But the so-called ACC deniers are not the same group, why do you seem to need to conflate the two?

Well he is, after all, 72 years of age, he is not trained in climatology.
But, if, as you repeatedly assert, those with whom you disagree on ACC are knuckle dragging, mouth breathing dullards without any facts, then it should be an easy peazy slam dunk!


Well-Known Member
Creationists are twits...easy to debate. Simply because they are wrong.
But the so-called ACC deniers are not the same group, why do you seem to need to conflate the two?

Well he is, after all, 72 years of age, he is not trained in climatology.
But, if, as you repeatedly assert, those with whom you disagree on ACC are knuckle dragging, mouth breathing dullards without any facts, then it should be an easy peazy slam dunk!
They are the same group. Those that accept valid scientific evidence vs. those that don't

Yeah, just as easy as it is debating a creationist and getting them to accept the evidence


Well-Known Member
They are the same group. Those that accept valid scientific evidence vs. those that don't

Yeah, just as easy as it is debating a creationist and getting them to accept the evidence
Too bad I am not a creationist!
Woweee kazowi, if you are correct...
where are your Heroes and Champions of your crusade?

Because you guys are in dire need, in that, the public is increasingly tuning your Chicken Little prattling out.
They are not listening to your hysterical gibberish any longer, the tide is turning.
Public opinion is shifting, simply due to your hyperbolic, calamitous predictions of doom not having panned out!
Common sense prevails!
The climate thought police are on the ropes, and are going to take have to take a ten count!
A KO seems inevitable to me!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Too bad I am not a creationist!
Woweee kazowi, if you are correct...
where are your Heroes and Champions of your crusade?

Because you guys are in dire need, in that, the public is increasingly tuning your Chicken Little prattling out.
They are not listening to your hysterical gibberish any longer, the tide is turning.
Public opinion is shifting, simply due to your hyperbolic, calamitous predictions of doom not having panned out!
Common sense prevails!
The climate thought police are on the ropes, and are going to take have to take a ten count!
A KO seems inevitable to me!!:joint:
I guess if you use enough exclamation points that makes it true

I couldn't care less about anything regarding climate change in the political arena, the funding will continue regardless of what any politician says. Meanwhile the scientific community universally accepts ACC, that's what matters

I gave a list of it. I reminded you twice now. Each time you ignored that.

Now you want lie and say it didn't happen?
I never saw a list of what you would accept as proof of ACC


Well-Known Member
The simple fact that the Climate Change Nazis are seemingly more and more desperate to avoid any and all debate of this topic speaks for itself...
If anyone posses even a morsel of intellectual fortitude and the courage of their convictions, they would then eagerly engage in debate with those with whom they disagree.
What could be better than exposing the fallacious nature of your opponent’s inane arguments than the forum of public debate?
But instead, the ACC devotees, run from, and discourage any dissent in a public forum.

What possible explanation can these acolytes of the religion of ACC offer in defense of these transparent dodges?
Hmmm? "The science is settled"...and other such insipid responses are offered.
Debate? Oh no...Run away!!!

This is quite telling as well as highly amusing!:joint:
comparing belief in AGW to nazism and citing the daily caller at the drop of a hat, and you wonder why no one wants to debate such idiots like you?


Well-Known Member
I guess if you use enough exclamation points that makes it true

I couldn't care less about anything regarding climate change in the political arena, the funding will continue regardless of what any politician says. Meanwhile the scientific community universally accepts ACC, that's what matters

I never saw a list of what you would accept as proof of ACC

For you own future intellectual welfare, be very careful of how you use the word "universally".
You may find out that it could very well posses sharp, venomous teeth!
These may inflict undue pain and suffering upon your person!


Well-Known Member
Too bad I am not a creationist!
Woweee kazowi, if you are correct...
where are your Heroes and Champions of your crusade?

Because you guys are in dire need, in that, the public is increasingly tuning your Chicken Little prattling out.
They are not listening to your hysterical gibberish any longer, the tide is turning.
Public opinion is shifting, simply due to your hyperbolic, calamitous predictions of doom not having panned out!
Common sense prevails!
The climate thought police are on the ropes, and are going to take have to take a ten count!
A KO seems inevitable to me!!:joint:
so scientific consensus is no good, but public opinion after a purposely deceitful campaign of misinformation is just awesome?


you (R)etards are just too much fun to poke around.


Well-Known Member
For you own future intellectual welfare, be very careful of how you use the word "universally".
You may find out that it could very well posses sharp, venomous teeth!
These may inflict undue pain and suffering upon your person!
I'll be fine, I understand what science means


Well-Known Member
comparing belief in AGW to nazism and citing the daily caller at the drop of a hat, and you wonder why no one wants to debate such idiots like you?
Oh, but you guys can see fit to apply the term "denier" as in "holocaust denier".... and then you wish to squelch any debate...and you are then perturbed at being called a Nazi....choice...simply sublime!
Thanks Buckeroo!!!
Well done!


Well-Known Member
For you own future intellectual welfare, be very careful of how you use the word "universally".
You may find out that it could very well posses sharp, venomous teeth!
These may inflict undue pain and suffering upon your person!
we're all very scared of your deadly with and intelligence.

now if only the available evidence for your unsupported opinions on AGW were as plentiful as your misguided confidence in your own mental faculties.


Well-Known Member
we're all very scared of your deadly with and intelligence.

now if only the available evidence for your unsupported opinions on AGW were as plentiful as your misguided confidence in your own mental faculties.
Yup, I concede you win!


Well-Known Member
Oh, but you guys can see fit to apply the term "denier" as in "holocaust denier".... and then you wish to squelch any debate...and you are then perturbed at being called a Nazi....choice...simply sublime!
Thanks Buckeroo!!!
Well done!
actually, we're using the term as in "AGW denier".

the fact that you refer to us an "nazis" for simply agreeing with the vast and overwhelming majority of publishing scientists is only a signal of your desperation and invalid, unsupported position on the issue.

cry a little harder.

and don't forget to use a lot of! exclamation points!!!!!!
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