Not feeling the love..


Well-Known Member
I was really excited to get my new space up and running and start a journal on this site.

There is a lot of great information and people here to help.

I can't tell anyone what I'm doing. Well I could but that wouldn't be a good idea. I need my medicine, and more importantly my freedom!

That's why this site appealed to me. I could talk to other growers, share pictures, and get/give help.

I know I'm new but I'm not feeling the love, and I actually see a lot of arguing and bickering about stupid stuff!

I thought I might connect with a few people on here but I don't feel very welcome.

Maybe someone can restore my faith in this site(and people in general).

I felt like a loner growing before, not being able to share my secret, now amongst fellow greenthumbs I feel almost the same way.

If you know your shit, then take the time to browse through the newbie section and help someone out!

"If you give a man a bud, he'll smoke for a day, if you teach a man to grow........
Thats ok. I'm growing some autos along with my fem photo plants.

If I have a question about one of my auto's and post it on the autoflower board...I almost never get a response....ever.

But everywhere else I've been nothing but welcomed.
"If you give a man a bud, he'll smoke for a day, if you teach a man to grow........"

Great Quote....wonder IF this is the Bible version OR Chinese...

Man you gotta give it time, lots of good folks here + some not so good and not everyone agrees on some subjects/topics...

"C'est la vie"

welcome, and we are many who daily brows the questions/problems and try to help out

RIU is the best site, tho recently the server have been pretty unstable (or is it just me ?) plus the fact that they screw up the Like system (lost my +4K likes :D) but more important it was a nice way to make sure Ppl. saw your reply and a way for us stoners to remember witch threads we posted in :D seen a bit less activity here since then :( hopefully they fix it soon
Folk can teach themselves to grow they do not need help there is so much information around these days
learning by your own success and failure is more rewarding than being spoon-fed a particular method imo

I do help newbies to help themselves from time to time if the newbie is respectful it can be rewarding
They've got a server? thought they(R.I.U.) had swapped it for a 486 Luggable Computer/Laptop??

RIUs Server 2014 LOL.jpg
The R.I.U. Server 2014

I miss the "Likes" but IMO they ain't coming back....Would be a massive drain on the "Server"

This can be a great source of information but I would agree that its not always the most friendliest of places. And yes, there is a lot of bickering that goes on, mostly over the same stupid subjects that come up here every single freaking day.
Flushing-defoliating and shit like it are hot button topics, and you can see it coming.
This site is pretty much wide open to almost anything and thats probably a good thing but it does allow for repetition. For instance, there are other sites that simply dont allow the same subjects to be brought up every day but this one does.

This site is really not the best place to come to feel the love, but there is a great amount of info to be gleaned right here on RIU. Theres also some very knowlegable growers here that are willing to help as well, and some of them are not always the friendliest to chat with,and the can be downright stubborn about their ways and means, but look at it like you would go to a doctor. I could care less what kind of bedside manner the guy has, I just care that he knows what he's doing and if he does, thats all that matters to me.

When I first started out I came here and a few other places and asked a lot of questions. Now, with 7 or 8 grows under my belt, I'm no expert by any means, but I'm not asking questions like I used to. Now, I try to help the guy just starting out and maybe avoid some of the problems and downright stupid stuff I did early on.

All the info is out there. You may not got a lot of interaction, but all you need to do is be able to read and comprehend.
lol m8, most grow newbies are respectful and are keen to be pointed in the right direction rather than having their hand held all the way
so they are not so bad

i also from time to time help newbies with their computer problems if they insist and i am in a good mood
overall the computer illiterate crowd are more needy and disrespectful

good luck newbies :)
Man IF I had a £1 for every time I looked at someones PC and they said "We didn't do anything, or Change anything"


Som many growers on here now that I usually only look in threads that are interesting. I help the newbies from time to time but that can get old. Basically if you are a new grower dont expect the same amount of traffic through your thread unless you are doing something groundbreaking like trying to replace your res water with gatorade to make your plants taste better.... just a joking example, but for me the standard 4 plants under a 1k in dirt just dont do it for me anymore. Has to have a interesting strain, growing method, or light source for me to wanna peep it. So maybe just start doing some off the walls shit in your thread and people will take notice. Break the paradigms bro!

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I know I'm new but I'm not feeling the love, and I actually see a lot of arguing and bickering about stupid stuff!

Welcome to the internet :) First lesson: Don't take everything so personal. People tend to argue and flame each other much more, when they can't look the other person in the eyes.
There will be loads more bitching, much more flaming and tons of mud being thrown from one side to the other - learn to live with it, or you will never "feel the love".

Other than that.. get your journal started! Ignore the bastards that are flaming you, embrace those who offer you sound advises - and probably most important of all: Don't belittle, flame or ignore those who try to help you, even if their help turns out to be bad. Be grateful for the fact that someone offers their help for free in a world where everything has a price tag.
i have a thread in the grow journal section it seems im my own biggest fan if its not something that catches everyones eye it gets passed over but i still update with pics pretty much daily hopefully someone can benefit from my posts but ive had other threads with lots of responses i think its the title of your thread that triggers views & responses & some people are more supportive than others welcome to riu it gets better
Give it time squidbilly. You time to shine will come. I have been banned and called many thing but that didn't stop me from posting and whatever. I found that once you start posting pics that prove you are what you say you are and can grow a plant past six inches you will start to feel the love.
Once again Cob, ya beat me to it!!! My exact thoughts.
Squid, this really is a pretty cool place, and almost everyone I know here goes to newbie central periodically. But that place is bet taken in small doses!!! I now understand what it was about many of my first forum posts that irked the experienced growers, it was the sheer repetition of the same q's I was asking!!! Hang around, get to know who's who. There actually IS love here.
Nice replies. That's all I needed to hear. I know there are good people on this site. I've apparently just been missing them. Thanks for the love.
RIU can be a very cool place, Squidbilly, welcome to it :)
Just do lots of reading and googling before posting questions, as recommended above, because repetitive questions can drives us regulars crazy.
If you ever get curious about new growing technology, I recommend the LED sub forum.
It's where you'll find me, most of the time.