US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
Oh, but you guys can see fit to apply the term "denier" as in "holocaust denier".... and then you wish to squelch any debate...and you are then perturbed at being called a Nazi....choice...simply sublime!
Thanks Buckeroo!!!
Well done!
What would you call someone who sees the evidence and dismisses it because it contradicts their beliefs?


Well-Known Member
Yup, I concede you win!
it's not about winning!

it's about what the evidence supports!

and the evidence supports the notion that human activities are contributing the the increase in global temperatures!!!!

what is so hard!!!! to understand!!!! about this!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I guess if you use enough exclamation points that makes it true

I couldn't care less about anything regarding climate change in the political arena, the funding will continue regardless of what any politician says. Meanwhile the scientific community universally accepts ACC, that's what matters

I never saw a list of what you would accept as proof of ACC
That's funny. Because you posted before and after. So you ignored it. It was addessed to you, had your quote, etc. Heck and, I bet Wav saw it. I think Heck commented.

I was answering you. And you did see it. That day, in that thread, I reminded you. And still no comment.

So, the dangling now, seems contrived.


Well-Known Member
That's funny. Because you posted before and after. So you ignored it. It was addessed to you, had your quote, etc. Heck and, I bet Wav saw it. I think Heck commented.

I was answering you. And you did see it. That day, in that thread, I reminded you. And still no comment.

So, the dangling now, seems contrived.
Quote the post or tell me what post it is so I can go back and read it


Well-Known Member
But, I do see the baby word game.

I listed proof I would need to say the earth is even warming at all.

Until you do that; you show any evidence, these Sagansims don't rise to the level of adult discussion, imo.

You cannot slide into home plate from 1/2 way out.

There is no observed warming. Models don't match up. With no models there can be no actual scientific consensus.

First show warming. Then try to fix blame. Two different subjects.


Well-Known Member
it's not about winning!

it's about what the evidence supports!

and the evidence supports the notion that human activities are contributing the the increase in global temperatures!!!!

what is so hard!!!! to understand!!!! about this!!!!!!!!
Well first of all, I am taken aback by the sheer thoughtfulness of your have hit upon the crux of the matter very adeptly, there is ,contrary to your contention, real, actual scientific evidence which at the very least should give you ACC devotees pause, nope, you guys want to simply sweep it under the old rug, so nobody can see it at all.
If you truly had current evidence on your side, none among you would run from any chance to debate.


Well-Known Member
Well first of all, I am taken aback by the sheer thoughtfulness of your have hit upon the crux of the matter very adeptly, there is ,contrary to your contention, real, actual scientific evidence which at the very least should give you ACC devotees pause, nope, you guys want to simply sweep it under the old rug, so nobody can see it at all.
If you truly had current evidence on your side, none among you would run from any chance to debate.
the evidence!! is still overwhelmingly in favor!!!! of human activities contributing! to a rise!! in global temperatures!!!!!!!!

and if!!! you disagree with! the! evidence!! then you literally!!!! are killing jews!!! in gas chambers!!!!

and it's! all because!! the daily!! caller!!! said! so!!!!


Well-Known Member
But, I do see the baby word game.

I listed proof I would need to say the earth is even warming at all.

Until you do that; you show any evidence, these Sagansims don't rise to the level of adult discussion, imo.

You cannot slide into home plate from 1/2 way out.

There is no observed warming. Models don't match up. With no models there can be no actual scientific consensus.

First show warming. Then try to fix blame. Two different subjects.
"what would you accept as proof?"

"I already told you"

"..I must have missed it, can you tell me again?"

"oh now you're lying?"

" I simply missed it if you posted it, can you post it again..?"

"NO! I'm not lying. I POSTED IT TWICE ALREADY!! You're a LIAR!!!"

"OK crazy, continue to be crazy then..."

@ Wavels, this is why we don't debate


Well-Known Member
There is no observed warming.

Models don't match up.
false. (how many times must i show you the models and reality?)

there can be no actual scientific consensus.
there already is.

are you a 0%er? because not even most of the skeptics are 0%ers.

also, just to make sure, do you ever round up large populations of jewish people, strip them of their possessions under false pretenses, put them on trains to concentration areas, force them to labor against their will, and then take their hair and teeth for resources before gassing them to death?


Well-Known Member
the evidence!! is still overwhelmingly in favor!!!! of human activities contributing! to a rise!! in global temperatures!!!!!!!!

and if!!! you disagree with! the! evidence!! then you literally!!!! are killing jews!!! in gas chambers!!!!

and it's! all because!! the daily!! caller!!! said! so!!!!
Hahaha...amusing hysteria...hahah...

Hyperventilating simply makes my point...Nazis wish to stifle any and all dissent through any means necessary.
Stifling debate and acting like the thought police is a big help to your cause.
Repeat your mind-less piffle ad nauseum, this will help those who are undecided clarify their thoughts.
Why so fearful of the truth?
Ideological blinders in place.


Well-Known Member
Wait for it...the science is settled...I see nothing.
Reality is a harsh Mistress when one is beholden to ideology over science.


Well-Known Member
"what would you accept as proof?"

"I already told you"

"..I must have missed it, can you tell me a

"oh now you're lying?"

" I simply missed it if you posted it, can you post it again..?"

"NO! I'm not lying. I POSTED IT TWICE ALREADY!! You're a LIAR!!!"

"OK crazy, continue to be crazy then..."

@ Wavels, this is why we don't debate
Well let me make it very simple;
The vast majority of computer models which are relied upon to advance the theory of ACC have been egregiously inaccurate.

Show me some models which posses even a paucity of accuracy and I may come around to your POV.
As of now, they simply and truly do NOT exist.
See that was easy, no?


Well-Known Member
The vast majority of computer models which are relied upon to advance the theory of ACC have been egregiously inaccurate.

Show me some models which posses even a paucity of accuracy and I may come around to your POV.
As of now, they simply and truly do NOT exist.



!!!!!!, !! ! !!!!!!!!!! !! ! !!!!.


Well-Known Member
Living in the past will not help you with the future.
Did you see what happened to the Leftists in France this past weekend?

Strap yourself in Ubucky, put on your had best be ready for the future.
sorry, just pointing out a very, very recent instance where nazis like you were beholden to ideology over science.

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