I've got 10 clones in root riot cubes in a humidity dome for about two weeks now, and none of them have rooted.
At first, I kept misting them every day but I read somewhere that if you keep doing that the plants won't grow roots because they'll get all the water they need from the spraying.
So, instead, I opted to stop misting them and I began to water them like a regular plant.
Ever since then, the clones have been absolutely fine without any misting and it's been about 4 days.
So, logically, I assumed that that must mean that they have rooted, but unfortunately that has not happened.
Also, one of the clones seems to have stem rot.. or something. The stem is soft like jello and it can't support the leaves.. although strangely, the leaves look good.
Another thing about the leaves is that some of them have turned completely yellow, but the rest seem fine.
What do I do!? My mother plant is already into flowering so I'm getting worried because I can't clone any more.
Please help!
At first, I kept misting them every day but I read somewhere that if you keep doing that the plants won't grow roots because they'll get all the water they need from the spraying.
So, instead, I opted to stop misting them and I began to water them like a regular plant.
Ever since then, the clones have been absolutely fine without any misting and it's been about 4 days.
So, logically, I assumed that that must mean that they have rooted, but unfortunately that has not happened.
Also, one of the clones seems to have stem rot.. or something. The stem is soft like jello and it can't support the leaves.. although strangely, the leaves look good.
Another thing about the leaves is that some of them have turned completely yellow, but the rest seem fine.
What do I do!? My mother plant is already into flowering so I'm getting worried because I can't clone any more.
Please help!