
Well-Known Member
Congrats Kinetic and Chewy! My wife also had to have a c-section. They let me in the OR, having me hold my wife's hand the whole time. At one point blood squirted up over the sheet and got us in the face. Not sure what that was about. 6-7 months is when my daughter started to get fun and not be so much work.


Staff member
Congrats Kinetic and Chewy! My wife also had to have a c-section. They let me in the OR, having me hold my wife's hand the whole time. At one point blood squirted up over the sheet and got us in the face. Not sure what that was about. 6-7 months is when my daughter started to get fun and not be so much work.
i couldnt handle that

nice pic kinetic

thump easy

Well-Known Member
No fucken kids for me..!!! i would have to back pack them like my phillopeeno homie he worked with his kid on his back threw the flowers no way stoping only change and feed.... his wife was the professional!!! he was the women i guess..

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, when my baby girl started crawling she became less demanding. I actually can sit down with a coffee once in a while now.


Well-Known Member
I can't get my keif catcher on the bottom of my grinder open. This does not please me.
Aluminum, right? Its doable, but its physics now..clean hands, dry for the grip; absolutely no change in the plane of turning with steady firm pressure. Aluminum can and does bind to itself. I'm considering splurging for Titanium