12/12 Question


Active Member
Im not quite sure how to word this question so it makes sense but here goes!
When you grow 12/12 fs the plants still have a veg period anyway until theyre mature enough to flower.Ime its been around four weeks.So if instead of letting them veg under my hps on 12/12 I was to veg them for those 4 weeks under 24/0 would they grow twice as much,or does it not work like that?
Cheers,I hope that makes sense!Peace:peace:


Well-Known Member
As long as the plant is on a 12/12 schedule she will be wanting to bloom, and if you want teeny tiny plants, go for it. To gain size, you will veg as long as you can, usually 4 weeks. If you don't want that tall a plant, say a sativa that can grow to six feet easy, you would veg for 3 weeks. If you are growing an Indica, you probably would have no problem vegging for 5 weeks. I hope I have helped.


Active Member
Thats helped mate but what you said about teeny tiny plants isnt true,look at these,these are 12/12 fs,no topping,lst,nothing.I know theyre not the biggest but theyre certainly not tiny!2014-03-20 23.57.05-1.jpg
What I meant was can you grow the plants twice as big but in the sams time frame as a straight 12/12sfs if you veg them 'normally'

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Sigh,,,,,The plants do not "veg" for the first 3-4 weeks of 12/12 (flowering onset). At the point when you switch to 12/12, the plant produces flowering hormones that start the plant to stretch and begin to set the flowering sites (internodes). The spacing of the flowering sites is increased by the plant to ensure the space to incorporate the flowers. Some strains have large internodal spacing and some don't. The spacing can be some what controlled by light strength and the use of hormones (I won't use that stuff). After around 3+ weeks the stretch subsides and the plant puts it's full attention to building the flowers. At about week 6 the plant really puts it's energy into the flowers buy bulking them up to their full size. Adding 1-2 weeks of flower and prudent use of higher P&K supplements (synthetic grows and organic grows with organic supplementation) at the 6th week can "push" the plants flowering to it's full potential. This answer is based on the average "8" week flowering strain. Sativa's go longer and reach the end of stretch and the bulking phase at later times!

The plant in no way,(unless their auto's and then longer light MAY help overall yield) will begin ANY type of flowering UNTIL you start a 12/12 light cycle!

Understand now?

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
snoyl said:
So if instead of letting them veg under my hps on 12/12 I was to veg them for those 4 weeks under 24/0 would they grow twice as much,or does it not work like that?
IDK? But I think you would just confuse the Ladies IF you mean switching from 12/12 now to 24/0....If they been on 12/12 till now I would leave em that way(IMO) But who knows for sure...

Dr. Who given some Great Info on 12/12 for you though...

I have read of some peeps doing 12/12 sort of Grows from seedlings..and they was happy with the Results...having said that so many Folks use 24/0 or 20/4 or 18/6 and each swears by their Results...

Again though think Dr. Who given the best explanation of 12/12 and the Stages the Plants go through during Flowering....

But IF peeps never experimented than we would never learn new things...some Rules can be Bent and indeed Broken...some Can't...




What Watt Hps you got em under, and how far away...Like Dr. Who said a few things you can do to "Push" em..

I must of +Rep Dr. Who before?? because the Stupid(Like Captcha Stupid) System won't let me????????????


Well-Known Member
I believe the answer to your question is "yes". The more light the plant gets in vegetative period the more growth that will ensue. I run 20/4, because I think 18/6 is borderline minimal light and 24/0 is unnatural, they need some darkness to run biological processes (my "opinion")


Well-Known Member
Hi all I do 18/6 and have dun 20/4 but like 18/6 the best,and yes your plants are to small.


Well-Known Member
IDK? Guys I think snoyl means go from 12/12(Flowering) to 18/6 - 20/4....OR he could mean next time instead....?



Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
cc,,,captcha smatcha. Thank you for the thought and intent!!!! Experimenting is the key to success! Asking questions is the foundation.
I just smacked ya back with some!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Thats helped mate but what you said about teeny tiny plants isnt true,look at these,these are 12/12 fs,no topping,lst,nothing.I know theyre not the biggest but theyre certainly not tiny!View attachment 3034547
What I meant was can you grow the plants twice as big but in the sams time frame as a straight 12/12sfs if you veg them 'normally'
Hmm, interesting! No their not tiny.....really though, they have been 12/12 from the start? I might be inclined to say that they SEEM kinda large for 12/12's. I've run some big SOG grows where I've gone 12/12 from the start and they sure don't get that big! These were Bonzai Rotating Gardens and they are an odd type of "ebb and flow" Aw hell here's a look at the system.

It runs 4x4 rockwool cubes and it worked out great. I just don't care for hydro bud and went back to soil. It was run at 12/12 from the start and made each plant a single kola. They filled out nice and made one solid looking rotating "bud". My partner still runs this puppy for his self. I've done some other large space soil SOG's that worked out the same way. But in the end I like LARGE plants of the 8+ ft size for yield and quality in soil. I find I have better control over my single pot plants and can get them to express their pheno's character/quality better that way.

Nice though!
Grow on!

Cereal box

Active Member
Im not quite sure how to word this question so it makes sense but here goes!
When you grow 12/12 fs the plants still have a veg period anyway until theyre mature enough to flower.Ime its been around four weeks.So if instead of letting them veg under my hps on 12/12 I was to veg them for those 4 weeks under 24/0 would they grow twice as much,or does it not work like that?
Cheers,I hope that makes sense!Peace:peace:
They still have a short "veg" period. But they will show sex much, much sooner. I do all 12/12fs and one of my plants just showed sex at 17 days old. If you veg under 24/0 then it won't really be the same as 12/12fs. You can check out my journal in my sig to see a few examples of 12/12fs. Although like others said, true 12/12fs will be fairly small in comparison to plants that were vegged.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i don't gauge flipping to flower on veg time, i use height. i usually flip when the plants are 8-12". the plants can do a good bit of stretching in early flower. even with 1k of light, it will only penetrate so far into the canopy. beyond that distance, you get pop-corn buds, which i'd rather not deal with. i use 16/8 to veg, works fine. i agree with the person who said he likes a dark period in veg. they just seem to do better with some rest.


Active Member
Right youre starting two seeds.One seed is being grown 12/12 fs,the other you are vegging under 24/0.By the time your plants reach maturity at 4 weeks old,which would be bigger,the 12/12 fs or the 24/0?Would the 24/0 plant be twice as big?

Is that a bit clearer?!

Cereal box

Active Member
Right youre starting two seeds.One seed is being grown 12/12 fs,the other you are vegging under 24/0.By the time your plants reach maturity at 4 weeks old,which would be bigger,the 12/12 fs or the 24/0?Would the 24/0 plant be twice as big?

Is that a bit clearer?!
I think it's obvious that the 24/0 vegged plant would be bigger. But it would also kind of defeat the purpose of 12/12fs. Hope that helps.