THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

Nice setup Cowboy!!! DUDE SWEET!!

Thanks skinny....instead of full speed ahead now, it's "FULL SPACE AHEAD", lol.....

I still have to tweak with the intakes...don't think I have enough of them.....I was just runnin at 77 degrees with 15 bulbs.....gonna make a trip over to the depot soon for some more pvc......
well I think it's about time to switch to flowering...I don't want to run the risk of them getting too high.....Still debating whether I should or not, and I'm not sure why...

They've been veggin' for about 30 days....Should I just do it ?
Oh, and the temps have dropped with the new fan...I got 16 bulbs going on right now, and the temp was at 72.

And that's with only the two small pc fans blowing on the plants and bulbs...I still have a larger Wally World type fan I can put in there which should lower the temps even more....

So it's lookin' good for the lighting situation...

I think I am going to the local Hydro store soon, and I will pick up some t5 strip lights for supplemental lighting...I talked to the dude he only has two in stock but can order more...I like to support the local guy....

I was thinking of seeing if there was some kind of way where I can mount them so that I can move them around if need be depending on the number or size of the plants that I would currently be growing....
Well it's official....I just changed the timer, and swapped the bulbs out....

Right now I got thirteen 2700k bulbs and four 6500k bulbs for a total of 391 watts...I'll add more lighting as the grow progresses.

Ooops wait...I forgot to ask Mills....

Hey Mills, Is it ok if I switch my plants over to flowering ?

Got to love going to the local hydro store...First off guy gave me good advice is a fluorescent bulb ever breaks..don't vacuum it but rather use inverted rolled up duct tape - mercury is not good....

And he tested my new strip lights before I took them, and wouldn't ya know one was bad right out of the package...well he ended up giving me the clips from that light which is great because you get 4 clips to a bag, and now I am going to mount them so the lights will be movable depending on plant size, and how many plants I have in there....I just bought two for now to start.....

Lastly he gave me a free bottle of organic tea mix....I just did my first ever foiler feeding yesterday, and I also directly fed it to the two Kerala Krush....

here's a couple of pics....Also picked up a new pipe when I was out and of my pipes got clogged...I just buy cheapies when they clog rather than clean them, lol.....

And here's the SpaCe CAt hangin out by the SpACE CaB....a lot of the time he comes and hangs out with me when I am monkeying around with the plants...Sometimes he just about climbs in the cab...I think he likes the plants, lol....


I got the wheels turning about what to get runnin' in the other chambers....Think I've decided to go with some gear from Sannie's.....Pretty much just about everything I have read about him and his stuff has been good...

Also, I am debating whether to change the lighting in one of those chambers to LED...It would save me vertical space...The cfls fixtures kind of take up a lot of vertical space....I could also move the shelf even though I screwed it in there....I was thinking of perhaps using one of those chambers for flowering a plant or two also.
I was wondering where my cat goes sometimes. If you see her again give her a hit off your vape and send her on her way.... just don't let her bogart it... she slobbers.:mrgreen:


haha, ok Muck....I'll give her a hit, and send her on a space trip, lol....

Looks just like she Maine Coon, or does she have some Maine Coon in her ? I got mine off my sisters farm, and he has ended up being a great cat....I think he has some Maine Coon in him because he is infatuated with water..loves going in the tub after I shower....plays with the water in his bowl, etc. lol
I got her many years ago from an animal shelter… all of the other kittens just sat in their cages looking around except for this one. She was up against the wire trying to grab me when I walked by….she’s been a real fireball. I’m sure she is mostly Main Coon. I even found a photo one with very similar size, markings… etc… Yep, fascinated with water too. She jumps up in front of me whenever I go to the kitchen sink and begs or demands me to turn the faucet on so she can play in it for 5 or 10 minutes....:evil:

She’s a cat from hell but a good cat from hell. :twisted:
haha nice...ya sounds like she is or has some maine coon...

hey nice update on that avatar the duck runnin' into the pot jungle, lol.
the space cab is kickin in full force, full speed ahead!! LoL. looking good bro, way to go. cool cats too guys, my sis has one of those cats from hell also, not sure what kind it is, but its from hell, LoL.

i dig the duck also!!

Well I have bumped up the total of CFL bulbs to 25 for a total wattage of 575....Temps were holding at 75 :hump:

I have mounted two 2' T5HO lights on the back wall but I need to get to Depot for some electrical supplies...those are 24 watts each so once I hook them up I'll be over 600 watts, and still climbing higher and higher, lol :weed:

I'll post some updated pics later tonight if I can.
So it's been 5 weeks...the plants have been in 12-12 for 5 days now...I never sexed a plant before so hopefully the start showing soon...

I got rid of all the little containers that were holding some of the plants up...I bought some nuts and bolts last week only to realize I had some under one of the plants, lmao....Home Depot end of aisle wood special - a warped 2x6 for like 2 bucks, lol.

Space Cat once again coming down, and hangin' out near the plants, lol....

I got the power going to the T5's now but I ran out of wire connectors...Will have to hit the Depot up later if I get a chance....

A little bummed I couldn't get the T5's turned on so I added another cfl bulb to bring the total to 26 for a total wattage of 597...Almost in the "600 Club", lol....

The single plant shown is the runt of the bunch...It was the one that got the nute burn....One thing that it seems to be showing is that it wants multiple colas whereas the other plants not so much....Can't wait to weed out the males, and really amp it up ! Oooohhh Yaaaaaaa !!! ----- I got some 3 and 5 gallon pots for after that.....

Second last pic shows the floor and the new air intakes....Originally I had 2 intakes...I am now up to 6 intakes - all passive.

Other than that stuff I've been researching seeds...I will be buying something from Sannies - probably at least the Sugar Punch to start - that I will grow in the Space Cab....Then I am looking to do something outdoors too perhaps...I am in the North East US...43rd latitude so I guess something that finishes in around 8 weeks...I want a sativa or mostly sativa....maybe i'd go 50-50 if the high was more cerebral....I also like what I have read from PeakseedsBC...He offers a Texada Skunk that finishes early but the potency is only moderate to strong...I would prefer something strong to extra strong, lol.....also looking at Hemp Depot stuff and Cannazon....

OH YA, those indica-like plants are real tight and bushy, and looks like little Christmas trees...there seems to be some flowers that want to pop through the sides, was thinking of LST'ing some of those branches...Anyone know if it is ok to LST during 12-12 ? thanks

Here is a strain I'm running outdoors this year, recommended by another RIU member who grows pretty far north. It's indica dominant unfortunately, but made for northern latitudes. It can be ordered through Sannie or Cannazon.

I was actually looking at that.....It looks real nice imo, and sounds like it has a sweet taste.....I actually should keep some indica in my stash.....I should have some evening smoke too.......

Hmmm, I will consider this one.....price looks pretty fair too.....

For some reason I can't stop thinking of that Texada Skunk....

Wouldn't mind runnin' a heavy yielder outdoor too......

Only thing I am not sure of is sexing regulars seeds ? Obviously you need to rid of the big is that window once they start showing sex before they start pollenating the females ? Not sure how often I will be checking on them.
It depends on the strain, but my Jackberry showed presex flowers at 3-4 weeks, waaayyyy before I flowered. Maybe you should research sexing your plants prior to dropping into 12/12. I've found mostly sativa strains to be harder to presex.
Damnnn thanks....I didnt know that...for some reason I thought it was a week and a half or so into flower.....I'm really going to have to look at my plants now, lol....I don't want any balls in that Space Cab of mine, lol
LSTing can be done in flower. Have you thought about autos for the outside grow? FemaleSeeds has an auto Ak. AK is an indica/sativa hybrid of AK-47 yet it retains most of its sativa qualities in its high. The flowering time is 56 days. Extremely STRONG odour and smoke according to the advertising hype..... never grown it myself but I had good results with other seeds they carry and they are not overpriced like many seed suppliers.
Hey muck.....ya I have but aren't autos limited to growth ? Like you wont get a 9' auto where you could with a regular sativa ?

Thnx for LST info.....think pipe cleaners are ok to LST with ?
Damnnn thanks....I didnt know that...for some reason I thought it was a week and a half or so into flower.....I'm really going to have to look at my plants now, lol....I don't want any balls in that Space Cab of mine, lol

They can show preflowers before or after 12/12.. it depends on the age of plant, type of plant... ETC. It isn't hard to find the males. Males will usually show before females and will look like balls hanging on a thin neck.

I always find preflowers on the stems first... the pic below was taken 1 week into 12/12. I had to look very close to see 'em.

Note the white pistils are just starting to pop.
