So am I farked or what?


Well-Known Member
According to this site: plants don't start to flower in my area until the end of august, and according to this site: Frost Date Selector Page - Victory Seed Company the first frost is mid-october. None of my plants are less than 8 week am I fucked? Is one of these resources off enough that a 9-10wk strain might have a chance? Can anyone in the south/mid east shed some light on this for me? I know I'm not the only one confused as shit by this.


Well-Known Member
Those frost dates are guesses based on the past. Let's face it . . . the climate IS changing. Just because it frosts doesn't mean it'd freeze, so you could just cover the plants w/a tarp or something (at night) as autumn passes. No one can predict the weather very well. You familiar w/panda film? Could serve to force flowering outside, and as protection from any early frost. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Agreed!! Force flower early to avoid the frost, and you will be happier then if you were to wait all that time and have it freeze on you!!


Well-Known Member
Agreed!! Force flower early to avoid the frost, and you will be happier then if you were to wait all that time and have it freeze on you!!
Force flower?

You mean like cover the plants with a trash bag or something an hour before it gets dark and then taking it off at night? Every day on seven different plants in three different spots until late august? What happens when I miss a day, hermies? I know people grow pot here and north of here so what is the deal? I know they can't all force flower or use 6 1/2wk strains.

Man I'm so worried that all this work will be for nothing.

Btw I have a morning glory, 2 angel dusts, a DPxS#1, and three bagseeds from local grown kill. I assume the local weed is gonna be ok since its, you know, local, but the others are all 8-10wkers. This blows.


Well-Known Member
apparently forced flowering isn't really an option for you soo I dont know what to say, as i am a newb.


Well-Known Member
I will definitely be going with genetics more befitting to my location next year, probably EM and a few others. I remember at the beginning of December last year it was still in the sixties and I was thinking how lovely it would be to be a grower. I hope it is the same this year I just hate that a pissed-off god could throw a frost at me whenever he wants to and fuck this whole thing up.



Well-Known Member
Being mid-July, I think once you get them to start flowering you could stop covering them at all? The days are gettin' shorter, night's gettin' longer. Of course, this is speculation and depends on your locale and whether your plants are used to getting tons of sunshine.
This is what I would do, anyway . . . but I'm 46 degrees N.


Active Member
...your plants should start to flower anywhere from the middle of july to the beginning of august. being that noone told you this before, understand that everyone who just posted is a noob and their advice should be taken with a grain of salt. just sit back let nature take it's course and be sure to pull the males in time!