Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

Cereal box

Active Member
sweet Hope it all works out for you .
Thanks, me too!

At 17 days old my Lemon Diesel showed its self. It's a male :( but it's so frosty looking already I'm thinking about moving it away from the Bubba to collect its pollen. Still a bit of a bummer though. I'll post some up in a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Collect it's pollen, and you can produce multiple seeds from a single female plant. Just be EXTRA CAREFUL when pollinating multiple branches to be certain that you don't get any of it crossed or mixed up. Then be sure to label each branch and who/what pollinated it.
I think it would make for some awesome seeds. :D Diesel strains are pretty awesome. Always loved them.

Cereal box

Active Member
Collect it's pollen, and you can produce multiple seeds from a single female plant. Just be EXTRA CAREFUL when pollinating multiple branches to be certain that you don't get any of it crossed or mixed up. Then be sure to label each branch and who/what pollinated it.
I think it would make for some awesome seeds. :D Diesel strains are pretty awesome. Always loved them.

Yeah I think I'm definitely gonna do a bit more pollination. I'm probably not gonna get much bud, but at least I won't have to worry about seeds for a while! I also am gonna try to save some for future crosses. I checked him out with my scope and was like DAMN, SO FROSTY! Seems like he's definitely a keeper! :) Also, there's one seed on the Bubba thats calyx is open and I can see it maturing/turning brown :) not too long now! I tried to take a pic but it didn't quite work. But I have a few pics to share that turned out pretty good. Had to use flash though since the lights were out.

Here's the Lemon D. male in all his glory! He'll be 19 days old tomorrow.

This is the unknown bagseed that we've been calling UFO. Hoping it's a she! It's 7 days old today.

And here's the bubba finally starting to fill out a bit more. She's 33 days old today, almost half way there!

Here's a pic of my pretty in pink set up haha, for anyone who's interested in my bulb placement. I plan on adding another 56w to the set up in a few days.
Happy growing and smoking! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Wow, I like!!
And I can't wait to grow me some of that Bubba!!! ^_^ That Lemon D looks twice as developed as mine at half the age! lol (well, a week less but still!)
I like the setup though! Simple and to the point.
And if the male is that nice, you could easily chop him into some hash, or use it to make cannabutter. :D
And the bubba is 33 days old total?? Or 33 days into flower???

Cereal box

Active Member
Wow, I like!!
And I can't wait to grow me some of that Bubba!!! ^_^ That Lemon D looks twice as developed as mine at half the age! lol (well, a week less but still!)
I like the setup though! Simple and to the point.
And if the male is that nice, you could easily chop him into some hash, or use it to make cannabutter. :D
And the bubba is 33 days old total?? Or 33 days into flower???
Thats a good idea about the hash/butter!! Didn't even think of it! So far he's pretty frosty, gonna let him do his this for a while. See how frosty he really gets.
Totally forgot to mention the bubba is only 33 days into flower. I think she's about 50-60 days old in total.
And thank you for the compliment, I try to keep my set up as simple as possible. Makes it harder to mess up! Haha :)


Active Member
Thats a good idea about the hash/butter!! Didn't even think of it! So far he's pretty frosty, gonna let him do his this for a while. See how frosty he really gets.
Totally forgot to mention the bubba is only 33 days into flower. I think she's about 50-60 days old in total.
And thank you for the compliment, I try to keep my set up as simple as possible. Makes it harder to mess up! Haha :)
I thought you were doing 12/12 FS ? no ?

Cereal box

Active Member
Arg, I typed a huge response to your PM... and it told me I was blocked!!! >_< :(
Thats really, really weird :-? I was having trouble with PMs last week. I kept getting captchas every time I tried to send one :-? Hopefully they get that fixed.

I thought you were doing 12/12 FS ? no ?
I am, doing full 12/12 fs but it took the Bubba Kush around 20 days or so under 12/12 to show sex. Some take a bit longer than others it seems.

Cereal box

Active Member
ah I see . yeah the time def varies .. How big is the pot that your bubba's in ?
Unfortunately, it's just a little 1gallon pot. I only have around 3-4ft height space to work with so I have to keep them pretty small. It's pretty sweet to see what can be done with just a little space and a few lights though :)


Active Member
Unfortunately, it's just a little 1gallon pot. I only have around 3-4ft height space to work with so I have to keep them pretty small. It's pretty sweet to see what can be done with just a little space and a few lights though :)
oh that's not so bad . mine are both smaller then 1gal I'm pretty sure. you would think they would put a damn number on the pots ...
I too have space issues ( cardboard box ) and I think I'm liking 12/12FS . Easier to deal with them because they're so small
I was out of meds for last 2 days and my master kush got her 2 limbs amputated :D I microwaved that shit . nasty but pretty decent high . she's still got like 3 weeks left LoL oh well

Cereal box

Active Member
oh that's not so bad . mine are both smaller then 1gal I'm pretty sure. you would think they would put a damn number on the pots ...
I too have space issues ( cardboard box ) and I think I'm liking 12/12FS . Easier to deal with them because they're so small
I was out of meds for last 2 days and my master kush got her 2 limbs amputated :D I microwaved that shit . nasty but pretty decent high . she's still got like 3 weeks left LoL oh well
Haha yeah, I've been in that same boat! None of my pots have size labels on them. I used a food dehydrater to dry some bud quick dry some bud, tasted horrible. And it took like 3-4 hours so it wasn't really all that quick. How long did you microwave for? Seems like the better route to go for quick dry.


Well-Known Member
I've done some quick dry before. You use a wet paper towel for like 20 seconds I think. Try googling it, there are some decent methods. It didn't taste terrible that way, but didn't really get me high either. :(
Your best bet is literally just to wait for the cure.


Active Member
I looked up fast drying couple months back when I was in the same shituation . for a quick dry and by quick I mean like 5mins max they said to place wet papertowel ( folded cpl times ) on the bottom of a container that has a lid . put your fresh stuff on it and place another folded wet paper towel over the container and put a lid on leaving a small spot for vent. And you microwave that on medium power ( I use 4 ) for 40-50 secs at a time . it took mine 4-5 runs . and you've gotta take the stuff out to let it cool off and re-wet paper towels . Doesn't come out as bad as you would think . still harsh ofc but that's expected hahaha . I picked up some meds last night so no more butchering my girls till they're done .

Cereal box

Active Member
I've done some quick dry before. You use a wet paper towel for like 20 seconds I think. Try googling it, there are some decent methods. It didn't taste terrible that way, but didn't really get me high either. :(
Your best bet is literally just to wait for the cure.
Yeah, curing is always best bet. I'm just too much of a stoner to not smoke on 4/20 haha :).
That sucks that it didn't even get you high! The only reason I can think of for that is maybe the temp on the microwave was too high? Causing the thc to burn off before you smoked it? I don't know, but it seems possible.

I looked up fast drying couple months back when I was in the same shituation . for a quick dry and by quick I mean like 5mins max they said to place wet papertowel ( folded cpl times ) on the bottom of a container that has a lid . put your fresh stuff on it and place another folded wet paper towel over the container and put a lid on leaving a small spot for vent. And you microwave that on medium power ( I use 4 ) for 40-50 secs at a time . it took mine 4-5 runs . and you've gotta take the stuff out to let it cool off and re-wet paper towels . Doesn't come out as bad as you would think . still harsh ofc but that's expected hahaha . I picked up some meds last night so no more butchering my girls till they're done .
Haha, I'm sure your girls will thank you!
Thanks for the info too!! I'm gonna have to give it a try come 4/20 :). Seems like it could definitely work as long as i do it on a low enough temp. And I'm sure it'll taste better than the immature buds I've smoked in my day! Nothing tastes worse than immature buds :( literally tastes and smells like hay. So, so gross lol.


Well-Known Member
I hear you, I did the same. Easy for me to say, i've been smoking very little lately, and there's no buds on my plant so... no temptation. I did it though, it worked, it wasn't the heat was too high, it was that the plant was immature. The buds were barely halfway through. It hermed on me so I just put her in a box (to keep her away from the rest) of total darkness to throw the last of herself into the buds. But I took a few off it first and quick dried them. Or maybe it was another time... I forget, all I remember is that the buds were immature, and it didn't work so well. If you're are farther along, you're experience will absolutely be different.

Cereal box

Active Member
I hear you, I did the same. Easy for me to say, i've been smoking very little lately, and there's no buds on my plant so... no temptation. I did it though, it worked, it wasn't the heat was too high, it was that the plant was immature. The buds were barely halfway through. It hermed on me so I just put her in a box (to keep her away from the rest) of total darkness to throw the last of herself into the buds. But I took a few off it first and quick dried them. Or maybe it was another time... I forget, all I remember is that the buds were immature, and it didn't work so well. If you're are farther along, you're experience will absolutely be different.
Ahh, I see, I did the same thing with my autos. Chopped them down wayyy to early just to have something to smoke.
I hear ya on smoking very little these days. I don't think I've smoked at all this month, which has been a very long time since I could say that! Luckily, I've experienced immature buds and know that it not worth it to try smoking them. Just better off waiting the few extra weeks.

Here's some pics of how things are looking now. I had to do a lot of tinkering around to get just to get on riu to upload :evil:. Hopefully they get this fixed soon.

Here's the UFO just under 2 weeks old. So far it's looking like it might be female :) got my fingers crossed for this one!

The male Lemon Diesel at a little over 3 weeks old. Moved him to my window sill. Will definitely be collecting his pollen!

Got a little picture happy with the Bubba Kush this time. Also added a pic of pollinated pistils :) they're looking like they're almost ready. Can't wait to see what they turn into! :)
DSC01271.jpgDSC01282.jpgDSC01283.jpgDSC01276.jpgDSC01285.jpgDSC01280.jpg :peace:


Well-Known Member
Ah! Those seed pod spots are beautiful. She's swollen with child. ;) It's a beautiful thing. I can't wait! :D And the rest of it is gettin pretty frosty eh? Lookin great! :D

Cereal box

Active Member
Ah! Those seed pod spots are beautiful. She's swollen with child. ;) It's a beautiful thing. I can't wait! :D And the rest of it is gettin pretty frosty eh? Lookin great! :D
Haha, I thought you might like that pic :). She's definitely frosting up all over the place now. Even the all the fan leaves are starting to get covered! She's starting to get a stink going now too, very skunky smelling :). Just waiting on her to bulk up now.


Well-Known Member
:D she'll undoubtedly do so in no time. I'm almost excited for her harvest as you are. ;) (maybe a little less, since I don't actually get to smoke any of it, lol)