first outdoor grow

Manny Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site...........

I can't really tell from the picture what sex.........

Just keep taking good care of it......and we'll see happens....


Well-Known Member
I second that at LEAST twice that size ....Go BIG or go home...Actually go BIG or all your roots will tangle!


Well-Known Member
hello, this is my first outdoor grow. I planted the seed on june 17, 2008 and i was wondering if anyone could help me sex it. This picture was taken today and she is 3 weeks old.

Thanks for you help!:joint:
What's the news? You can sex her by putting her into a closet 12/12 or get a five gallon paint bucket and paint the inside black and place over the plant for 12/12. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Click the topic that you want(outdoor, indoor, plant problems etc..)...then in the left hand corner look for the button that says 'new thread' and there you have it!


Well-Known Member
No problem...Im on a paintball forum as well and It was my first forum and I had no clue how to ask my 100 q's...


Well-Known Member
my plants are about 3 to 4 weeks old to..not even close to how big yours our..what strain and what nutes are you using?

kushh kid

Active Member
my seed was from some good quality dro that i got from a quarter, so i have no clue what strain it is. I have not added any nutes so far but the potting soil i am using i believe has nutes, its called miracle grow growers mix:joint: