I got arrested


Well-Known Member
Guys well it happened I got arrested for assault and battery so I'll make a public apology too lol I'm going to be away for a little while

And what happened,

This black dude asked my girlfriend to suck his big black dick and I tackled him and beat the fuck out of him and then took my keys and punched him in the face with them but anyways

I love you guys and if I get in a prison gang then I'll tell y'all about it or if the shower scene happens well y'all will know lol


Well-Known Member
That sucks man. Do you have a record already?
Hoping for the best for ya, good luck. When is your court date?


Active Member
that happened to me as well except mine was for kicking someone a few times in the face with my boots on lol its not our fault people piss us off haha


Well-Known Member
This black dude asked my girlfriend to suck his big black dick and I tackled him and beat the fuck out of him and then took my keys and punched him in the face
The next time this happens and it will, please ask the black guy to show his dick so your babe can see what she's missing, the bottom line, is cause you are such a Dooshbug, she can now suck his and any other guys dick, .....so much the hero, now you have a criminal record, like the rest of the 17% of the USA/Canada avg. you are now gonna feel what its like to be a second rate citizen ..no guns, no HP, no time payments, no credit card, passport limitations, etc etc


Well-Known Member
The next time this happens and it will, please ask the black guy to show his dick so your babe can see what she's missing, the bottom line, is cause you are such a Dooshbug, she can now suck his and any other guys dick, .....so much the hero, now you have a criminal record, like the rest of the 17% of the USA/Canada avg. you are now gonna feel what its like to be a second rate citizen ..no guns, no HP, no time payments, no credit card, passport limitations, etc etc
HP? Time payments? No Credit cards, passport limitations?

Man, you need a felony -- you have no idea. No guns, yeah, but that's the ONLY deadly weapon we're prohibited from. (I can legally -- LEGALLY assemble any explosive that you can legally assemble.) If you get fucked credit, than no credit cards, but your criminal record and your credit have NOTHING to do with each other. Passports are only limited while on bond/bail, probation/parole, and while incarcerated. You have more restrictions on your passport for child support past due than for a felony. Some countries deny entry visas... Fuck them, or sneak in (it's easy, and legal. You just go to a country with a shared border, and reciprocal crossing. Like the US and Canada USED to be.)

OP. You frequently act like a cunt, you've got more lip than octomom... But, I almost always side with the defendant, so here's hoping you aren't sent to the joint! If your persona is anything like it is on here, you'll either fight a lot, get your ass kicked until you stop, or check in.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Guys well it happened I got arrested for assault and battery so I'll make a public apology too lol I'm going to be away for a little while

And what happened,

This black dude asked my girlfriend to suck his big black dick and I tackled him and beat the fuck out of him and then took my keys and punched him in the face with them but anyways

I love you guys and if I get in a prison gang then I'll tell y'all about it or if the shower scene happens well y'all will know lol
Perhaps if ur girl filed a complaint against the dude for something u could say u were just defending her and it's not ur fault if ur car keys ended up gouging his eye balls. Failing that keep us posted especially the shower scene. Schwing..u have my undivided attention.


Well-Known Member
Whenever a thread or post starts with "guys", I always think troll. Is that just me?
Nah, but on the off chance that OP was actually sincere this time, I offered my 2 pence.

Speaking of 2 pence, I have a .50 euro coin in my car. It's worth about a dollar U.S., but nobody will accept it as currency. We have a bunch of random foreign currency from our previous careers.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear man hope you don't get the short end of his dick,,,errrr short end of the stick:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
bang your face on the bars (off video of course). file against the cops. muddy the waters. stay free. If all else fails, go to state/provincial prison. Find the guy that runs the range. Tell him you want to chill while you do your time and don"t want any problems and won"t cause any. Works in the gwn. The inmates run it, the guards are keys. Find out how any system works and get what you need. Failure to do so is.....failure.

Good luck


Nah, but on the off chance that OP was actually sincere this time, I offered my 2 pence.

Speaking of 2 pence, I have a .50 euro coin in my car. It's worth about a dollar U.S., but nobody will accept it as currency. We have a bunch of random foreign currency from our previous careers.
Were you a former porno star too?

I would sometimes get tips $$ from the foreign ladies although I tell my wife its an old currency collection.


Well-Known Member
Someone said words at you that you didn't like, so you beat him up?

Enjoy being locked up and know you are right where you belong.


Well-Known Member
Whenever a thread or post starts with "guys", I always think troll. Is that just me?
Yeah smae here I always see that tytheguy111 guy and iam like Jesus Christ another troll

And I made bail and they think it will just be a misdemeanor charge because they can't prove I used my keys and out of the many fights I've been in I got my ass kicked about 1/2 of the time so I don't think iam Bruce Lee lol